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1 answer

If an entity's primary key must contain a foreign key, does that make the entity weak?

I'm currently learning about strong and weak entity types in the context of RDBMS. While reading, I came across this statement: "A weak entity is dependent on a strong entity to ensure its ...
Izzo's user avatar
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How to implement disjoint (nonoverlapping) subtype with total completeness in MongoDB?

I designed an entity relationship diagram (ERD) with the goal of creating two child entities (INSTITUTION and SPACECRAFT) of a parent entity (LOCATION), which is distinguished depending on the value ...
ttoshiro's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I categorize entites by their age in an entity relational diagram?

I am designing an entity relational diagram and I need to categorize entities in groups by their age. What I have is an entity of Person and some personal attributes about it. But I want to have ...
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"Tuples in a weak entity set are partitioned according to their relationship with tuples in a strong entity" - meaning? In the above link, there is the following statement - "Tuples in a weak entity set are partitioned according to their relationship ...
Rishabh Gupta's user avatar
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2 answers

One and only one relationship - ER diagram to relational schema

I'm taking this term a DB course as part of my CS studies. This week we began studying the subject of ER diagrams, which I find a bit confusing. I have some uncertainty about the picture above (Note: ...
HelpMe's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple Primary-Foreign Key connections between Tables Redundant?

I have two tables, Reviews and Critic I'm pretty new to RDBMS and I was wondering if the connection between Review.rID and Critic.Review is redundant? My reasoning is that a single critic can have ...
Prithvi Boinpally's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How can I represent the entity types depicted in an ERD as relations with attribute names?

I have created the entity-relationship diagram (ERD) shown below (for brevity, each individual bubble-shaped box portrays multiple attributes): Considering such an ERD, I have to convert each entity ...
shinzou's user avatar
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3 answers

Storing historical records and extracting data from a given period

This a question about database modeling and PostgreSQL. This post partially answers the question but I need advice on more technical stuff: columns and query to extract the data. I need to store ...
wiltomap's user avatar
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ERD Diagram based on Crow's Foot model for Milky Way Jewelry

this was on my final exam this past winter exam season, in search for the answer since i got it wrong: Draw an ERD diagram based on the Crow's Foot model for a database to support the basic ...
david's user avatar
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1 answer

ERD to Relational schema

I'm new to DBM and I'm trying to learn it online. Honestly, I need some help with this. I don't know if I'm doing this right, and any help will be appreciated. This is my answer for i.
Sam's user avatar
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2 answers

Trying to design database for eSports Teams - Issue with dependencies

I am trying to design a database in Access for an eSport league (specifically League of Legends North America). I will post what I have and then explain my issue. My issue comes when I try to ...
Tabri's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Relational Model Design - Entity with one attribute

I am trying to design a database relational model for an assignment. First, I design the ER diagram, and then the relational model with tables (schemas). Here's my question: Is it possible for an ...
IrishDog's user avatar
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The nature of the relationship between two tables in MySQL

Good day. I'm designing a database for a research project where we're predicting whether or not young female athletes will rupture their ACL(s) based on the nature of a test jump recorded with a ...
nerdenator's user avatar
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How do I persist recurring events?

I've been tasked with designing a system to recur events. Events may recur daily, hourly, monthly or yearly. Users should be able to schedule events "every 3rd Wednesday of the month" or &...
randomx's user avatar
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13 votes
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How to structure a model to properly and efficiently represent tree-like data on relational databases?

Based on Traversing tree-like data in a relational database using SQL question, I would like to know how the way regularly used to describe tree-like data on relational databases considering physical ...
Maniero's user avatar
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