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Questions tagged [change-data-capture]

Questions under this tag are expected to relate to Change Data Capture technologies available in many RDBMS server products. Change data capture is designed to capture insert, update, and delete activity applied to Server tables, and to make the details of the changes available in an easily consumed relational format.

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Table partitioning for CDC enabled table

Is there any issue you have faced enabling table partitioning for CDC enabled tables? I have done some quick testing and table partitioning for CDC enabled tables is working well in terms of switching ...
Saran's user avatar
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Unable to alter CDC tables

I have an issue with being unable to alter a CDC table that previously caused us no issue. We run alter statements on our cdc tables to add a column to the tables that we now are starting to face an ...
Fabio's user avatar
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Bug in how CDC jobs record run_duration in sysjobhistory

Normally SQL Agent job history is recorded in msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory with run_duration in the format DD:MM:HH:SS, -- so for example a value of 105 means 1 minute and 5 seconds. However the CDC capture ...
Mike's user avatar
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is it a good idea to use GTID for tenant meta data?

i want To build an audit log for tracking user activity using Kafka Connect CDC (Change Data Capture) and MySQL, and set a custom GTID (Global Transaction Identifier) before each transaction, here’s a ...
Naor Tedgi's user avatar
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_CT records with identical __$seqval

There is a CDC enabled table of the following form: create table ( id int not null primary key, a char(1), b char(1), c char(1), d char(1), e char(1), updated ...
Peter Vandivier's user avatar
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RDS Mysql replica cdc performance

I have a RDS Mysql which has high read/write volume. ~10k IOPS on an average and peaks up to 16k IOPS. I have another RDS mysql replica of the main. We are using this replica to capture cdc logs and ...
Siddharth Prakash Singh's user avatar
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CDC cleanup job -- history

On SQL Server 2019, I enabled CDC on some tables about 2 days ago. The CDC cleanup job is scheduled to run every day and the retention period is 3 days. When I checked the job history of the cleanup ...
dennis's user avatar
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SQL Server: Querying Change Data Tables directly?

I am messing around with Change Data Capture on SQL Server. Documentation for table containing the change data (cdc.<capture_instance>_CT) says: We recommend that you do not query the system ...
Yano_of_Queenscastle's user avatar
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Do old inserts get treated as new CDC events during node bootstrap?

When a new Cassandra node bootstraps and receives data from existing tables for which Change Data Capture (CDC) is enabled, do old inserts get treated as new CDC events? I don't see any reference to ...
tdhso's user avatar
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CDC Capture job fails with 'Cannot insert duplicate key row in object cdc.Table_CT' with unique index 'CT Clustered Index'

When the CDC Capture job runs, it fails with this error: Cannot insert duplicate key row in object cdc.Table_CT' with unique index 'CT Clustered Index. This index is a SQL Server CDC created index ...
Pam Moodley's user avatar
6 votes
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Running sp_repldone on a secondary node of an Availability Group with @reset = 1 not working

I have a two-node SQL Server 2019 Availability Group with a database that has CDC enabled for several tables. The CDC is used to keep track of transactions that have not been captured for population ...
Hannah Vernon's user avatar
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invalidating slot "a" because its restart_lsn 6093/6BB6F1B0 exceeds max_slot_wal_keep_size

we use google cloud sql (version is PostgreSQL 15.5), the config as follows: config, and max_slot_wal_keep_size = -1, but slot always become lost wal status (restart LSN become null) when running for ...
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Anyone using CDC and having performance issues extracting net_changes? We have 8 tables tracked with CDC "@support_net_changes=1"

So 8 tables are being tracked with CDC "@support_net_changes=1". 7 of them are ok in regards to performance. As some of these tables are only 10-40 million rows and data doesn't change ...
sherveyj's user avatar
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Modify CDC Schema In SQL Server

Can we add a column in CDC captured tables? Basically we are going to process CDC rows and we want to tracked which rows are already processed. So we are thinking about adding a bit field to the CDC ...
Muhammad Faisal's user avatar
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CLEANUP and CAPTURE jobs not being created when CDC is enabled in an AOAG setup

We are in the process of upgrading to ENTERPRISE SQL SERVER 2022. The DB is configured with AOAG. When we enable CDC at the database/table level, for some reason, the CLEANUP and CAPTURE jobs are not ...
S T's user avatar
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Clarifications on Maintenance jobs & CDC on upgrade to ENTERPRISE EDITION

Raising these on behalf of our DBA team. We are looking at moving to ENTERPRISE SQL SERVER 2022 soon and would need help clarifying a few things: We are looking at a 3-NODE setup: (1) NODE-1: Primary (...
S T's user avatar
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How i can get changes in DB postgresql without triggers

I have database, and in this database ~10 users changes rows, how i can get this changes and user who changed, without triggers. I tried read WAL, and there no info about who what change.
smdsa1337's user avatar
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CDC cleanup doesn't work even when using sp_cdc_cleanup_change_table which completes successfully

I'm running the query below to find CDC tables with data beyond the configured retention depth: SELECT DB_ID() AS database_id, ct.capture_instance, object_id, source_object_id , rcounts....
Eitan Blumin's user avatar
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SQL Server - CDC - Log-Scan Process failed to construct a replicated command from log sequence number (LSN)

CDC is enabled on the database and multiple tables are included for cdc. We had been receiving the below alert intermittently, monthly once which is causing the changes not written on the CT tables. ...
Dharkatukey's user avatar
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On demand snapshot and CDC from Postgresql multitenant DB

I have a Postgresql multitenant DB where each table contains tenant level metadata. e.g. Table "connector" Column | Type |...
deGee's user avatar
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Incremental CDC from Postgresql for select rows

I have a postgresql DB which has tables containing multi-tenant data. Example: Table Customer CustId Cust Name First CustA Second CustB Table CustomerShoppingDet Item Name CustId. Buying Date ...
deGee's user avatar
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How do you correlate SQL Database Audit spec's log column transaction_id with a LSN? from trans log or CDC capture table?

How do you correlate SQL Database Audit log column "transaction_id" with a LSN either from the trans log or a CDC capture table? I am trying to do this because cdc only captures the data ...
Joe Papp's user avatar
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Cleanup job for CDC failed

The clean up job for CDC failed with this error: Msg 596, Level 21, State 1, Line 0 Cannot continue the execution because the session is in the kill state. Msg 0, Level 20, State 0, Line 0 A severe ...
Meyssam Toluie's user avatar
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CDC is not working after restoring the databse

I have just restored my database using the below script, USE [master] GO RESTORE DATABASE [MyDB] FROM DISK = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.SQLSTANDARD\MSSQL\Backup\mydb.bak' WITH ...
Imran Qadir Baksh - Baloch's user avatar
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What is the meaning of lsn_time_mapping.start_lsn

I have enable Change Data Capture on a table. I'm trying to understand cdc.lsn_time_mapping. Unfortunately the documentation is vague and missing a column from the results. What's the difference ...
Michael Green's user avatar
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Correlating SQL Audit transaction_id to LSN

I have a relatively simple question that is "Google resistant". I have a SQL Database Audit spec that logs a transaction_id. I also have a Change Data Capture (CDC) spec that logs __$seqval (...
Vocoder's user avatar
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Can I change the owner of the cdc schema?

I've enabled Change Data Capture (CDC) on a database using exec sys.sp_cdc_enable_db This creates a new cdc schema which is owned by the cdc user select s.* , from sys.schemas as s ...
Zikato's user avatar
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Commit logs under cdc_raw folder getting corrupted

I am using cassandra 3.11.12 version. I have recently enabled cdc_raw in cassandra configuration and created new key space and table with WITH cdc=true; and after inserting values ran the alter ...
rahuls_'s user avatar
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CDC Error - NULL Source Schema and Source Table - Error msg on both enable and disable table

Today I re-enabled CDC on the primary node of an availability group. When the jobs were created the cleanup job failed with the following error: Could not delete change table entries made obsolete ...
JoeDBA18's user avatar
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DR - Missing binlogs in Maxwell

We have a standard db.r6g.2xlarge RDS MySQL instance running in production with 2 replicas. Maxwell CDC is setup to publish binlogs to a Kafka topic. From a RPO point of view: in the worst case (say ...
Amit Dalal's user avatar
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Oracle query taking a very long time to execute

I am trying to run a couple of reconciliation queries to identify missed deletes from our change data capture tool, but I need it to run relatively fast... My source and target tables are identical ...
Lauren_G's user avatar
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How can I force a system function to use an index in SQL Server?

Good morning team, I’m really struggling to improve the performance of this function: sys.fn_cdc_map_time_to_lsn. It is a system function which is used by CDC, you can read a full description of what ...
Zoe's user avatar
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SQL Server DB Log keeps growing / CDC enabled database

I've enabled change data capture on a SQL Server database. The database is in full recovery mode. The LOG backups of the database are being done hourly. The capture jobs was running without any issues ...
saso's user avatar
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Merging data from identical tables from multiple databases into one larger table. N-1 table replication

There are N databases with identical table structures in a multitenant, multi-database system. The desire is to replicate a table(s) from these databases into a single larger table in a OLAP database, ...
Ross Bush's user avatar
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Can we keep change-tracking on a replicated table going after changing the distribution database?

We have an MSSQL replicated table which has change-tracking set up on the subscribed table. The change tracking is used to send changes into Snowflake. However - now we need to reconfigure replication ...
Rawheiser's user avatar
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Resuming incremental SSIS CDC sync with big CDC "backlog"

We're using an SSIS package which syncs changes from one (main) database to another (reporting) using CDC. The package runs periodically syncing the data in small increments. After having an issue ...
axk's user avatar
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sp_rename column and CDC

I have a table in a SQL Server 2019 instance which is being CDC tracked. However when I want to rename a column it failes with the error: Cannot alter column 'Columnn2' because it is 'REPLICATED. I ...
Peter's user avatar
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postgres 11.3 checksum validation post migration

I am in the process of migrating our AWS RDS postgresql from one account to another with zero downtime. I am going with pg_dump/pg_restore + AWS CDC for ongoing replication. I am looking for a way to ...
Falcon's user avatar
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Sensor data from Postgres to Redis

I have a Postgres database with a table that is updated with new data every 5 minutes from a weather station. Now, as soon as the table is updated with a new record from the sensor, I would like this ...
user17326436's user avatar
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CDC - I cannot disable that on the second instance

I have change data capture enabled for most of the tables in one of my databases. Database is hosted on SQL Server instance with version 2016. I have some testing to be done, so I wanted to restore ...
Radek Gąska's user avatar
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how to read from cdc tables?

I wanted to try out the change data capture feature of sql server, but I cannot get it to work What I did -- enable cdc EXEC sys.sp_cdc_enable_db -- enable it on a table, for testing EXEC sys....
GuidoG's user avatar
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SQL Server modification timestamps

I'm implementing ingestion job from SQL Server 2016. For performance reasons we want to implement incremental loads. Few facts: Customer has read replica as a part of always on availability group ...
czajek's user avatar
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Create Audit Trail from SQL CDC

I have a few tables on which I have enabled CDC. As each row in CDC table contains all the columns regardless if they were changed or not, so it becomes difficult to figure out only the changed data. ...
user17146433's user avatar
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Do we need additional license to dump goldengate trail logs to kafka?

We have a Oracle (12c) GoldenGate license only (we do not have an oracle goldengate for big data). We need to transfer the gg trail logs to kafka then to hdfs. Do we need to buy the oracle goldengate ...
jimmiing's user avatar
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Auditing via change data capture (CDC) for MSSQL

I want to ask the DBA community about best practices for auditing the MSSQL database. I set up CDC MSSQL and experience some difficulties with it. It's working all fine until I change the structure of ...
Valentinas's user avatar
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insert and update triggers do not fire on replicated table

I have created a publication and a subscription on two servers with wal_level = logical in my postgresql.conf. Replication is functioning normally. My problem is to track changes in the replicated ...
Boris Kalinin's user avatar
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SQL Server 2014 any way to suppress KB3030352?

I'm upgrading from SQL Server 2008 R2 to SQL Server 2014 (SP3-CU4-GDR) (KB4583462) - 12.0.6433.1. Compatibility mode is set to 120. Trace Flag 9481 is enabled. The problem still is present in lower ...
user17114970's user avatar
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Is the WAL data text format documented anywhere?

Looking around the Web, I can find plenty of information explaining how to set up WAL replication, and how to get the changes with pg_logical_slot_get_changes or pg_logical_slot_peek_changes. This ...
Mason Wheeler's user avatar
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MSSQL CDC for views and stored procedures

is it possible to enable CDC for Views or Stored procedures? BR, Val
Valentinas's user avatar
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Identify and delete specific data from Usertable_CT captured from a CDC enabled table

Scenario We recently performed a heavy update operation updating two columns on a 2 tb user table. The User table is CDC enabled, which caused Usertable_CT table to bulk up. The User table is a heavy ...
user234005's user avatar