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2 answers

When can we downsize Azure Virtual machine for SQL Server?

For now our production SQL Server is Standard_D96ds_v5 Azure VM machine. We got request to check if we can downsize server to Standard_D48ds_v5. What measures will take into consideration to have ...
adam.g's user avatar
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How to Check if SQL Server is Running Out of Memory or CPU Resources RIGHT NOW?

I recently noticed an error message in my SQL Server error log that said "The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan." I suspect that my server ...
Fajela Tajkiya's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

MySQL | Measure overall query cost (performance, cpu usage, memory usage)

The Problem You have a MySQL query, let's say a SELECT and you need to identify its overall cost in all aspect (Host Resource Usage, Query speed / performance ...) so that your result can be ...
Federico Baù's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

InnoDB memory/cpu use optimization for WordPress with MySQL

I'm not a DBA and need some help here... I have a high traffic WordPress site hosted in a EC2 instance. We are working in a new theme code that will have optimized queries, but right now I need to ...
Ricardo Gonçalves's user avatar