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Questions tagged [datadir]

In MySQL, "datadir" is an option describing the filesystem path to the folder where MySQL data is stored.

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2 answers

Error 13 after moving MySQL datadir outside /var/lib, no error when staying inside /var/lib

Recently I installed MySQL, version 8.4.3, on my Ubuntu 22.04.5 OS. I then changed the datadir from /var/lib/mysql to new location /media/cat/hekla/mysql, following the approach described in Ergest ...
Bart's user avatar
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Is There a Workaround to Reduce MySQL Table size?

Long story short. I have a MySQL database that has only one table and is around 50GB, while my drive storage is almost full and cannot get reduced. So the only way is to reduce the size of the 50GB ...
Chris921's user avatar
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How to list available users in PostgreSQL having only the data directory?

I messed up a bit with a Dockerized PostgreSQL instance and accidentally overwrote the values I had for POSTGRES_USER and POSTGRES_PASSWORD. They were randomly generated, so guessing them is basically ...
illright's user avatar
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mariadb innodb file per table data location

I have the following settings: datadir = /var/db/mysql/data innodb_data_home_dir = /var/db/mysql/innodb innodb_file_per_table = ON My intention is to ...
DanGer's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't start mysqld service after changing datadir

I have an AWS EC2 instance with RHEL 7 on which I installed mysql-5.5 on xvda. Its datadir is under /var/lib/mysql (as is the default). I am importing dumps from a database on version 5.5.29 and the ...
wellwellwell's user avatar
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Viewing directory of a mapped drive

I'm using the following query to view files/folders in a given directory. It works locally, but when trying to view a mapped drive I get... "The system cannot find the path specified." I have the ...
duckfeet23's user avatar
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1 answer

In MySQL can I drop a database by moving the directory containing the database?

We ran ran into a problem where MySQL kept crashing because of corruption in one of our databases. MySQL would start, crash, and then restart. We determined that the corruption was in a database ...
Shawn's user avatar
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2 answers

Changing Data Directory on MySQL DB Server

I have installed mysql server 5.6.24 on Windows Server 2012 R2. I imported dump files and the data files are stored in C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\data I want to change directory like D:\...
user73314's user avatar
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2 answers

Keep mysql.socks

I moved mysql datadir to /storage-s01/mysql, but socket is still located at the same directory /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock. Do I have to keep socket at the same directory as datadir? BTW, If I want to ...
pro100bear's user avatar
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selecting from information_schema increases free disk space

Some background: There are 3 database servers - two in a master/master replication config with only one server accepting writes. And one other slave replica replicating from the write-master. The ...
Guest5593876's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I change the MySQL data folder path in a Mac?

How do I change the MySQL data folder path in a Mac? I am running OS X 10.10 & MySQL 5.6 In Windows I can edit datadir in my.ini For Mac, mysqld does not have parameter for --defaults-file=
ARASHz4's user avatar
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1 answer

Moved MySQL datadir Now Server Will Not Run!

My problem yesterday (MySQL - Alter Table Fails As Workbench Tries To Create Existing Table) was caused by /dev/sda2 (/root) running out of space. The cause of this was that, by default, MySQL had ...
MichaelJohn's user avatar
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move mySQL 5.6/InnoDB tables to a different physical location

I was wondering if this is possible with mysql 5.6. I have a Database with several tables separated by Month (eg TonsOfRows_201411). I don't need access over the whole data so I decided to separate ...
Chris's user avatar
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1 answer

Moving datadir OK start, but socket error for mysql client [duplicate]

I'm trying to move my MySQL datadir from /var/lib/mysql over to /home/mysql (an ssd drive as I'm having iowait issues on /var/lib/mysql when MySQL is running on that drive). The OS is CentOS 5.6 (...
James Gaul's user avatar