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Questions tagged [data-masking]

Data Masking is the act of replacing meaningful data with non-meaningful, or "masked" data to be used during development, and testing, etc. This is generally used to protect personally identifiable information from being seen outside of a production system.

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1 answer

Oracle Redaction and Definer's Rights Stored Procedures

0 I created a data Redaction policy for a field EMAIL in a Person Table in an ORACLE Data Base 12c. In the expression statment of the Redaction Policy is the exception for the Data base owner user: ...
Ana Esquivel's user avatar
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2 answers

Masking data for SA users

I'd like to able to mask data for all users including SA's. I'm not trying to guard against malicious intent, but rather, stop people unintentionally seeing data they shouldn't. Dynamic Data Masking ...
AlexP012's user avatar
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2 answers

Column data masking security problem

In Db2 v11.5.7 on Linux I have simple table: create table admin.patient_data ( patientid int not null primary key, patient_name varchar(10), illness varchar(15), doctor_name varchar(10) ); insert ...
folow's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

SQL Data Masking a copy of data for backup

I need to send a database backup to a vendor for an upgrade, and somehow need to mask several columns containing PII. Was looking into static data masking, but this seems to change the data ...
BrianC's user avatar
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1 answer

How to apply Static Data Masking With Replication of Database [closed]

We used to have multiple environments for applications such as Production, Staging, UAT, Dev, and Sandbox. It is a regular task for the DBA to refresh the lower (staging, test, UAT etc.) environments ...
Ramakrishna.p's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How does my system understand if data got masked?

I was trying to understand the difference between encryption and masking Below statement says that real data replaced and gone! Masking protects your data by transforming it into a readable format ...
kudlatiger's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Dynamic Data Masking Issue when Concatenating Fields

You can reproduce the issue here: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[EmployeeDataMasking]( [RowId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [EmployeeId] [int] NULL, [LastName] [varchar](50) MASKED WITH (FUNCTION = '...
Randy Minder's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Dynamic Data Masking Doesn't Seem To Work Correctly With ISNULL

Here is the code to reproduce the issue: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[EmployeeDataMasking]( [RowId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [EmployeeId] [int] NULL, [LastName] [varchar](50) MASKED WITH (...
Randy Minder's user avatar
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1 answer

Using aggregate function on data masked column returns zeroes

Recently we have implemented dynamic data masking in SQL Server 2019 database in order to hide sensitive information from developers. However, for testing purposes I'd like them to see close-to-real ...
Sergey Rybalkin's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Making production data accessible to developers via masking

We want to provide developers in our organization masked data from production to help troubleshoot production issues. What would be the best way to approach it? I've read this article https://learn....
areller's user avatar
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0 answers

MySQL Masking and De-Identification

I am currently working on a project to mask and de-identify data and wanted to pass my findings through a sanity check (you guys). Is it better to create a new view which houses masked data and ...
Mike Purcell's user avatar
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1 answer

On what basis DMA identifies columns for Dynamic Data Masking?

Can anyone help me explain on what basis 'Data Migration Assessment' features recommendation suggests for Dynamic Data Masking and displays certain objects/tables columns for masking. On what basis ...
SSS's user avatar
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1 answer

Data redaction with regex in Oracle

I would like to redact data with regex in oracle database. I know the procedure but I get unpredictable results. I use the following script to apply redaction to a certain column with card numbers. ...
RokX's user avatar
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1 answer

Static Data Masking does not appear in SSMS 18 preview 6

I installed SSMS version 18 preview 6 and am using it with SQL Server 2017. I want to test the Static Data Masking feature, but the option does not appear.
Wolney Marconi Maia's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Masking PII columns in Oracle

I am using Oracle 11g R2 on Linux, and I have multiple tables in my database that has got columns that needs to be masked. I have tried the OEM to mask the data as mentioned in the below hyperlink, ...
sabarish jackson's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

Create Random Number up to 50 Digits and Store in Varchar

Does anyone have code; looking for a random number function generator. I would just supply with a variable length @NumberLength = 50, etc. It can create numbers up to 50 digits, and store in varchar. (...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Create Random Word to obfuscate a SQL Column

Does anyone have any SQL code to automatically generate words (all letter, no number). Is there any inline SQL to perform this on a column? We are trying to obfuscate first/last name and other word ...
user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Create SQL Randomized Date of Birth

Does anyone have any SQL code to automatically generate randomized birth dates, where the date of birth is less than today? Please add Date of Birth Range parameters, eg: from 18 to 70 years old. Is ...
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2 votes
2 answers

Can't create indexed view against table with masked columns

I am trying to create an index on a view that references a table with a masked column (SQL Server 2016). The masked column is not the only one in that table, and it's not used in the view. create ...
Dmitri Trofimov's user avatar
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Get current-processed column information in Oracle datapump

In order to mask data I am using REMAP_DATA parameter in Oracle datapump as follows: expdp \'/ as sysdba\' DIRECTORY=DUMP_DIR DUMPFILE=dumpfile.dmp LOGFILE=logfile.log SCHEMAS=user0 REMAP_DATA=user0....
Bibhuti Bhusan Padhi's user avatar
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1 answer

Dynamic length obfuscation method in T-SQL

I would like to obfuscate (scramble) sensitive data from a SQL Server database, but in the way which will provide: irreversibility (the plaintext can't be derived from the obfuscated data), ...
boleslaw.smialy's user avatar
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1 answer

Scramble / masking data from SQL Server [closed]

I need to share a SQL Server 2008 R2 DB with the development team. The data is classified but the schema and the volumes are not. The DB includes all primitive types (long, decimal, nvarchar etc.) but ...
user5495269's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Scrubbing sensitive data

I am looking for an automated solution to scrub sensitive data from my prod environment to my DEV and DEVINT environments so that I don't have to write lots of code to get this done. Does anyone know ...
Easportsaz11's user avatar