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Changing Key (PK, FK) properties in DROP/Add column statements

I want to change a table by adding a column. So far nothing to see here, BUT I would like to make this column part of a composite key, i.e., I now have a layout table_name( Field_1 datatype PK, ...
user89723's user avatar
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Apparantly errorneous Exceeds 8K row length message

In attempting to alter an SQL Server table adding DATE and FLOAT columns. I get a message: Warning: The table "CustomerTransactions" has been created, but its maximum row size exceeds the allowed ...
Yossi's user avatar
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How To change the column order?

How To change the column order in sql server 2008 R2? Eg: My table order is Eid------Ename-----Esalary Know i want this format like Eid---Salary----Ename Thanks.
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Default values in SQLite3

When I created the table structure of my SQLite database, I provided a DEFAULT value which is used when no value is provided by the user. Now, because the application code changed, I need to modify ...
Cannis Lupus's user avatar