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How do we express a weak entity to be dependent on another weak entity?

Perhaps I am looking at my entities as a hierarchy rather than a set of relationships; for sake of an example I have three tables: Authors Books Content Where Authors writes Books and Books contain ...
the noobish undergrad's user avatar
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How can I represent a one-to-many relationship with three tables?

I just started using MySQL Workbench drawing an entity-relationship diagram that I previously designed in paper. I want to represent a conceptual one-to-many relationship by means of three tables. ...
user2936672's user avatar
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Relationship issue

I'm working on a ERD with mysql workbench, and i have a little question. I have a Database with this tables: company_address country state city I want to store the address of the company with all ...
Jesús Cota's user avatar
2 votes
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The nature of the relationship between two tables in MySQL

Good day. I'm designing a database for a research project where we're predicting whether or not young female athletes will rupture their ACL(s) based on the nature of a test jump recorded with a ...
nerdenator's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is my ER Diagram correct? Why use relationships?

This is the first time I've made an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for database that will be built on MySQL. The business domain of relevance is about equipment issues management. Prior to this, I ...
Kesshi's user avatar
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