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Add Gameweek Fixeture based on Datefield

having the following table i need to add a new Column called "Round" to represent Round 1, Round 2 and so on, based on the Date Column in the table. Same Round should be given to matches happening in ...
Dan's user avatar
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Find the OverLapped (Common) Date Range from Group of Date Ranges

How can I find the Overlapped (common date range) from a group of Date Ranges given? The following table contains events and programmes (EID and PID respectively) CREATE TABLE #EventsTBL ( PID ...
ChandraSaiKarthik's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How to get minimum and maximum for grouped timestamps

I would love to know how to create a view that groups timestamps in 10 minute nearest 10 minute intervals and contains each minimum and maximum timestamp for each. So a table that looks like this: | ...
alexanderadam's user avatar