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The most recent rows in for each type/agent

I have a table (still on MySQL 5.7) with lots of data. This table is written by some scripts. It works like a "checkin", where each agent is checking in in some period of time. It looks like ...
Marek's user avatar
  • 13
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Optimizing a distinct on a parent table in a multi-level join in MySQL 5

I have the following tables: in a MySQL 5 database: projects - 1,000 rows tasks (FKed to projects) - 10,000 rows task_tags (FKed to tasks) - 350,000 rows task_comments (FKed to tasks) - 750,000 rows ...
waiwai933's user avatar
  • 113
5 votes
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Tolerating SQL errors (orderby not in distinct, select not in group by) in MySQL 5.7.13 vs 5.7.11

This question is related to the following 2 SQL errors (line breaks added by me) MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Expression #2 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references ...
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