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Is there a more optimal way to create this view or stored procedure? Currently using a cross apply, but it's slow

I've updated this post with some test data. I'm creating a report for my Movies database where I'd like for the end-user to be able to select movies of a certain genre. However, some movies have ...
ck123's user avatar
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Add query hints to a CROSS APPLY [duplicate]

I need to apply a query hint (like NOWAIT or NOLOCK) to the CROSS APPLY in this query. How do I do it: SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED; SELECT * FROM sys.objects obj WITH (NOLOCK) ...
Brent Ozar's user avatar
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3 votes
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Performance improvement Outer Apply

I have a query which runs little slower. SELECT b.BreakdownClassificationId, k.IsinCode, k.SedolCode, ClassificationDate, NAME, InstrumentType, ...
Pரதீப்'s user avatar
4 votes
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While using Cross Apply, can I force "empty" records to appear?

I have a query that is working fantastically, except that I would like to force some records to appear. I am using SqlServer 2016, and this query will ultimately be used in a VIEW and used by SSRS ...
Jeff.Clark's user avatar
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Where and how to add selective totals in SSRS

I need to get some totals output in SSRS that I am having difficulty putting together. I am not sure if I should do the totals for the below query within the query, or in SSRS. The output is going to ...
Jeff.Clark's user avatar
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2 answers

TSQL help my feeble mind grasp Pivot/Unpivot on two columns

I've been trying to wrap my feeble mind around this one for some time, but I am having difficulty. I have looked at a few other examples like this SE.DBA answer, but I am having difficulty applying it ...
Jeff.Clark's user avatar
0 votes
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How to use reference to another table in aggregate function

I have following easy-to-explain task: we have a table, and we should calculate total count of rows grouped by columns. Column number is fixed so we write: SELECT [GroupId] = cr.[GroupId], [...
Alex Zhukovskiy's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Cross Apply Fails When DateTime Added

In trying to achieve a Pivot-ed goal for a two row data table into one row, my first thought was to use a Cross Apply. By using the Cross Apply one can identify/generate each of the rows with a ...
ΩmegaMan's user avatar
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2 answers

How to keep row ordering with DISTINCT command or how to add row number to cross apply

I have problem that after distinct, order direction of Variable column change. Here is example Data Source DECLARE @Table TABLE ( FirstName NVARCHAR(255), LastName NVARCHAR(255), ...
Muflix's user avatar
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