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Postgres `server closed the connection unexpectedly` On Port That's Listened To

Description I have a PostgreSQL DB in a VPC ( that I'm attempt to remotely connect to from a second VPC ( I have an AWS VPC Peering connection setup between both VPCs and I'...
AlexLordThorsen's user avatar
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Newb question: finding my hosted databases

Apologies if this is a really stupid question. I'm very new to SQL databases and I need some help. I work at a book store with a website hosted on an AWS EC2 instance. Nobody touched their website for ...
scicrow's user avatar
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MySQL 8.0 connecting to AWS RDS MySQL 5.7 with SSL/TLS CA authentication fails weirdly (Error code MY-002026)

When trying to establish TLS encrypted replication between a replication source living in AWS RDS on version 5.7.44, and a replica living in a VM on-premise on version 8.0.39, I keep getting an error: ...
klasp100's user avatar
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is it possible to bifurcate a SQL Server database on specific drives?

I have various databases in a SQL Server Instance hosted on-premise on a server, on say, the C Drive. The intent is to migrate a small portion of this to a cloud provider, AWS. So, let's say I have 2 ...
user45867's user avatar
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SSIS, how to fetch data from a source of MySQL on AWS RDS

We have an ETL (SSIS package) that fetches data from MySQL database. The source, data warehouse, and the SSIS package are all running on-premises. However, the source MySQL database recently moved to ...
Mike's user avatar
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Redshift (Serverless) SVV_TABLE_INFO shows huge storage sizes for tiny tables

My Redshift serverless shows massive storage size usage for tiny tables that so far have had only a couple DDL statements, only inserts, and are overall tiny tables. When I run select "schema&...
Killerpixler's user avatar
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AWS RDS MySQL IAM authentication always Access Denied

I am trying to set up IAM authentication in an AWS RDS MySQL database. I've followed the guidance in AWS' documentation (which I see is the same as on various other webpages about the topic). I know ...
Jay Libove's user avatar
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Is DynamoDB a good choice for a multi-tenant file management service? [closed]

I am planning to build a file management microservice for a multi-tenant SaaS platform that uses Amazon S3 as the file storage backend. I intend to use DynamoDB as the database because it is fast and ...
Majid's user avatar
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Are there any community tools that automatically configure log shipping from Amazon S3? [closed]

There are many community tools for setting up log shipping, e.g. dbatools' Invoke-DbaDbLogShipping. However, they assume that both the source and target server have access to a shared network share. ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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MSSQL on AWS: remote user unable to establish connection via SSMS

Newly created MSSQL 2017 SE instance, using SQL authentication. I am able to connect to it with no issues via my corporate VPN. Overseas user on VPN is unable to connect, getting this error from SSMS: ...
Swechsler's user avatar
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automating backups to S3 with SQL Server 2022

Not a DBA so please bear with me. I have an EC2 instance running SQL Server 2022 and I'm trying to automate database backups to S3 using the native S3 connector in this version of SQL Server. The ...
noctred's user avatar
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When is it safe to drop redundant or duplicated indexes on AWS RDS MySQL?

To identify redundant and duplicate indexes while ignoring primary and foreign keys and checking their cardinality. What is the best practice for dropping indexes on AWS RDS MySQL databases in the AWS ...
Jayron Soares's user avatar
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On running multiple mysql slaves using same data directory

In our production system, we have 8 slave databases of 17tb size each. data is being replicated from common master in real time to these slaves . now my question is can i run mysql slave on a ...
palash kulshreshtha's user avatar
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Generating MySQL Dump via Instance started from AMI

I have a live ec2 server instance running with MySQL installed locally (not using RDS), and another backup server that runs MySQL replication as a slave to the live server. I am now trying to generate ...
Patrick Teng's user avatar
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How to run a query against AWS RDS "locally"?

Our company has an RDS instance of a Postgres database in AWS. I don't have much experience with AWS. I'd like to run a very lengthy query against the database (VACUUM FULL) that may take many hours ...
Vladimir Baranov's user avatar
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Intermittent AWS RDS Connection Spikes Causing Production DB Outages

I'm new to AWS, and we're using a db.r7g.2xlarge instance running MySQL with default configurations. Typically, CPU usage and database connections are normal until "something" causes the DB ...
Mohamed Akram's user avatar
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I have created a blue green deployment for my AWS RDS MySQL Database as I need to update the version. But I can't connect to the green instance?

I have an old MySQL database on AWS RDS that I need to upgrade to a newer version. I have created a blue green deployment, in order to test out the upgraded version of MySQL before switching over. But ...
Jesper's user avatar
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AWS Postgres replication: adding indexes to a replica?

Apologies for the beginner question. I have a couple of AWS Postgres databases that will be receiving a few thousand writes a second on the day of an event. I also need to make read queries against ...
Richard's user avatar
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high cpu spikes on postgresql (rds)

I have a PG 15(.5) RDS instance, which is experiencing intermittent random(?) periods of high cpu; that do not seem to, afaict, correlate with an obvious cause: Here is one example. The queries being ...
grahamrhay's user avatar
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CREATE TABLE permissions required to append Pyspark dataframe to SSMS table

I am using AWS glue to extract some data from RDS, parse it into some other format and push it back to RDS. The RDS user I use has SELECT and INSERT permissions on tic.Example. However, when I try to ...
Eloy Fernandez's user avatar
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Can not create logon trigger on AWS RDS sql server instance

In order to audit logins I've used before a server level trigger catching the LOGON and saving it to a table, there are endless examples to do this. But trying to do the same on and AWS RDS sqlserver ...
Yaroslav's user avatar
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I need to move from sqlite to a distributed setup. What are my options?

I have an sqlite db that has grown to 30gb and I'm still pushing data to it everyday. I have a couple services that write to it using libsqlite3. Soon it will become too big to keep locally. What is ...
thewolf's user avatar
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Unable to enable Performance Insights on Amazon RDS db.t3.small instance

I recently upgraded my Amazon RDS instance from db.t2.micro to db.t3.small. After the upgrade, I also activated the performance_schema parameter in the associated parameter group because I've read ...
Igor's user avatar
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how to use Amazon SCT to connection to an Amazon RDS database?

Apparently, Amazon SCT can be used to compare two schemas for differences. We have several RDS Postgres databases, using Native postres authentication. SCT has the option to connect to an RDS database ...
John Little's user avatar
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Is there a way to connect to Redshift from dBeaver CE on Mac Using a Configuration Profile

I am trying to connect to RedShift using dBeaver CE from my Mac. One of the other teams in our organization has a document to connect to RedShift using SQLWorkbench, but that is on Windows. I tried ...
adbdkb's user avatar
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database "template0" is not currently accepting connections

i got the following error database "template0" is not currently accepting connections How to vaccum it? Thanks UPDATE i got the following yesterday postgres=> select * from public.test; ...
BAE's user avatar
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AWS RDS DB Migration

I have a PostgresFB on an AWS RDS instance that we want to migrate to an on-site server. The problem we having is the migrating of data and the time it is taking to migrate the data. I have tried AWS ...
Elene Roos's user avatar
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Can AWS services replace SQL Server Agent Jobs?

I've decided that I no longer want to use SQL Server Agent Jobs. They're tightly coupled to SQL Server, cause interesting security/permissions problems, and can be complicated to sequence. I instead ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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AWS RDS MySQL read replica's failover and standby instance's failover

This question is for AWS RDS MySQL I have recently started studying RDS, trying to study from the documentation as well as other sources. For following scenario I am unable to understand certain ...
Avinash Pawar's user avatar
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Configuring 3:1 Failover Cluster for SQL Developer Edition on Windows Server with AWS AMI

We are in the process of configuring a 3:1 failover cluster mechanism for SQL Developer Edition hosted on Windows Server, deployed using an AWS AMI. Our objective is to ensure that if any of the three ...
Rahul's user avatar
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'Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction' in AWS RDS MySQL 8.0.36 after upgrading from MySQL 5.7.42. Django v4.1.6

Following an upgrade of our AWS RDS instance from MySQL version 5.7.42 to version 8.0.36, we are encountering persistent deadlock issues across concurrent transactions, affecting even basic read ...
Karan Raj's user avatar
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AWS RDS SQL Server 2019 Standard edition, everyday 3 am getting errors "insufficient system memory in resource pool 'internal' to run this query"

I have AWS RDS SQL Server 2019 Standard edition with 128GB RAM, everyday 3 am getting errors insufficient system memory in resource pool 'internal' to run this query There are few jobs that run at a ...
Praveen Suhalka's user avatar
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How does AWS Data Migration Service actually work with MSSQL?

I'm very confused as to how AWS Data Migration Service is actually achieving it's replication from an on prem MS SQL 2019 instance to RDS 2019. I understand from the documentation that tables with a ...
RPD's user avatar
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Mysql 5.7 Slave replication is Slow

We are trying to debug a slave lag issue - it is currently lagging behind the master by 24 hours. Deployed on a AWS EC2 machine Database size is around 600 GB Grows at roughly 500 MB to 1 GB per day ...
user1428716's user avatar
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Unable to connect to AWS mysql RDS instance

I created an AWS mySQL RDS instance (free tier), but i am unable to connect to it from workbench or cli. I have enabled public access to the DB while creation and allowed "All traffic" while ...
Ankit Rustagi's user avatar
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What is a good mechanism to get production database data into other environments along with de identifying it

I am sure this is a solved problem and many people would have a great process already in place. How do I easily get data in my production server to other environments like staging and testing. We ...
George Joseph's user avatar
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bitnami /opt/bitnami/mysql/data increases in size over time

I'm having a similar issue as to what is described in this post which never received an answer. Essentially, I'm running bitnami and my server space is filling up over time on what is a very simple ...
user284564's user avatar
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Upgrade Postgres RDS in AWS fails major version upgrade

I have been attempting to upgrade our AWS RDS Postgres from 11.22 to 12.17 and/or 15.5 In both instances I get the following error in the error log: executing: SELECT datname, datallowconn FROM ...
sweetfa's user avatar
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Understand AWS RDS Multi-AZ Sync Replication

Multi-AZ AWS RDS docs state: What is “synchronous block level replication?” Given that this replication is at the disk level, not DB proper, is this form as reliable as DB replication?
Kevin Meredith's user avatar
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AWS RDS Postgres: How to diagnose CheckpointLag and potential slowups using AWS' Monitoring suite?

We are currently hosting a postgres RDS database and our team is noticing slowup in our querying service. I'm noticing a spike in the metric, CheckpointLag and I've been tasked in trying to find where ...
Andrew Narvaez's user avatar
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Aurora mysql throttle during writes

I came across a situation where I need expert opinion. Our application ingests data into table A in aurora mysql 3.02 every 5 seconds. This is a write intensive process. During this time, I am using ...
Falcon's user avatar
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SSMS. Anyway to connect via AWS session-manager to an mssql instance?

I have a sqlserver (express) instance running on an ubuntu server ec2 instance. This is on an AWS private subnet so I cannot just open port 1433 for sql access. We use AWS session manager to connect ...
Jamie GF's user avatar
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aurora mysql - migrating large tables

We have write intensive application using aurora mysql 3.02 with 2xlarge instance size in prod. I want to migrate 10 tables (biggest one being 450GB) from 2nd aurora mysql into this prod db. Tried ...
JollyRoger's user avatar
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Optimizing SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT) on a table increasing daily

Let's say we have a table Daily_users which has the columns student_id, school_id, grade, timestamp. We collect usage data of students daily and so the table grows daily (note that there could be ...
dezdichado's user avatar
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Is there any tool that can be used to backup and restore individual schemas and not the entire database?

Can someone help me with any tool that can be used to incrementally back up the individual schemas and restore them instead of backing up the entire DB? We need this for the Aurora MySQL DB RDS ...
Omkar's user avatar
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Data validation for RDS PostgreSQL migration

I'm planning to replace a bunch of RDS PostgreSQL databases using this method defined by AWS. The DMS task will run will be CDC-only. I came up with data validation requirements for the migration and ...
Trouble Bucket's user avatar
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MySQL - AWS RDS - Replication node is stopped

I have a replication node on RDS that when shown on AWS Console it states that there's an error on RDS replication node (ERROR) and it has stopped replicating. What can I do to restart the replica? ...
JohnnyAce's user avatar
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AWS Aurora performance degradation after upgrade from MySQL v5.6 to 8.0

Kindly suggest which parameters to look for.. Following is the Performance Insights for our MySQL 8.0 AWS Aurora cluster.. We are consuming 3000+ queries per second and most queries return immediately....
Rajat Jain's user avatar
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Amazon AWS credits system for SQL Server Connections

I remember there was some credit system in 2019 in AWS Sql Server, which regulated how many times you could connect per second (minute?), based on how much you paid. Over night, during idle, you would ...
T.S.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to use Mongo's Ops Manager with a DocumentDB instance on AWS?

We currently use Ops Manager to manage our on-prem MongoDB instances. We are, however, moving toward using native AWS services instead. As such, we are looking to use DocumentDB with our newer ...
Michael Oryl's user avatar

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