I have a table messages in a Postgres 9.4 database. Messages belong to feed_id, and have posted_at. Also, messages can have a parent message (in case of replies).

                    Table "public.messages"
            Column            |            Type             | Modifiers
 message_id                   | character varying(255)      | not null
 feed_id                      | integer                     |
 parent_id                    | character varying(255)      |
 posted_at                    | timestamp without time zone |
 share_count                  | integer                     |
 "messages_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (message_id)
 "index_messages_on_feed_id_posted_at" btree (feed_id, posted_at DESC NULLS LAST)

I want to return all messages ordered by share_count, but for each parent_id, I only want to return one message. ie, if multiple messages have the same parent_id, then only the latest one (posted_at) is returned. The parent_id can be null, messages with null parent_id should all return.

The query I used is:

WITH filtered_messages AS (SELECT * 
                           FROM messages
                           WHERE feed_id IN (7) 
                           AND (posted_at >= '2015-01-01 04:00:00.000000') 
                           AND (posted_at < '2015-04-28 04:00:00.000000'))
FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON(COALESCE(parent_id, message_id)) parent_id,
      FROM filtered_messages
      ORDER BY COALESCE(parent_id, message_id), posted_at DESC NULLS LAST
     ) messages

Here's an SQL fiddle with schema, exact query, and expected result.

The performance of the query is slow once the messages table gets big. I tried add multiple sorting indexes, but it does not seem to use the index.

Here's the EXPLAIN output.

How can I create a correct index?

  • At a first glance, the ORDER BY in the subquery is totally useless. Furthermore, the linked plan cannot be a result of the posted query - there is no mention of metadata, for example. Commented Apr 27, 2015 at 21:35
  • Your description does not cover the role of feed_id and posted_at and you did not mention metadata at all, which seems to be a JSON type? Please repair your question to make it consistent. You select > 500k rows in the CTE ... How many rows are in the table? What percentage of rows do you typically select in the CTE? What percentage of rows has parent_id IS NULL? Consider the info in the [postgresql-performance] tag for performance questions. Commented Apr 28, 2015 at 3:25
  • Also important: How many rows for each parent_id? (min / avg / max) Commented Apr 28, 2015 at 3:42
  • 1
    sorry, I was trying to make the question more clear by reducing some of the columns, share_count was actually in hstore metadata. Currently the messages table has 10 mil data, but increasing fast. I am think to separate into partition tables for each feed_id. Since I am only fetching per feed id. the percentage of parent_id null vs not null is about 60% / 40%. a typical fetch is around 1-2% of the table. ( around 100K messages) The performance for 100K is around 1s, but once gets to 500K+ it uses bitmap index and normally takes 10s. Commented Apr 28, 2015 at 15:26

1 Answer 1



This query should be substantially faster in any case:

SELECT parent_id, message_id, posted_at, share_count
FROM   messages
WHERE  feed_id = 7
AND    posted_at >= '2015-01-01 4:0:0'
AND    posted_at <  '2015-04-28 4:0:0'
AND    parent_id IS NULL  -- match index condition
       parent_id, message_id, posted_at, share_count
FROM   messages
WHERE  feed_id = 7
AND    posted_at >= '2015-01-01 4:0:0'
AND    posted_at <  '2015-04-28 4:0:0'
AND    parent_id IS NOT NULL  -- match index condition
ORDER  BY parent_id, posted_at DESC NULLS LAST

The CTE does nothing here that a plain subquery could not deliver also. And a CTE introduces an optimization barrier since it is executed separately and its result is materialized.
Update: that changes in Postgres 12. See:

You had one more subquery-level than you actually need.

The expression (COALESCE(parent_id, message_id) is not compatible with a plain index. You would need an index on that expression. But that may not be very useful either, depending on data distribution. See links below.

Splitting the simple case of parent_id IS NULL into a separate SELECT may or may not deliver the optimum. Especially not, if that's a rare case anyway, in which case a combined query with an index on (COALESCE(parent_id, message_id) may perform better. Other considerations apply ...


Especially when supported with these indices:

CREATE INDEX messages_idx_null ON messages (feed_id, posted_at DESC NULLS LAST, share_count DESC NULLS LAST)
INCLUDE (parent_id, message_id)
WHERE parent_id IS NULL;

CREATE INDEX messages_idx_notnull ON messages (feed_id, posted_at DESC NULLS LAST, share_count DESC NULLS LAST)
INCLUDE (parent_id, message_id)
WHERE parent_id IS NOT NULL;

The two partial indices cover the whole table together and are about the same size together as a single total index.

Covering indexes (with the INCLUDE clause) were added with Postgres 11. See:

The INCLUDE part only make sense if you get index-only scans out of it. Else remove it from both indices.

db<>fiddle here
Old sqlfiddle

Depending on missing details, DISTINCT ON may or may not be the best query technique for the purpose. Details here:

Possibly faster alternatives here:

  • So far, for PostgreSQL, my understanding is that the only clauses that will trigger the index being used are WHERE, ORDER BY and JOIN query clauses (helpful article). Does that sound right?
    – Akaisteph7
    Commented Aug 11, 2023 at 22:59
  • @Akaisteph7 Basically, yes. But there are additional use cases. Like, for a full count. Or a small selection of columns from a covering index in an index-only scan. Or checking FK costraints for any writes ... Commented Aug 12, 2023 at 5:09
  • Thanks. 1) Full count - do you have a link to more info? couldn't find anything on this. 2) Covering index - so in this case, an index could just be used from a bare SELECT. And 3) FK constraints - it seems all RDBMSs using SQL should auto-create indices for FKs so that shouldn't be something a dev has to actually worry about then.
    – Akaisteph7
    Commented Aug 14, 2023 at 14:12
  • @Akaisteph7: 1) Try SELECT count(*) FROM tbl; on any big table with a small PK index and its visibility map up to date (recently vacuumed). 2) Yes. 3) Postgres requires that the target of a FK constraint has a PK or UNIQUE constraint, so the target is always indexed. Indexing the source is up to the user, and I had plenty of cases where I didn't need an index on the source column. 4) Please ask any additional questions as question. Comments are not the place. Commented Aug 16, 2023 at 0:40

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