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Daily average from a 15mins interval datetime column o

I want to convert this 15 minutes interval data into daily average such that in the output file, I should have only two columns 'Date' and 'Daily_Avg_Value'. This is my first post here - really wish ...
Raj's user avatar
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3 answers

How to re-write this query or restructure my table for SPEED

I have an InnoDB MySQL table of this structure: column type service varchar(16) url varchar(255) datetime datetime It contains logs for requests made to one of multiple services. It contains ~3 ...
S..'s user avatar
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2 answers

Aggregating data by group and time gaps

I've got a postgresql+postgis database filled with GPS data: CREATE TABLE "my_table" ( "id" serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "gps_id" text NOT NULL, "lat" numeric NOT NULL, "lon" ...
RedM's user avatar
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1 answer

Add Gameweek Fixeture based on Datefield

having the following table i need to add a new Column called "Round" to represent Round 1, Round 2 and so on, based on the Date Column in the table. Same Round should be given to matches happening in ...
Dan's user avatar
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Delete rows within a given time interval

I have created a table with the following values: create table MyTable (id int, dtdate datetime, serialNum int, serialCode int, status int); insert into MyTable values (1, 2012-12-20 01:01:00, 1, 10, ...
Tina's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to get minimum and maximum for grouped timestamps

I would love to know how to create a view that groups timestamps in 10 minute nearest 10 minute intervals and contains each minimum and maximum timestamp for each. So a table that looks like this: | ...
alexanderadam's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Group by month in result columns?

I'm using this DBMS: Caché I've never used a pivot table in SQL and I'm not even good at it in Excel, but I assume that's what I need. Given the following sample data: ID Name Result Date ...
THE JOATMON's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Grouping data by MONTH on DATETIME column in SQL Server

I have a table Employee which has the columns Id, Date of joining and Name Date of joining is a DATETIME column. I want to know how many users have joined in the month of October?
Mohan Seth's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Breaking down by minutes in between two dates

In MySQL, I've got a data model with a "visit" table that has start and end datetimes. How can I get a breakdown of the number of visits that are active per minute? e.g. | visit_id | start | end |...
jSherz's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Grouping over multiple data dimensions (pivot)

I am logging an Events table, and want an output (as seen at the bottom of this answer), the issue is that I am getting the data in rows, but want them to be displayed column-wise. The two dimensions ...
Erdinc Ay's user avatar
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