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1 answer

What arrow is used to specify the relationship between a junction table and the FK tables [closed]

This is part of my first database design. I am unsure what type of arrow to use to describe the relationship: The tables are parking space, parking space features, and features. I am unsure of how to ...
Muffin's user avatar
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1 answer

If an entity's primary key must contain a foreign key, does that make the entity weak?

I'm currently learning about strong and weak entity types in the context of RDBMS. While reading, I came across this statement: "A weak entity is dependent on a strong entity to ensure its ...
Izzo's user avatar
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1 answer

There are 2 ERD Designs, and one has a strange combination. I am told both are correct. why?

One of the designs seems clear: A REQUESTEDPRODUCT is picked from STOCK (which has many locations). The primary key is a composite key of 4 foreign keys. The other design is more unclear. The "...
mntblau's user avatar
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4 answers

Foreign key location

This is a question from a Master's degree. What is the correct response to the question depicted in the image, and why? Or do you believe there could be multiple correct answers?
mntblau's user avatar
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Foreign key or copy of attributes in log entities

I am trying to design an ER for a system with the following specifications: Each user has an account The user can link his/her bank accounts to his/her account in our system The user can deposit or ...
fmatt's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple Primary-Foreign Key connections between Tables Redundant?

I have two tables, Reviews and Critic I'm pretty new to RDBMS and I was wondering if the connection between Review.rID and Critic.Review is redundant? My reasoning is that a single critic can have ...
Prithvi Boinpally's user avatar
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How do I represent foreign key in an Extended ER Model in Chen notation?

This is a spin-off of the question at How to represent foreign key in an ER diagram? which is too vague about the needed notation. There the idea of underlining FKs with a dotted line is stated. I ...
questionto42's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Which table gets the FK? Is there a clear Parent-Child relationship here?

I have the following tables: Each ProductLine will encompass many Parts. For this reason, it initially seemed to me that the Part table is a child of the ProductLine table. However, a part is not ...
ahh_real_numbers's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Clarification on Cardinality and Participation

I'm currently redesigning a schema with 20 or so tables and my first task is to create an ERD from the existing tables/constraints/relationships. This has proven more difficult than I expected because ...
nojohnny101's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Enforcing existence of records while avoiding circular references

I'm having issues designing a satisfactory solution for the following problem. There are two main entities: Customer User A customer can have many users associated to it. A user can be associated ...
Willem-Aart's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to model Parent -> Child -> Grandchild if the Child can be removed

I'm dealing with a set of relationships where the child can be removed, but I obviously don't want to lose the connection between the grandchild and the parent. I did think about marking the child as "...
fgblomqvist's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Should I define a FOREIGN KEY column as NULLable?

I've been developing some database structure to cover the following business rules: An invoice has many invoice_items. An invoice may have many refunds A refund has many invoice_items. All items ...
Peco's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get a surrogate key value in order to put a foreign key in and create relationship?

I am trying to create two relationships between three tables, using foreign keys with values of primary keys, which are surrogate keys. But I don't understand how to enter the right value in the ...
Sithered's user avatar
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Implementing a simple ERD in MySQL: is the implementation below 100% compliant with the ERD?

ERD Consider the following ERD: Tables From it, I derived the following tables: Company ------------------ c_id c_name ------------------ CompanyEmail ------------------ c_id e_id --...
feelthhis's user avatar
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