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how to verify mysql backup file using BlackHole

I'm interested in trying this solution:, also referenced here: The problem I face is the following: mysqldump ...
fpierrat's user avatar
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FIX: mysqldump: Couldn't execute '/*!80000 SET SESSION information_schema_stats_expiry=0 */

I've already asked this question in the "Stack overflow" website. I don't understand why they closed my question even if I didn't get a working solution for my setup. Why did I submit it? I'...
Edo Meloni's user avatar
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MariaDB restore error - ERROR 1556 (HY000) at line 2562: You can't use locks with log tables

MariaDB Restore fails mysql --host mydbhost --port 5500 --user root --password < /var/tmp/dump.sql Enter password: ERROR 1556 (HY000) at line 2562: You can't use locks with log tables Dump ...
fizwit's user avatar
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While restoring from mysqldump file, how do I write the table names to a log file?

Sometimes I've run into situations where developers have changed structures, added/removed columns on different DB servers, environments, etc for the same table and this causes errors such as ERROR ...
site80443's user avatar
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Mariadb large live database dump/restore fails when using recommended options

I have a 58Gb database that is live, using InnoDB engine and I want to dump restore it to a development machine for test purposes. I'm using mariadb 10.4 client and servers on Debian 11 Buster. I've ...
Eamonn Kenny's user avatar
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Function does not exist then dumping mariadb database to remote host

Im trying to do an initial transfer of my data to a replica server by running this command: sudo mysqldump -f -u root -pPassword --opt mydb | mysql --host=replica01 -C mydb -u restore -pPassword It ...
jared's user avatar
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How to take mysqldump of specific tables across all databases and restore them to a a single database?

I need to take a mysqldump of specific tables across all databases in a cluster. In this case the cluster has more than 300+ databases. And I need to take the dump of table1 and table2 from each of ...
Ramaraja's user avatar
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Faster way to restore MySQL innoDB dump

I have a below MySQL configuration. # The MySQL server [mysqld] .... key_buffer = 384M max_allowed_packet = 5M table_open_cache = 512 sort_buffer_size = 2M read_buffer_size = 2M read_rnd_buffer_size = ...
RobinHood's user avatar
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MySQL import silently failing

I'm trying to import a large (30GB) SQL file (generated using mysqldump) into an RDS instance MySQL 5.7 database, from an EC2 instance on the same VPC. It's importing most without a problem, but ...
BT643's user avatar
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How to restore a specific table from a big mysqldump file?

From a very big backup file (created by mysqldump) I need to bring back only one (or a few) specific table(s), without loading all tables. Are there any fast alternatives?
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How to Skip Existing Data While Restoring mysqldump File?

I use this query to import data using MySQL Dump (Command Prompt / Command Line) mysql -u root -p database_name < database_name.sql I want to import the large database (only new deltas) as of now ...
manigopal's user avatar
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restore table and populate new data from transaction log

I use mysqldump nightly to backup a database. I'm trying to find a way to do a partial restore on the data from one table. I use the --master-data flag so I know where in the transactions log my data ...
user3783243's user avatar
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MySQL restore dump takes too long to complete, how DBAs deal/replicate large databases?

Due to coronavirus my company is forced to scale down and cut costs. Long story short, I went the route of least disruption I set the original database server (that's going to be turned off for good ...
Sk1ppeR's user avatar
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Error Unknown command '\U' when restoring MySQL dump on Windows

I am updating software that used MySQL 5.4.3 in its old version, and now uses MariaDB 10.2.11. So, I dumped the old data with that command: mysqldump -uroot -p --no-create-info --skip-triggers --...
T'lash's user avatar
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error while restoring database from mysql: ERROR 1006 (HY000)

I made a mysqldump from all my databases prior to fully deinstall and reinstall MariaDB. while restoring the databases with the following command, logged in as root: MySQL -u root -p < /mnt/...
user103591's user avatar
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how to dump mysql schema without keys and without constraint ? and keep all of them to alter afterwards

i am using ubuntu 16.04 and want to dump large schema with hounded of tables from AWS rds, remove all keys and foreign key , load data and then add back the keys , is there any automatic tool that ...
Omer Anisfeld's user avatar
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How to restore mysqldump of one database in different databaseName with content of data in the same host machine

Let's start from the beginning there is a MySQL database with name DB1. As I want to restore the mysqldump backup of DB1 database in DB2. The DB2 database is another database in same Host Server ...
Md Haidar Ali Khan's user avatar
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How to speed up MySQLl loading from dump file?

I'm using mysqld Ver 5.7.25-0 in Ubuntu 16.04. I dumped from AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) with mysqldump --single-transaction --quick --max_allowed_packet 1G ... and now when I tried to load ...
Omer Anisfeld's user avatar
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Mysql Restore - ERROR 1227 (42000) at line 30908: Access denied DEFINER issue

Im trying to restore the database dump which has the DEFINER=test@%. Backup file is 50GB. OS - CentOS 7.5 While restoring this, I got the below error. ERROR 1227 (42000) at line 30908: Access denied;...
TheDataGuy's user avatar
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MariaDB: point in time backup recovery with binary log using position

Following the below sequence of commands i expected the recovery of backup and subsequent point in time recovery using binary log. However, the database was restored to backup only: 1) CREATE TABLE ...'s user avatar
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delete tables on import of dump created by mysqldump

There are 2 copies of the same database on 2 different storages which need to be in sync. For example, database named test_db contains tables T1,T2,T3 tables. T2,T3 are deleted. Dump of the 1st copy ...'s user avatar
2 votes
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MySQL - Fastest restore of 1TB database

I have MySQL Database and its 1.5TB. I need to setup replication for this. I have 32core CPU and 250GB Memory. The problem restore is taking more time even I used mydumper/myloader to backup and ...
TheDataGuy's user avatar
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When to use mysqldump with '--no-autocommit'? My benchmark shows slower restore

I tested quick and dirty --no-autocommit vs. without this option on MacBook (installed with Homebrew latest MariaDB). I restored to an empty MariaDB a 4.6 GB *.sql file. The dump made without --no-...
Sybil's user avatar
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Migrating 300 GB mysql database from one server to another cleanly with minimum downtime

I have a 300 GB mysql database which i want to migrate to another server in order to setup Master-Master replication between the two and my main aim is to achieve this with least possible downtime. ...
Ajay Ganvir's user avatar
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mysqldump file restore while sql is still being dumped

Im using MaridaDB 10, but my question applies to all mysql variants. I have large dataset (70GB uncomressed when dumped to file). The mysqldump process takes 2-3hours. The restore process takes even ...
user132787's user avatar
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MySQLfrm - Using multiple frm files

I am busy rebuilding an entire MySQL DB. There are multiple schemas and multiple tables in each schema. I am restoring them using *.frm files as all other methods used have either failed or corrupted ...
Leon Claassen's user avatar
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Fastest way to do a mysqldump restore on Amazon RDS?

We need to restore a database from a 7-Gb mysqldump file to a RDS Amazon instance. The full restore takes between 3 and 4 hours (probably because of network latency since the dump has to reside on a ...
dr_'s user avatar
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Restoring a mysql database using --single-transaction

I learned that specifying "--single-transaction" (yes we do have InnoDB) option into the mysqldump tool produces a dump utilizing transactions. However, I am failing to find a way to restore the ...
cubrman's user avatar
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Between optimizing a 1-billion rows table and dump-restoring it, which would be faster?

Have multiple tables which had more than 1 billion rows. Archived and deleted many of them, now want to recover the disk space. Have option to either optimize the table, or dump the table and restore ...
Gautam Somani's user avatar
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Lost connection to mysql while restoring dump. Is it safe to resume?

I was in the process of restoring an sql dump to a newly created RDS mysql instance on AWS. The dump was created with the following command: mysqldump --all-databases \ --single-transaction \ --...
jottr's user avatar
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How to merge MySQL backup files (*.sql) [duplicate]

We have several MySQL backup files of a database in *.SQL format and we want to restore the database by using these files. However, as the sql files contains "DROP TABLE" definitions, running one ...
Jack's user avatar
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How to merge MySQL backup files (*.sql)

We have several MySQL backup files of a database in *.SQL format and we want to restore the database by using these files. However, as the sql files contains "DROP TABLE" definitions, running one ...
Jack's user avatar
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mysqldump - does it have non-repeatable DMLs?

We are migrating databases using mysqldump, and since this is the first time I'm doing it, I have a couple of questions. If in the middle of mysqldump the utility crashes(for some reason- latest was ...
Arun Srini's user avatar
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Restore .dmp file into csv

We have asked our clients for certain data in a csv file format and we just got a .dmp file. I have been trying to open it using MySQL as if it were .dump but it doesn't work. I have seen other ...
User981636's user avatar
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Migrating all MySQL databases from from one server another. Getting error during import

I create a mysqldump on all the databases on the source server with this command: mysqldump -h mysql-01 -u root -p --all-databases > newdump.sql This takes about an hour, but runs fine. Now, to ...
user71696's user avatar
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ALTER DATABASE script preventing restore of MySQL database in another server

While backing up the database with mysqldump --routines options, I see ALTER DATABASE in the middle of the output dump, near the routines. /*!50003 DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS `f_my_function` */; ALTER ...
Bimal Poudel's user avatar
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An easy way to select one db dump from multiple db MySQL dump

In an urgent situation another person made a backup of all the databases from my webserver to one *.sql file (MySQL dump). Now I have a ~700 Mb file with about 20 different databases. As I only need ...
Oleksandr Berezko's user avatar
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Moving two databases from MySQL 5.1 [Prod] to MySQL 5.6 [Stage], not working [Windows]

I'm in the process of upgrading our production MySQL from 5.1 to 5.6, on a Windows Server 2008 R2 server. What I'm trying to achieve is to move 2 databases [say abc and xyz] from Prod server to a ...
Binoy's user avatar
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mysqldump doesn't restore database. why not?

Why doesn't my restore operation work? I created a dumpfile for a database using: mysqldump -u root -p databasename > /home/databasename_bkup.sql I then opened the dumfile and confirmed ...
CodeMed's user avatar
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Recovering Mysql - how to get a dumpfile from wampserver and none running db

I had the following: - Wampserver/mysql/drupal + batch file with auto backup by use of mysqldump. - Backup was distributed off and online. then : my laptop was stolen :-( and I need to recover but.....
Justme's user avatar
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I'm building up a large MyISAM table from a few dumps. The first 21GB took less than 10 hrs total. The next 5GB is forecasted to take two months

I had a couple machines building up identical MyISAM tables. I've dumped all of those tables to a few files, and am now trying to restore them all into a single table on my own machine. The first ...
user3391564's user avatar
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Restore mysql from database snapshot

I have a folder containing the snapshot taken from a database. They are all in the format organisation_product_tablename.sql. How can I restore them back into the database? EDIT 1: I managed to ...
MaPi's user avatar
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SQL Error while restoring big database in Mysql

I have successfully created a MYSQL dump on RHEL 6 machine. The dump file is having 40 GB. When I try to restore it in an UBUNTU machine I got this error.
Shanz Shanavas's user avatar
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Verify mysqldump backup is corruption free

We've got a cron task backing up our Database using mysqldump - my main concern is corruption, short of manually importing and checking the backups each time whats the best way to check / verify a ...
sam's user avatar
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Extremely slow mySql restores

Please bear with me as I ask this question, which looks similar to questions already on DBA@SE. In the current configuration, we have a server (a Linux quadcore box with 4 GB RAM) - Both the Database ...
TJ-'s user avatar
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restore using mysqlbinlog failing

While doing restore from a MySQL binary log file, it is failing with the following error . mysqlbinlog mysql-bin.000036 | mysql -u root -p asdb ERROR 1032 (HY000) at line 48: Can't find record in '...
Zama Ques's user avatar
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mysqlbinlog failing with " ERROR 1032 (HY000) at line 48: Can't find record in `` " Error

I am facing some issue with PITR restore using mysqlbinlog . It is failing with the following error . # mysqlbinlog mysql-bin.000035 | mysql -u root -p db Enter password: ERROR 1032 (HY000) at ...
Zama Ques's user avatar
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Can't restore mysqldump database backup in Ubuntu 12.04

I'm trying to restore a database backup created using mysqldump. If I do: $ mysqldump -u ROOT -p DATABASE_NAME < DATABASE.SQL the database remains empty, even though I get some screen output ...
taioba's user avatar
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synchronizing local and server database

I am developing a billing system software. For this I have created a database it contains many tables database and this is in local system all transactions data will be stored in local systems ...
Manish's user avatar
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MySQL data retained after OS reinstall

Something strange happened today. I reinstalled my OS and then when I reinstalled MySQL workbench some of my old data was still there. I think the actual local db is empty, but all the connections, ...
thekthuser's user avatar