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Slow Cross Apply Query Needs Optimization

I have a stored procedure which takes about 4 min to complete. I added some logging and discovered that the reason it is slow is the Cross Apply queries, of which there are 5. Each one takes about 40 ...
FlyFish's user avatar
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is there a way to improve this query by not re calculating functions? cross apply?

when I set up replication I like to take a count of each table in the publisher, then I go to the subscriber I do the same thing in order to compare both pictures. this is the picture from the ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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Speed Up Cross Apply Without Index Hint

I have a very small table with 12 rows in it that can be created with the following statement: CREATE TABLE dbo.SmallTable(ScoreMonth tinyint NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ...
philomathic_life's user avatar