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Converting MySQL 5.5 datetime binary to MySQL 5.6 (math problem)

I received a database "backup" of binary files (.frm and .ibd) that were copied from a MySQL 5.5 install. Unfortunately, I was unable to get these files to import into a MySQL 5.5 vm that I created. ...
Phillip's user avatar
5 votes
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Combine individual sensor values into an overall value with correction factors

For a school project, we are trying to calculate (corrected) Ozone values based on a combination of 5 sensors (3x O3, 1x temp, 1x humidity). We are using MySQL and PHP for the rest of the project. ...
Aire's user avatar
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Why does this SQL work on one version of MySql-Server but not another?

I'm trying to run the following very simple SQL command on two different MySQL databases: CREATE TABLE mytable ( created DATETIME(6) NOT NULL, updated DATETIME(6) NOT NULL, my_id ...
Saqib Ali's user avatar
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3 votes
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MySQL - Truncated incorrect datetime value on update statement

I have an application which produces log files. These log files include a Timestamp field in the format 2015-08-25T09:35:01 UTC. (there will be approximately 60 logs produced at 0.25 GB per day). I ...
IGGt's user avatar
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What happens when we take a timediff between timestamp and datetime

Say I have following table in mysql (5.5+): CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `test` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `x_time` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `y_time`...
Arry's user avatar
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How can I efficiently search for all records from a given month, or a given year?

We have a couple queries that involve datetime fields. In particular, we are checking for things like SELECT field1, field2, ..., field20 FROM table WHERE MONTH(startDate) == 1 SELECT field1, field2, ...
MxLDevs's user avatar
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Get rows in a range of time

I have a table with two columns that stores TIME type values. This is the CREATE statement: CREATE TABLE `sdriving_turno` ( `idturno` bigint(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `idempresa` int(10) ...
Reynier's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to get only month from MySQL date/time?

In my MySQL server, I have rows that have the date of my created content. Example: 2013-03-17 02:53:47 For now, I am using: $date = $fetch[thedaterownamegoeshere]; <?php echo $date; ?> But ...
bazaglia's user avatar
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