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Questions tagged [drop-table]

This tag is for the SQL command DROP TABLE

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1 answer

How to drop table with all reference to this table

I want to drop a table, and this table has be many table's foreign key. So I want to drop all those reference (just refernece, not other table) within the drop table process. Is there any simple SQL,...
lovespring's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Difference between DROP and TRUNCATE

What does the TRUNCATE do differently to drop? I believe it deletes all the data in the table but keeps the table name in the database, where as DROP deletes all data and the table. Is this correct ?...
user1829823's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it possible to force drop of mysql tables with FK?

For dropping a table in which a Foreign Key is used in other tables, it is necessary to drop all other tables having FK connection with the corresponding table. Is there a short way to drop a table, ...
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7 votes
2 answers

How to undo DROP TABLE statement?

I’ve accidentally executed DROP TABLE statement on a wrong table. I have backups that are several days old that I can use to recover table and most of the data but not all. I know that SQL Server ...
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8 votes
4 answers

Shrink database after drop table?

I had a table with 70+ million records in a SQL Server database, I dropped that table (a one-time thing) to free up space on the disk, but it looks like the size didn't change much. I do see that I ...
Ezi's user avatar
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20 votes
7 answers

How to drop multiple tables with common prefix in one query?

I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2008.My question is:How to drop multiple tables with common prefix in one query? something like that table names: LG_001_01_STLINE, LG_001_02_STFICHE
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