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Translating ERD diagrams into SQL DDL statements

I am currently establishing a database for Students and Courses using ERD. The style of ERD I am using is similar to the diagram below from the ERD Diagram Question: Note: The picture above is NOT ...
isakbob's user avatar
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Serialized Inventory Tracking

I'm developing a inventory system with optional serial no tracking (which users can turn on for items they select). in order to keep stock records currently i came up with two options. Option 01 use ...
eric's user avatar
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How can I import the contents of an Oracle database into Visio to create an Entity Relationship Diagram?

I have an Oracle database, and I would like to create an ERD in Visio 2007 Pro. I have so far looked at DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL commands to generate DDL. I know that I can import an Access DB into ...
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