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Tables character-set migration without huge downtime- mysql

We're in the process of migrating to a new character set for several tables in our database. Some tables are currently using utf8/utf8mb3 character set, which is deprecated now and we want move on ...
Retrosec6's user avatar
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Character set mismatch in database migration

I have an old database (MySQL 5.1.58) that I want to migrate to a new installation (MySQL 8.0.26). When I just use oldserver ~$ mysqldump mydatabase > file.sql newserver ~$ mysql mydatabase < ...
Bart Friederichs's user avatar
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Set 'WE8ISO8859P15' character set for existing Oracle 19c DB while migrating 12c DB

I have a database in 12c ( which I need to migrate to an existing live oracle 19c DB.(This DB already hosts a couple of live DBs’s) Character set of DB’s are as below: 12c -> ...
picku's user avatar
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Why do I get ERROR 1824 (HY000) while importing MySQL dump from 5.7 to 8.0.x?

I have a MySQL 5.7.x dump with about 12GB that I try to import into a newly installed MySQL 8.0.x local instance. mysql -u username -p test < DB-210508.sql The import starts but fails with the ...
merlin's user avatar
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ORACLE DMU (database migration assistant for unicode) Tool

Reading the documentation for Oracle DMU tool, when I try the step create a step for DMU Repository tablespace the document says to use the result of the query for initial size. However; I could not ...
Khang Mai's user avatar
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Converting and/or enforcing an Ascii Character Set in Informix database from 819 or ISO Latin 1

Overview: In Informix is it possible to enforce ASCII for a database or instance. Details: I am trying to enforce ASCII in an instance of informix for a while. This is to help have a smooth ...
michael.moyer's user avatar
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Oracle Character Set/Database 11 to 12 Migration Options

Topic/Questions: Oracle Character Set/Database 11 to 12 Migration Options Task: Migrating production Oracle EE single instance database with NLS_CHARACTERSET WE8ISO8859P1 to existing remote ...
Martin's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

UTF8 Trouble while migrating from MSSQL to MySQL with MySQL Workbench

I am tasked with migrating part of our database from an on-site MSSQL server to an Amazon RDS MySQL. This will be my first attempt with a database migration, so I am doing a dry run from our MSSQL ...
Jeff.Clark's user avatar
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Handling lossy data before character- set migration

I am trying to migrate a database from US7ASCII to AL32UTF8 using CSSCAN. During the initial scanning using CSSCAN we have found the presence of lossy data both in data dictionary() and application ...
user1's user avatar
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8 votes
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What is the SQL Server equivalent of MySQL's utf8mb4 character set?

We have some web applications based on databases using utf8mb4 as character set and utf8mb4_Standard as collation. We saw that we can use any character we want with this setting. In SQL Server ...
Matthias's user avatar
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How do I convert unicode data from UTF-16LE to UTF-8 when migrating from SQL Server to MySQL?

Objective: Ensure existing Unicode (UTF-16LE) data is displayed the when moved to MySQL (UTF-8). Background: I'm migrating 1TB from SQL Server to MySQL. The current Collation in SS is "...
SRTR4K's user avatar
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SQL Server to MySQL migration - how can I remove UCS-2 surrogate pairs in SQL Server?

I have been tasked with migrating a SQL Server 2005 database to MySQL 5.6 (these are both database servers runnig locally) and would really appreciate some help. -------Edit - Answered------- This ...
JonM's user avatar
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SQL Server imports data in wrong charset with SSIS

I have a flat file which I am importing into a SQL Server table using a SSIS package. The code page is set to 65001. However, when I run a SELECT * FROM tableName the data appears mangled. For ...
Amit's user avatar
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Character Set Database Migration

This is a follow-up question to a previous thread I had posted. We're in the process of migrating to a new character set. Now, I am a programmer and we have DBA's who will be performing the work but I'...
John F.'s user avatar
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