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SQL Server data drive (.mdf files) running out of space

We have a D drive that has 999 GB of total space. Currently the production database data files are being stored there. It is running out of space. A few weeks ago DB files were shrunk to temporarily ...
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Identify Full Text Catalog Files

I'm trying to write a query for a report to show how much free space is in our data files so we can plan storage for the future. I'm pulling data out of sys.database_files, and I can narrow it down to ...
Greg's user avatar
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'Logical file name "MyDB" is already in use' Even though the database doesn't exist [closed]

I recently was given a SAN with a couple of RAID arrays to apply to my database server to increase performance. I have (and will only ever have) one user database called DDAS, in addition to the ...
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