Questions tagged [blob]

Binary Large OBject, datatype

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5 votes
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Replacing a large object in PostgreSQL

What should one do when one wishes to replace a large object with a new large object. An example would be to update an uploaded file with a new version. One way would presumably be to create a new ...
beldaz's user avatar
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12 votes
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Can I do VACUUM FULL to pg_largeobject table?

I have two tables (table1, table2) in a Postgres 9.1 database. Both having oid type. Each table 1 million records. And pg_largeobject table size is around 40GB. I have removed 0.9 million records from ...
RBB's user avatar
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3 votes
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How can filesystem storage (for blobs, images, etc.) be integrated with (traditional) database storage (e.g. MySQL/Postgres)?

If I use my database for relational data and opt to store large binary blobs in the filesystem, how can I integrate the two? How does this process work? I know that the database will need to store a ...
ahron's user avatar
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Does SQLBackup2Azure delete the blobs as well?

I am not sure if this questions belongs here or in server fault, apologies if it belongs there. I am using MS SQL 2012 on an azure VM, and am planning on utilizing the SQLbackup2Azure tool to store ...
JMB's user avatar
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Does PostgreSQL benefit from more cores or faster cores for READ heavy applications? [closed]

I have been trying to figure out how to go about configuration of a PostgreSQL instance that will have 64GB ram (which is far larger than the database) and if I should opt for more cores or faster ...
Wind's user avatar
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2 votes
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Easiest method to retrieve the content of BLOBs from a Sybase databse

I would like know the easiest way (no coding) to extract the content of the blobs of a database. For example, I have a table which contains a column whose format is BLOB. The result I would like to ...
gdefarge's user avatar
1 vote
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migrate MySQL database with MySQL Workbench CE failed on table with blob data

I am using MySQL Workbench CE to migrate one schema from a server to another, all table is migrated successfully, except one table with blob data. The error message is : Found record bigger than ...
WestFarmer's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

MySQL - Where can I find metrics on the performance of Blob vs file system?

I know and understand that there are performance hits in storing blob data in the database, but the blob portion of the data is going to be rarely retrieved/viewed, it is for smaller data (the vast ...
Stephane Grenier's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Migrating from text and image to varchar(max) and varbinary(max)

I have a SQL Server database which contains a number of image and text columns, and I'm studying potential problems that might arise from migrating them to their non-deprecated counterparts varbinary(...
Confluence's user avatar
9 votes
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PostgreSQL bytea vs smallint[]

I'm looking to import large (100Mb -- 1 GB) multi-channel time-series data into a PostgreSQL database. The data comes from EDF format files that chunks the data into "records" or "epochs" of typically ...
beldaz's user avatar
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How to Store text of 15 to 20 KB file data in blob or as text? [duplicate]

How to Store text of 15 to 20 KB file data in blob or as varchar in sql Server?
Rani's user avatar
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2 votes
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What will be the best suited datatype to store a text file in database [closed]

I want to store a text file containing logs in a database(SQL Server). That file size can vary from 1 MB to 10 MB. what will best suited data type to store it in to the database. Will it be BLOB or ...
Rani's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Performance of MySQL BLOB fields processing

Suppose, I have large (about 1 GB) strings in ASCII encoding. I have to choose whether to store them as separate blob fields or split each one of them into smaller pieces and then store them as ...
Ivan's user avatar
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MySQL (ndb) Cluster and BLOB Datatype access issue

I'm currently investigating moving our INNODB database to an ndb cluster (vs buying bigger servers (again) and moving the master / slaves to these). So far my testing on a small cluster has been ...
IGGt's user avatar
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BLObs – Should I Store In Database Or in Directory Structure?

BLObs – Should I Store In Database Or in Directory Structure I have been developing a database to replace an ageing data structure that contains 1000's of files within a directory structure. The ...
MichaelJohn's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to reduce database size with BLOB fields

I have a database that's used to store fingerprints. Under my conception this should be a small database but the problem is that the original developer was probably tripping on peyote and decided it ...
Nelson's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Row size too large (> 8126)

I'm facing the following problem. Row size too large (> 8126). Changing some columns to TEXT or BLOB or using ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC or ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED may help. In current row format, ...
Hellon Canella Machado's user avatar
2 votes
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one table for all blob with a one to one table for metadata which link to one or many tables?

I'm going to start by saying that I'm not a DBA but i got that role in my current project so I'm doing my best. The application must be able to store files(attachments, official documents, etc) The ...
Fredou's user avatar
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How to determine when REORG with LONGLOBDATA is required (DB2)

REORGCHK only identifies when a reorg is required for space reclamation on normal (non-LOB) data. Is there a way of determining how many pages are wasted due to LONG and LOB data that has been ...
David Copping's user avatar
17 votes
6 answers

How to export an image column to files in SQL Server?

I will migrate from a database. There is one column of type image that I would like to export to binary files on the file system. One file for each record. How can I do this with SQL Server?
Jonas's user avatar
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2 answers

Compress files and directories into zip file and put it into blob field

What is the best way to do the following using SQL Server? Compress all the files, folders and subfolders from a specific location (specified in a parameter in a stored procedure) - the server side ...
PsR's user avatar
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Storing file into oracle db

I'm developing a java web-app for the acquisition of contracts, and that have to receive some file from an external system. For each new contract i recieve some information about the new customer and ...
Skizzo's user avatar
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Proposal: MySQL blob handling revision [closed]

Why does MySQL store blobs in the direct table rather than off to the side so that if it needs to read the corresponding stuff it will read the stuff off to the side? Essentially it would create its ...
a coder's user avatar
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Does having a big table that I do not query cause the whole DB to be slower?

I have a log table that I use for logging files sent to clients. I'm not querying that table, just use it for logging (INSERT) and when I need to check when something was sent to clients, usually once ...
Mirko's user avatar
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How to export a MySQLtable with a longBLOB column to an Oracle database?

In MySQL I have a table: Select * from Dummy; Columns like below: id name salary binary_col 1 a 100 A.pdf 2 b 200 b.pdf 3 c 300 c.pdf 4 d 400 d.pdf 5 e 500 e.pdf ...
Vinoth _S's user avatar
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Get data from Berkeley DB with Java [closed]

I have a basic Java program which can list data from Berkeley DB database. The question is how I can list the database scheme to see what object are available? Unfortunately I don't have information ...
user1285928's user avatar
1 vote
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NTEXT,Indexing, and lob logical reads

We have an query that would benefit from a covering index but one of the columns that would be returned is a NTEXT data type. I know this can't be added to the index and I also know it would be good ...
Tom's user avatar
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Storing files in Mongo's GridFS vs File System

I read the question here: and this paper:
Jeff's user avatar
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MySQL Index for searching for NULL values in text fields

I need to do the simple query SELECT id FROM table WHERE blob_field IS NULL. blob_field is a longblob. If I create an index on blob_field with prefix length 1, will this be sufficient to use for ...
Thomas Johnson's user avatar
3 votes
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Empty Space in buffer pool

I was doing some reading and came across this article from Paul Randal: Using the queries from that article, I ...
GoodwinSQL's user avatar
2 votes
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Export synonyms content to tables

I have a distant database to replicate having huge data but I have access only to synonyms and I would like to use Oracle export/import tool to import these data into tables of local database. What ...
kev's user avatar
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3 answers

Should frequently accessed tables containing large blobs with one-to-one relationships be normalized and columns split into two tables?

I have a frequently accessed table containing 3 columns of blobs, and 4 columns of extra data that is not used in the query, but just sent as result to PHP. There are 6 small columns (big int, small ...
Pat's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

What is a Scalable Storage Mechanism for large TTL data collections

We currently have a legacy webservice that stores each xml request/response in Sql Server. The data only needs to persist for 3 days before it is considered expired. Sql Server is not good at deleting ...
redsquare's user avatar
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3 votes
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MySQL stores BLOB in innodb buffer pool (innodb_buffer_pool_size)?

I have several databases all in INNODB, 50GB are BLOB columns, only 700MB are not BLOB data. Tools as mysqltuner ask me to set innodb_buffer_pool_size = 51GB. Does MySQL store the BLOB in RAM? If yes,...
Jose Nobile's user avatar
1 vote
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Saving LZW encoded data into a mySQL database

I send LZW compressed data from the client side with JavaScript to the server. The problem is that the data becomes corrupted after saving it to database. So my question is, what collation should I ...
A.B.'s user avatar
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RBS and Fail Over Cluster with SQL Server 2012

I am trying to install one SQL Server 2012 cluster with two nodes. I will also be enabling Remote Blob Storage (RBS) on server so I was wondering if I need to take something in account while ...
Frank Martin's user avatar
0 votes
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Where is my blob stored?

Using oracle 11, Although a lot was already written about blobs, there is something that is not still clear for me. I was told that by default blobs stored in row if the are < 3900. Does it means ...
Mario Corchero's user avatar
5 votes
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How to determine Oracle LOB storage footprint?

With SECUREFILE storage I can specify whether I want compression (and the level of it) and deduplication, and it's all a trade-off between time and space. Timing is fairly easy to profile but what's ...
biziclop's user avatar
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Column of generic/variable type?

In SQL, I would like to create a table which can contain generic data types. This types can change from every row. The solution I could come up to is: CREATE TABLE TagValue ( tag VARCHAR(64), ...
Pietro's user avatar
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BLOBs storage in a dedicated table

I have a database that has several BLOB columns scattered across multiple tables. Since I am a developer and am looking at making application code writing easier, I wanted to turn these columns into ...
Andy's user avatar
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import csv data stored in a blob column

Here's what i need to do: Users will upload CSV files into SQL Server 2012 blob column Each night, i would like to take each file and import the data into table I will have 2 web sites using the same ...
Alexandre Jobin's user avatar
4 votes
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Oracle BLOB store performance

LOBs in Oracle are stored in-row when they are less than 4K in size and out-of-row otherwise. I'm wondering how do SECUREFILE storage options COMPRESS and ENABLE STORAGE IN ROW work? I have a lot of ...
Gediminas Aleknavičius's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I use mysql to serve 100's of millions of small image files?

I need to serve 300,000,000 small image files totaling 1.5TB. Trying to unpack these files to individual files on the file system is next to impossible (1 MByte/sec throughput rates to create the ...
David Parks's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

How can I store a pdf in PostgreSQL

I have to store .pdf files in a table. I have a table, state, with columns: id_state, name, pdffile (bytea) I want to store the pdf files in the pdffile column. How can I do this?
Giuliocas's user avatar
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Possible reasons for slow BLOB updates in Oracle?

We have an application that transfers .bmp images as BLOBs to an Oracle table. One of the users of the app has complained that it is taking 2-3 seconds to transfer each image. Each image is ~1.2Mb. I'...
user1578653's user avatar
4 votes
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Selecting with varbinary(max) criteria (in the where clause)

Basic info Database: SQL Server Express 2008 R2 Client: SQL Server Management Studio Backround (skip if not interested): A project I'm maintaining uses an ORM, which apparently stored my enum ...
Louis Somers's user avatar
1 vote
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Which Database to choose: MySQL or Oracle

I have an application generating time series data (32 channels, 22KHz, 6 secs) once a minute. These have to be stored in a database. At the moment I'm using MySQL with InnoDB tables (file_per_table,...
Bastian Ebeling's user avatar
2 votes
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Java application unable to access Blob stream in Oracle after upgrade to 11g

This issue below might be an application problem, but I cannot seem to rule out a poor database setup, I was hoping to get some insights into potential database issues. I am maintaining a legacy Java ...
maple_shaft's user avatar
1 vote
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Length of LOB data (%1) to be replicated exceeds configured maximum %2

We recently hit this error shortly after enabling replication on a table. Length of LOB data (%1) to be replicated exceeds configured maximum %2 I've found solutions to this problem already: https:/...
JohnLBevan's user avatar
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How can one reliably update a LOB column with data from another LOB column in Oracle?

watt's user avatar
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