In this example I'm cribbing from a previous question, My source table has a varchar(max) field that I want to split by line into individual elements with FOR XML as I query it. Given this data-

    [ID] INT
  , [Body] VARCHAR(Max)

INSERT INTO Example ([ID], [Body])
        (1, 'This is a test'),
        (2, 'This is another
         test with
         two line breaks'),
        (3, 'This is a test
         with one line break');

I want to produce this XML -

        <Line>This is a test</Line>
        <Line>This is another</Line>
        <Line>test with</Line>
        <Line>two line breaks</Line>
        <Line>This is a test</Line>
        <Line>with one line break</Line>

Can I do this with FOR XML alone, or do I need to get xslt involved?

1 Answer 1


Use a split string function of your choice and split on CRLF.

select E.ID,
       select S.Item as Line
       from dbo.SplitStrings(E.Body, char(13)+char(10)) as S
       for xml path(''), type
from dbo.Example as E
for xml path('row');

Have a look at the blog post Split strings the right way – or the next best way by Aaron Bertrand for a couple of versions to choose from.

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