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Questions tagged [accelerated-database-recovery]

Accelerated database recovery (ADR) improves database availability, especially in the presence of long running transactions, by redesigning the database engine recovery process. ADR is new in SQL Server 2019. It is enabled by default in SQL Database and SQL Managed Instance and cannot be disabled.

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How much faster is recovery with SQL Accelerated Data Recovery (ADR)?

I've been doing ALOT of reading up on ADR. However, I cannot find any metrics or even anecdotal evidence to indicate the improvement in recovery time one could expect with ADR. For example, recently ...
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SQL Server 2019 - sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats - version_record_count

On a server with SQL Server 2019 Standard Edition installed, none of our databases have the Accelerated Database Recovery enabled yet when I run the DMV - sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats, the column ...
user1722621's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Accelerated Database Recovery SQL Server

I have ADR enabled on my production database running on SQL Server 2019. In the SQL Server logs , it shows the messages: [VersionCleaner][DbId:6][sweepOfSelectivePages]: Cleanup of sidelist aborted ...
rajendra gupta's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Updating rows in Azure SQL Server causing unexpected page splits

I'm getting a lot of page splits in a live environment using Azure SQL Server PAAS that I don't understand. The update that's occurring should not increase the size of the row and therefore never ...
Andrew Marshall's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Estimate database growth caused by Accelerated Database Recovery

Accelerated Database Recovery (ADR) is on by default in Azure and an option in SQL Server 2019. It has some really interesting potential. I have experimented by turning ADR on in a static test ...
James Jenkins's user avatar