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The most recent rows in for each type/agent

I have a table (still on MySQL 5.7) with lots of data. This table is written by some scripts. It works like a "checkin", where each agent is checking in in some period of time. It looks like ...
Marek's user avatar
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Extracting data from two tables

I have( for example) a table called A and a table called B. Table A contains tons of user data( age, country bla bla) and is connected to B by forein_key=id( B only has ID/NAME. I want to find out how ...
Gal Mor's user avatar
1 vote
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Implementing a query, two types of strategies

Tables have not been created yet, but to simplify there is a groups and an items tables. A group contains an item id (and a group id). And several groups may contain the same item id. For instance ...
Déjà vu's user avatar
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Does the EXIST clause only return distinct rows by its nature?

I have two queries that appear to be logically equivalent, yet they return different result sets. I am using the AdventureWorks2012 database. The first query uses an EXISTS clause with a subquery: ...
Luke Pafford's user avatar