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Questions tagged [encryption]

The conversion of data into a form that cannot be easily understood by unauthorized users.

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MySQL Migration from Keyring Plugin to Keyring Component [MY-011084] [Server] Keyring migration failed

For MySQL 8.0.40 on Rocky Linux, my database currently uses the keyring plugin. I want to migrate to the keyring component. It shows [ERROR] [MY-013106] [Server] Can not perform keyring migration : ...
SMich's user avatar
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cryptographic errors seen when using FIPS enabled OS with AO Availability Group

I'm looking for some help here to figure out the problem I'm facing with AOAG and FIPS enabled OS. SqlServer version: Microsoft SQL Server 2022 (RTM-CU15-GDR) (KB5046059) - 16.0.4150.1 (X64) ...
Christian Daniel Ricci's user avatar
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Master - Slave - Galera cluster

The current setup is comprised of two nodes, a Master-Slave setup. No encryption, no compression. I would love to switch this to a Galera Cluster, with encryption, compression and, to make things ...
Silviu Bajenaru Marcu's user avatar
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MySQL 8.0 connecting to AWS RDS MySQL 5.7 with SSL/TLS CA authentication fails weirdly (Error code MY-002026)

When trying to establish TLS encrypted replication between a replication source living in AWS RDS on version 5.7.44, and a replica living in a VM on-premise on version 8.0.39, I keep getting an error: ...
klasp100's user avatar
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Customer asks, if the PostgreSQL database can be encrypted

I have a customer that requests the database to be encrypted, in case it get's stolen. Beside that being absolute bullcrap in my eyes, and encrypting the files on disk would be useless because the key ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Accessing encrypted MS SQL Database using the decryption key

I am migrating an old ASP application (written in the 2000s) to a new platform and am struggling with the best way to export the data in an unencrypted form. I have access to the current working site ...
deep64blue's user avatar
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all connections encrypted but the database mirroring ones no

based on the picture below you can see a result of select * from sys.dm_exec_connections nice dmv to show the current connections. now if you look at the detail,the databasae mirroring connections are ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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What does column level encryption achieve?

If I follow MSDN article on column level encryption, it works as suggested: create certificate testColEncCert with subject='test' go create symmetric key testColEncKey with algorithm=AES_256 ...
Betty Liv's user avatar
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Column-level encryption failing when trying to encrypt files

Environment SQL Server 2016 Standard PHP 8.2 Background I have column-level encryption set up and fully functioning for a number of columns. My database is successfully interfacing with clients ...
SaintFrag's user avatar
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How to use restored key to decode an encoded column in SQL Server?

In SQL server, I created a symmetric key and encoded a column as per An overview of the column level SQL Server encryption use AdventureWorks2022 CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'SQLShack@1'...
frank's user avatar
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how to set in-transit encryption sql server?

today I had to check if in-transit Encryption was up and running in a particular server (sql server) and if not then set it up. the way it is done is: In SQL Server Configuration Manager, expand SQL ...
Marcello Miorelli's user avatar
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Workaround for a view with joined data on encrypted column

I've got a view that currently has this within: SELECT * FROM customers_1 LEFT JOIN customers_2 on customers_1.last_four_of_ssn = customers_2.last_four_of_ssn AND customers_1....
Patrick's user avatar
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How to enable keyring_file on replication server MySQL?

I recently activated the keyring_file plugin on my master server (5.7.44-enterprise-commercial-advanced-log), so the replication server presented errors when trying to execute alter table xxxxxx ...
alexandredelcol's user avatar
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Zero Access Encryption on AWS, Azure or Google Cloud possible with MongoDB?

I'm having a question about the following: is it possible in general to store data on a cloud platform, specifically either AWS, Azure or Google Cloud, without the cloud provider itself being able to ...
User2363562's user avatar
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How Whatsapp Search/Index Encrypted Chats specially IndexedDB, Searchable Encryption

Our team has developed a Hybrid app which is based on IndexedDB to support cross platforms. This app now has a chat feature and we want to store chats for offline readability. But as a rule of thumb, ...
Abdul Jabbar's user avatar
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Error after failing over always encrypted database

I started capturing the following error after performing failover into secondary replica for the database which was using the always encrypted feature of SQL Server 2017 Enterprise Edition: Some ...
Rauf Asadov's user avatar
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How do I store a password in such a way that I can obtain the plain-text password again?

Consider the following scenario: My app is utilizing a third-party API which requires a username and password for authentication. Unlike most APIs, which have one username and password set for the ...
JCollier's user avatar
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Is there a version of System.Data.SqlClient that does not support Encryption for Connections?

I am looking at IIS server that hosts tens of applications. Some of them are pretty old. All of them are using connection strings that are stored in machine.config in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\...
Aleksey Vitsko's user avatar
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pgp_sym_decrypt_bytea key error

I am trying to use a symmetric key to encrypt and decrypt a field in Postgres 14.10. I am encrypting per documentation like so: select pgp_sym_encrypt('data', 'password'); I am feeding the return of ...
kravb's user avatar
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Finding encrypted SQL database instances in our SQL Server Estate

Is there a quick way to find SQL Server instances across our whole SQL Estate that hold encrypted (SQL TDE) whole databases or database table columns?
PTL_SQL's user avatar
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Attempting to Switch from MariaDB FKM to Hashicorp Vault Key Management

I've been trying for a good few months now to switch our MariaDB 10.5-Enterprise servers over from File Key Management to Hashicorp Vault key management. We have 13 'regions' each with 3 MDB servers ...
Teemkill's user avatar
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SQL Server 2022 - Polybase External Tables - Create a master key

SQL Server 2022, CU 10 on Windows 2022. I am migrating a SQL Server 2019 database to a new SQL Server 2022 and when attempting to SELECT rows from an external Polybase driven table, I get the ...
Craig Efrein's user avatar
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How to insert data into temporary table from the table having encrypted columns in sql server

I am trying to insert data into a temporary table(#table1) from the table(table2) having encrypted column in it. I am getting below error while trying to insert data into temporary table from the ...
Prathap r's user avatar
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Insert data into Always Encrypted column using stored procedure in MSSQL

I am facing an issue while trying to insert data into SQL table which is having encrypted columns in it. Following is my approach. I have created a table with three columns: [ID], [Name], [Password]. [...
Prathap r's user avatar
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Forced Service Master Key on Secondary Replica

As I was doing some testing with encryption on our test environment I used the FORCE command to have the SMK be the same on primary and secondary. I've tried dropping the encrypted database on both ...
mikay's user avatar
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Mysql data at rest encryption component file keyring

Hi I have a mysql server version 8.0.34-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 for Linux on x86_64 and I want to enable data at rest encryption component keyring file. according to this page
Amir Almian's user avatar
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Possibly unwanted effects of using gMSA on encryption keys (and certificates) in SQL Server

I am trying to find out what undesirable effects using a gMSA as a service account for MS SQL Server could have when using TDE certificates to encrypt databases. As far as I have understood, there ...
JLP1985's user avatar
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How Does a Database that Supports TDE Work In Practice?

I'm very curious on how does TDE is implemented in practice. My goal is to get understanding on the usability constraint and possibility performance impact of applying such technique. Thus I'm trying ...
Mycotina's user avatar
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innodb_encrypt_tables = ON Convert table Collation

With Encryption at REST enabled on a MariaDB (10.4) database, can you change the Collation of all tables without unencrypting the database e.g: alter table <some_table> convert to character set ...
user2261750's user avatar
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SQL Server Database Encryption (Column Level)

This is not an issue, but more a Question on an unknown topic for me. A client of mine has asked to Encrypt some columns in the database, but from the application, he might see the values of the ...
Vasileios G's user avatar
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SQL Server Encryption at rest for some rows of a database (SQL 2019 Std)

I'm looking for a solution to encrypt a portion of a database at rest. The database contains data from different companies that should be encrypted with separate keys. So far, I've considered that TDE ...
mCasamento's user avatar
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TDE setup with EMK in SQL SERVER 2019

We are implementing TDE in MS SQL SEREVR 2019 with EKM provider. We are using asymmetric key to encrypt the data at rest. Asymmetric key will be hosted in HSM appliances. I have one questions ...
sam patrick's user avatar
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OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY from AKV takes too long randomly

This post is similar to another question listed here. Encrypting data by OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY by ASYMMETRIC KEY created with Azure provider in SQL server takes more than 2 min We are also facing the ...
Imtiyaz Thange's user avatar
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Unknown, Un-encryted Connections [duplicate]

We have SSL enabled on our SQL servers and our monitoring tool is alerting that there are unencrypted connections. The check that monitors this runs every minute and uses the following query to check: ...
SE1986's user avatar
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Visibility of the Code for a view depends on from where I connect on SQL server

My SQL Server admin and I are currently struggling with a strange issue. When I connect to the database from the same machine I cannot access a view definition, there is a message: Property ...
Uwe Ziegenhagen's user avatar
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Back up multiple databases to the same backup (BAK) file with encryption

I have a script that we run on an ad-hoc basis that grabs the names of 15 databases, then iterates through that list to backup each one into a single .BAK file. This is then downloaded for use ...
EvilDr's user avatar
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How to encrypt a production unencrypted RDS Aurora MySQL 8 cluster

I have a running RDS Aurora MySQL 8.0.23 cluster running in production. The database is unencrypted and I need to enable encryption for it. As far as I understand, this is not possible to do directly. ...
revy's user avatar
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TLS when connecting to SQL Server using "encrypt=false"

I'm trying to configure SQL Server 2017 Express Edition to use TLS 1.2 encryption, and accept connections from a simple test JDBC program. I'm reasonably experienced with java and MSSQL, but not so ...
Larry Menard's user avatar
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How exactly are the password hashing functions in the pgcrypto module different from the regular MD5 and other algorithms?

This is not technically a database question, but about the innards of Postgres's pgcrypto extension.The documentation says The algorithms in crypt() differ from the usual MD5 or SHA1 hashing ...
ahron's user avatar
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Postgres AES encryption with pgcrypto encrypt for text of length >15 characters is not compatible with other platforms

I am in a need of joining 2 tables with stringed identifiers, the key in first table is encrypted with AES ECB and the one in the second table is a raw form of that field in first table. I am trying ...
Kush's user avatar
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TDE - Best Practices for Storing Master Database / TDE Database files and Backups

I have been doing some testing around TDE, in anticipation of enabling in my environments I have TDE enabled on a database which means I cannot restore or attach this database to another server ...
SE1986's user avatar
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Have to regenerate SQL Server Master Key after every server reboot

We recently migrated our database over from SQL Server 2012 to a new SQL Server 2019 box. As soon as the database was migrated, I regenerated the master key, but whenever our SQL Server 2019 box ...
Timothy Ritter's user avatar
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Encrypting data by OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY by ASYMMETRIC KEY created with Azure provider in SQL Server takes more than 2 min

Have created a SYMMETRIC KEY for decryption by ASYMMETRIC KEY and the ASYMMETRIC KEY is created with Azure keyvault based key provider. I have used the details provided from Here and Here I have used ...
ARV's user avatar
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How to encrypt database in SQL Server 2008 Express edition

There are times when I need to move a SQL Server 2008 Express database (I'm aware it is EOL) from one machine to another. In order to do that I need to implement a mechanism using C# to encrypt the ...
samthesorcerer's user avatar
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Error creating ASYMMETRIC KEY - Cannot open session for cryptographic provider for SQL Server Cryptographic Provider for Azure Key Vault

I am creating an asymmetric key on the SQL Server database and have the SQL connector for Azure Key Vault installed and I am following the steps mentioned in the link setup steps for extensible key ...
ARV's user avatar
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Decrypt Symmetrically/Asymmetrically Encrypted Data in MS SQL (T-SQL) Server via Apex Crypto Class

Hope you're having a good day. This is in continuation to my previously posted question in Salesforce StackExchange. I was suggested to seek help at DBA SE in order to find a way to extract Symmetric ...
Assadullah Shaikh's user avatar
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Is the encryption of the password vault of MySql workbench secure enough?

MySql workbench stores passwords in a file called user_data.dat which is encrypted by default. But how strong is this encryption and what algorithm is used exactly? There are tools available on the ...
Maurice's user avatar
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Understanding of database master key in SQL Server

Let's say I have a production server and I have a database master key ##MS_DatabaseMasterKey## (master_key1) on it. I created a certificate c1, which is encrypted by master_key1 by default. Then I ...
Fajela Tajkiya's user avatar
3 votes
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Why isn't database decryption working after failing over to the standby?

We added a new node (N2) to our SQL Server 2019 cluster. On existing N1, decryption queries works fine but when we failover to N2, decryption is failing. The database master key on N1 is encrypted by ...
Sam's user avatar
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Postgresql : decrypt column only once when used in WHERE clause

I have the following request, using pg_trm and gin index: SELECT email, first_name, last_name FROM external_patient WHERE PGP_SYM_DECRYPT(cat_name::bytea, '...
Pascal Ognibene's user avatar

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