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Understanding many-to-many ternary relationship sets

I am new to entity-relationship diagrams. I'm a bit confused when it comes to interpreting ternary relationship sets such as this: Does this signify that every relationship instance of Party will ...
Yash Chowdhary's user avatar
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How to model a set of unique objects?

I have an entity type called 'Object', and I need to model an object set as a list of unique objects with variable length. Then, each object could belongs to many object sets. Current entity-...
Kroka's user avatar
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How to design a database for my entity-relationship diagram about Projects, Tasks and Developers

I'm new to database and my entity-relationship diagram is as follows: According to that I designed my SQL-DDL database statements as shown below: CREATE TABLE Developer ( DeveloperID int NOT ...
Gamma's user avatar
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How can I represent a relationship of cardinality many to many?

I'm trying to design a database for the information shown in the table below: In this regard, let's make the following assumptions: Each Student may take many Courses Each Course may have many ...
Mybackyard21's user avatar
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One-to-many relationship on a “‘junction’ table”

I have two entity's - Workout and Exercise. These will have a 'many-to-many' (M:N) relationship through the junction table WorkoutExercise. Things start to get complicated when I need to have a 'one-...
mrmustard's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Modeling a scenario in which each Music Artist is either a Group or a Solo Performer

I have to design an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) for a business context that involves the delineation of music artists, as I will detail below. Scenario description An Artist has a Name, and ...
Boshir's user avatar
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How to define User/Permission relationship as M:M?

The Resource relates to Action as M:M via Permission join table/separate entity. User can have many permissions. The same permission may be assigned to multiple users. How to define User-Permission ...
lexeme's user avatar
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