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Unable to perform the 'rds_restore_database' procedure on AWS RDS SQL Server Express

I'm facing the error Maximum supported database size on SQL Server Express edition is: 10 GB. when executing the restore procedure msdb.dbo.rds_restore_database. The weird thing is the actual database ...
Theo B's user avatar
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Which factors impact the time for SQL Server Recovery to complete

In a recent planning AWS RDS failover we experienced long recovery times of around 20 minutes. AWS provides some hints around why. large transactions or a lengthy recovery process can increase ...
jimmyc's user avatar
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SQL Server RDS Database Restore from S3 stuck in Restore Mode

Summary: We are doing a restore of a SQL Server database from S3 on an RDS Instance. And all though the job will say the restore is complete when we go to access the database it's stuck in "...
Bo Anderson's user avatar
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Create a New AWS RDS Instance of only one database from a snapshot

I'm trying to Create a new AWS RDS SQL Server instance of only one database from a snapshot. I've gone through the AWS documentation, but according to it when I restore from a snapshot it will create ...
Nigel Fds's user avatar
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Is there any way to replace sql server file_guid with new GUID?

I have two databases with same file_guid. Getting following error when trying to restore second database in Amazon RDS. Aborted the task because of a task failure or a concurrent RESTORE_DB ...
Shahdat's user avatar
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Cannot restore Amazon RDS SQL Server database to given point-in-time using SQL Server Management Studio

I'm trying to restore one of my Amazon DRS SQL Server databases. Using SQL Server Management Studio, I can correct to my DRS instance using the master account I created when creating the database ...
khaledl's user avatar
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