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Questions tagged [execution]

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Why is my mean much more bigger than my Execution Time using hyperfine to benchmark my query performance?

QUERY PLAN -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Nuh Jama's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does MariaDB execution time is doubled for the same query (LOAD DATA INFILE)?

I observed a strange behaviour regarding the execution time of a query to import a CSV file in an empty table created beforehand. The query execution time to import the file increases while repeating ...
GiorgioAbitbolo's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Is there an option or hint possible to improve performance of query with multiple values in the "in" clause

We have a table CustomerNote with 4 columns ID, CustomerID, Note, Date There is an index on CustomerID asc, Date desc When the following query is executed select top 30 Date from CustomerNote ...
MichaelD's user avatar
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