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Why is Postgres choosing a Hash-Join instead of a Nested Join that is 200x faster?

I run the following query against Postgres 9.5 which returns article information along with the currently valid price: WITH selected_article_rm(id) AS ( VALUES ('80512e52-a406-4a9b-a8df-...
blubb's user avatar
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Should I use a subquery to help SQL Server find the correct plan

I have a query (which has components which are built on the fly depending on the selections a user makes in the interface) that runs in SQL Server 2008-R2 that runs in about 100 databases. Users are ...
Guy Schalnat's user avatar
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2 answers

Improve performance with the WHERE NOT IN sub-select clause

In the following query, I have to count transactions for each customer. However, I have to exclude from the result set entirely, customers that have a transaction older than one year. Shouldn't the ...
jcalfee314's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Query taking too much time

My query is taking too much time to execute. Please help me here. mysql> explain select pcm.catalog_id from cat_produ_catal_map_defer pcm, cat_catal_catal_map_defer ccm, cat_catal_defer c ...
ashuthosh's user avatar
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