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Difference between To_Number (Null) and Cast (Null as Number) in Oracle

There is a difference in behavior between these two variants to create a view with a null number column and then a table from that view: One fails and one succeeds. At the same time there is no ...
Juergen's user avatar
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ORA-01536: Out of space error when doing CTAS

I have two schemas A and B. I'm trying to copy over table B.users to A. I've followed these steps: Run in schema B: GRANT ALL ON users TO A; Run in schema A: CREATE TABLE users AS (SELECT * FROM ...
Kshitiz Sharma's user avatar
1 vote
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CREATE TABLE AS SELECT creates non-nullable columns

I am using the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement in Oracle 11g to get data from SQL Server 2012 via a database link. Oracle creates all these tables with non-nullable columns and that causes me ...
alonk's user avatar
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