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Adding a db to an AG - full backup required prerequisite, can I use that backup for the seeding?

I had to take a db out of the AG and put it in SIMPLE recovery model to do some high volume data copying. Putting the db back into the AG using the wizard (after setting recovery back to FULL), it ...
Bobogator's user avatar
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How can I replicate transactions one by one in mysql?

I have one source server and one replica server. And I set source_delay 30mins, replication is gtid based, mysql version is 8.0.24 If I accidentally drop table A, Can I apply transactions just right ...
제임스으's user avatar
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Why can't I restore my SQL-Server database? [closed]

I have a bunch of files: two backups and a list of transaction logs. The backups are called: FB20241125_233033.bak FB20241126_233040.bak (The filenames correspond with the date/time the backups have ...
Dominique's user avatar
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Website Content Not Displaying Correctly in Vietnamese After Restoring Database from Backup [closed]

I used the Scheduled Backups feature in Virtualmin to back up my website. My hosting setup used the latest version of Virtualmin on a VPS running Ubuntu 22.04. Unfortunately, my VPS expired because I ...
Thanh's user avatar
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what server events I can use to "do something" on before restore of a database?

on this page: DDL Events you can see a complete list of the ddl events. these events are server or database things that happen - like - create a database, alter a sequence, update statistics, create a ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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how to get the location of the backup too? you can use multiple columns pivoting or any other way!

I got this great query that shows the latest backup for each existing database. SELECT, [Recovery Model] = M.recovery_model_desc, [State] = M.state_desc, [Last ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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sql server backups - what is physical_block_size?

we have recently changed the file server that is the repository (the place where the backups are stored) server . I noticed the hardware specially IO is much better backup take shorter to finish, ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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SSMS's GUI and dbatools produce different scripts for restoring databases in full recovery mode, what practical differences do they have?

I have a database in full recovery mode without log backups. Don't say it: I know. It fortunately isn't in an environment that I care about. Today, disaster struck and I tried to use dbatools to ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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re-seed availability group database

I am trying to fix an issue with a 2 node AG that failed over causing all sorts of problems. We were left with no choice but to remove the secondary database from the AG to get the DB working. Now I ...
DBA Greg14's user avatar
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Postgres server killed by OOM during pg_restore

I'm running Postgres 16.3 in a container with a 1 GB memory limit. When I run pg_restore with a dump file that's about 1 GB, the server will be killed by OOM and I'm guessing that this is from the ...
Dave Johansen's user avatar
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when was the last time I restored a database from a database snapshot in the current server?

I generally create a database snapshot, depending on circumstances - in order to compare data before and after changes, or for an easy way to roll back changes, like for instance, an alter table. I ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
-1 votes
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Size of MDF file is not getting updated after adding transactional log file(s) in SQL 2022

I am working on migration of SQL Server from SQL 2016 to SQL 2022. I have a process where after database is restored (to "Standby / Read-Only" state) from Full tape (from a third vendor), I ...
Java's user avatar
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Xtrabackup restore failing

I was running an xtrabackup full backup restore, however while running restore; I’m getting below error message: Any idea what’s wrong here? There’s no tablespace SDI or how can I avoid this error? [...
Shiwangini's user avatar
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Help with creating postgres databases with - in the name

I'm currently trying to script some migration of databases on a server. As part of this process I will need to create a new database with a similar name to the existing database. Whilst I have this ...
Mr-F's user avatar
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SQL Server Database I/O Consistency Error Disaster Recovery

I have a corrupted SQL Database that is inacessible by any means. It is to the point that simple commands, like USE MyDatabase, won't execute. The error I get is: SQL Server detected a logical ...
joaocarlosib's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to restore database (daily) with multiple bak files using a T-SQL script?

I am trying to restore a database on a daily basis from multiple bak files that I get from a vendor. I tried using GUI, and it worked. I basically followed the same procedure as shared on the this ...
Java's user avatar
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postgresql 16 filesystem snapshot in combination with pit recovery "invalid checkpoint record"

we are migrating many deployment to a kubernetes cluster. I'm currently in the process of testing and documenting the restore process for our postgresql databases. In our legacy environment we did/do ...
pema83's user avatar
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How to Backup and Restore a MariaDB database with Master and Slave replication configured?

I have a MariaDB Master and Slave server setup for replication. Both MariaDB servers are in the same datacenter and local network. I want to do at least a daily full backup and incremental every 15 ...
SkipTripAhead's user avatar
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How to take backup specific tables in specific schemas in Postgresql via PgAdmin?

I try to backup my test database's 3 schemas and some important tables inside it. For example: schema a: t1,t2,t3 schema b: t5,t10 schema c: t15 There are also sequences, functions etc. ofc. Taking ...
postgresnewbie's user avatar
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server side trigger for after restoring database

there is a brilliant script to create a server side trigger on an event of a create database. here is the script: IF EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM sys.server_triggers WHERE name = 'ddl_trig_database') ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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Operating system error 1326(The user name or password is incorrect)

I have been working with mapping drives inside sql server. I mapped something similar to this: EXEC XP_CMDSHELL 'net use y: "\\my_server\Initialed Folders\MM" @@__password__@@ /User:...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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What is the function of the folders rdbms and tnslsnr on Oracle database

Question What is the function of the folders rdbms and tnslsnr on Oracle database ( Windows ) ? The issue with the folders rdbms and tnslsnr is that they are getting larger and larger 40gb+, and ...
alexis19apl's user avatar
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How to copy “Standby / Read-Only” database from one VM to other VM?

I am trying to upgrade from SQL 2016 to SQL 2019 (as SQL 2016 will be out of service in July 2016) in a different VM (Virtual Machine - Windows Server 2022), so I want to copy one database to other ...
Java's user avatar
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Record change broke the application

We have a database application that had a record changed in one table [RPI] that was referenced by another table [ERP] and now the entire application won't move forward or load anything from the RPI ...
GimpyHand's user avatar
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error when re-applying the permissions script into the original database - sql server

when I run the following script: -- ——— SCRIPT GRANTS for Object Privileges————— IF OBJECT_ID('[sys].[sysrowsets]') IS NOT NULL GRANT CONTROL on [sys].[sysrowsets] to [db_myrole_BA] I get this ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Understanding Recovery Forks in SQL Server: Meaning and Significance

I'm trying to understand the concept of recovery forks in SQL Server, particularly in relation to the sys.database_recovery_status view. The documentation mentions several columns related to recovery ...
Just a learner's user avatar
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Crunchydata - PGO - Postgres(v 14.x) restore not working as expected

We have set up PostgreSQL, including its backup and recovery processes based on crunchy data Postgres Operator, as per the documentation. The backups are occurring as expected. However, when we ...
Neeraj Bhatewara's user avatar
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Restore SQL Server database - getting error Msg 3287

I am restoring a .bak file to a local database for the data received from a vendor. The .bak file is around 75+ GB in size. I do NOT know the server version using which backup is created. I do NOT ...
chaitanya's user avatar
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MySQL Backup (.cfk) file to Microsoft SQL Server

.cfk file is a backup from a MySQL database => Microsoft SQL Server I am currently working on transferring a MySQL database backup file with the extension .cfk to Microsoft SQL Server. I tried the ...
Hossam Fid's user avatar
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how to verify mysql backup file using BlackHole

I'm interested in trying this solution:, also referenced here: The problem I face is the following: mysqldump ...
fpierrat's user avatar
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Trouble Restoring DB/Logs to point in time

I am trying to use SSMS to restore a database to a specific point in time. When I select the point in time, I get 3 backup sets to restore, one of them with a null filename and location. The script is ...
Scott Bathauer's user avatar
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3 answers

How to restore snapshots to another table?

Someone accidentally deleted several records from Cassandra's table in the cluster. I want to restore the last snapshot to another copy table with the same structure within the cluster. What is the ...
EdiM's user avatar
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PDB restoration on other server

I want to restore only 1 pdb to another server, how can I do that? the rman backup which i have taken from another server has a different control file, and the server on which i am restoring the pdb ...
datascinalyst's user avatar
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Does anyone have a resolution for this: metadata is inconsistent error when restoring a backed up database to a higher level SQL server [closed]

The corruption does not appear to be in the user data tables but in the internal database system tables. However, when the database is restored, because a system table is corrupt, the database is not ...
Deanne R's user avatar
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how to transfer data from Prod environment to Dev environment?

My database in the prod environment is very large and I backup this database every day and restore it to the dev environment. This process takes 4 hours, which is actually too long. What else can I do ...
Merve's user avatar
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Why does data compression not affect backups?

The documentation is very clear on this point Compression doesn't affect backup and restore. but how is that possible? Surely, if my table is smaller (due to compression), then that should have some ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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What is quicker - restore with replace or deleting DB and then making restore - for DB with simple recovery mode? [closed]

What is quicker - restore with replace or deleting DB and then making restore (for DB with simple recovery model (log file = 0) and size of data file of 2Tb)?
Maria Benich's user avatar
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Restore from database snapshot

When I do a restore of a database from a database_snapshot on a filestream enabled database, I am getting the error: The database cannot be reverted because FILESTREAM BLOBs are present. Is it just ...
Ludo's user avatar
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RMAN: restore not done; all files read only, offline, excluded, or already restored

I did a hot RMAN backup of a server running Oracle 19c database, then moved the backup to a new server. This is the backupscript BACKUP AS compressed BACKUPSET INCREMENTAL LEVEL=0 FORMAT '...
datascinalyst's user avatar
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Command pg_restore does not import / restore any data, printing "depends on"

A database origin was dumped in postgres "custom" format using: pg_dump -d origin --data-only -Fc > file.dump. The dump was then used to restore all data in a different database with the ...
FireEmerald's user avatar
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How to restore a backup and incremental backup of scyllaDB

I am working on incremental backup and restore. When I am trying to restore the incremental backup, after restoration, I am getting an error on cqlsh shell. ReadFailure: Error from server: code=1300 [...
MANJESH H S's user avatar
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MySQL services fails to start successfully after copying MySQL Data Directory from another server

Purpose 1 - The running application should not be stopped and run 24*7 while backup or copy MySQL data directory (/var/lib/mysql). Purpose 2 - To backup MySQL files directly and copy on another server ...
Vijay Singh's user avatar
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SQL Server - moving databases to an earlier version - options

I have inherited a vendor product. It’s currently very old, having been installed in 2013 and never updated in the 11 years since. The database server it’s using for its 3 database is SQL Server 2008 ...
fiveeuros's user avatar
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How to Filter and Restore Specific SQL Database Backups Using dbatools in PowerShell

I'm working with a directory of mixed SQL Server backup files and need to restore a specific database using dbatools in PowerShell. Below is the directory structure of my backup folder: PS C:\Users\...
Just a learner's user avatar
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Why does restoring a database on a different server bring in the backup info into the msdb db of new server?

I restored a db to a different SQL server but interestingly the msdb backupset tables on this server are showing the db backup history from the source server. Is this expected? Note: I have not ...
variable's user avatar
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RESTORE DATABASE - The instance of the SQL Server Database Engine cannot obtain a LOCK resource at this time

While doing a restore of a big database 1.8 TB into a different server I came across this error message when the restore was about 90% completed: 90 percent processed. Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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How can I restore everything except stored procedures, functions, users from SQL Server 2019 native backup into another DB Server.?

How can I restore everything except stored procedures, functions, users from SQL Server 2019 native backup into another DB Server? We are planning to setup a QA environment from clone of PROD SQL ...
Sunil Bopanna's user avatar
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what to do when database is not synchronizing in availability groups?

I am using Jonathan Kehayias - Monitoring Availability Group Replica Synchronization SELECT ar.replica_server_name, adc.database_name, AS ag_name, drs.is_local, drs....
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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MSSQL backup file does not list any databases within it

A customer sent us a .bak file from a 2019 instance. I was running 2014 (other customers are) and knew that 2019 would not restore to it. So I installed 2022Dev, went into SQLMS, and created a new DB ...
Maury Markowitz's user avatar
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what to do before restoring a database that is involved in TDE (transparent data encryption)?

I use the following script from John Eisbrener to get the chain of backups, in order to restore them: WITH BackupHist AS ( SELECT s.server_name , AS ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar

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