Questions tagged [explain]

The EXPLAIN statement can be used to obtain information about the database executes a statement.

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Fetch wikipedia articles query optimization in mysql wikipedia Database

I have imported the Wikipedia database to a local MySQL database and I wrote a query to fetch wiki pages. My query is as follows : SELECT p.page_title, p.page_id,, text.old_text FROM ...
Yacine al's user avatar
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How to optimize MySQL SUM query even after adding index

The below query is taking 11 min to return the result set even after adding indexes and changing the table row format to Compressed. The 2 tables in the below query each have Table 1:...
aalney's user avatar
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mysql query choosing an incorrect execution plan

I have a primary with an dependant subquery as a where condition that is choosing a wrong execution plan, and therefore is running for ever. Main query: SELECT AS id156_, rtr....
nerlijma's user avatar
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Can I get some rationale from the Optimzer why it chose a certain explain plan?

This is not about reading an explain plan. This is not about adding any hints or measuring performance of a specific query. I have always been wondering whether it's possible for a given explain ...
Martin's user avatar
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Is there any manual for the visual explain in mysql? The output plan is unreadable

Just like this example, I cannot even tell the join ordering from it. And what does "ALL" and "ref" in the table mean? Is there any manual about the visual explain?
zli89's user avatar
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Why does it use temporary? (MySQL)

MySQL 5. I have the following table (filled with many rows): CREATE TABLE `SectorGraphs2` ( `Kind` tinyint(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT '1 - продюсер, 2 - жанр, 3 - регион', `Criterion` tinyint(...
porton's user avatar
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Slow postgresql query with pagination and filtering

For the DB in question, I have followed the advice of Pagination Done the PostgreSQL Way That is, results are being paginated on a composite index with a definite sort order. Now, my problem is ...
JonoB's user avatar
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postgres explain plan with giant gaps between operations

I have a postgresql explain plan that seems to have large gaps between the join, sort & filter processes and can't explain (sorry) it. The query is taking an inordinate amount of time and the ...
JaeRae's user avatar
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Does limit impact affected rows or not?

I have this table: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `usergroups` ( `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `user_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `group_id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT ...
Arash Mousavi's user avatar
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Query optimization when no row is returned

I am using explain to figure out what is happening in my query which is: explain select t from c where u1_id = 1 group by t; I see "Using where" in the Extra column of the resultset. But this only ...
Ali's user avatar
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Is there a "correct" way for an optimizer to process a subquery if the outer query has additional where filters?

This topic came up for me as the result of investigating an error in Redshift. We have a table containing a column of numbers represented as text, but for rows where no value is present a single ...
MattB's user avatar
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Get explain plan for query with inline function

I have a query that has an inline function: with function with_f(p_text in varchar2) return varchar2 is begin return p_text; end; select with_f(dummy) from dual Is there a way to get the ...
User1974's user avatar
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Specific index issue with postgresql planner/optimizer

i have an issue where i have no idea anymore and can't seem to find a similar one already discussed, so... Am/have to be on pgsql 10.15 / RHEL x86_64. rel A has about 813 million records. format is ...
doppeltesjott's user avatar
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how to sum times in EXPLAIN for Postgres parallel query

I'm having trouble understanding this EXPLAIN on Postgres 12.3: EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, VERBOSE, BUFFERS) SELECT count(1) FROM mytable WHERE page ~ 'foo'; This is a 22GB table with 30 million rows, on a ...
dcc310's user avatar
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Optimising query: not sure why LOWER() index isn't used

I've got comments that have 1..N comment_notifications. Each notification basically contains a username of the user notified. Each notification can be resolved_at when the user is done with it. This ...
Henrik N's user avatar
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Postgres logging_collector probably blocks auto_explain output

Postgres 10.4 Postgres 9.6 Problem on both versions I want to collect postgresql slow queries plan, so I added to my postgresql.conf setting from documentation session_preload_libraries = '...
Maryna Krasnova's user avatar
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Explain plan gives different results depending on schema

I have a query that joins a multi million row table to one containing hundreds of thousands of rows. Schema owner 'ABC' owns the smaller table and schema owner 'DEF' owns the larger table. They both ...
BriteSponge's user avatar
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How to interpret this XML plan fragment?

I am looking at the query plan produced by SQL Server 2008 R2 and I'm not sure I'm interpreting it properly. Examples: <RelOp NodeId="2" PhysicalOp="Sort" LogicalOp="Sort" EstimateRows="1" ...
mustaccio's user avatar
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mariadb - EXPLAIN works but ANALYZE throws ERROR 1064 (42000) error in SQL syntax

I want to see the execution plan of a query to find out why it is slow, but ANALYZE does not seem to work, it throws an error on the same query that EXPLAIN accepts. MariaDB [dbx]> explain select `...
haheute's user avatar
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Help interpreting a MySQL execution plan

I'm trying to understand a slow query. The SELECT has been running (at this moment) for almost 18000 seconds (output from a SELECT on PROCESSLIST): id: 22 time: 17870 ...
Charlie Martin's user avatar
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PostgreSQL - Star Schema - Execute plan seems "dumb" and i can't figure out why

I'm using a postgresql (15.5) database with the following logic: We have "meters" who measure electrical consumption. We have "computer meters" who are calculation of the ...
Sébastien De Wolf's user avatar
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Does aggregation order affect performance

I read on a blog that changing the order of aggregation (using group by 1,2 instead of group by 2,1 can affect the performance of the query. But the costs of both the query plans are identical. Yet, ...
ahron's user avatar
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PostgreSQL recursive query performance improvement

I'm building a database which is used to derive hierarchical relations for which I chose a PostgreSQL recursive CTE . my table structure is table_name |column_name |data_type ...
Arun's user avatar
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How can I make queries on skewed datasets more performant on Postgres

I have a seemingly simple query that's unfortunately extremely slow. I believe that I know why it is slow, but not how to make it fast, so I'd like to see how this could be improved. let's call the ...
Alessandro Jeanteur's user avatar
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MySQL does not use index, does full table scan instead

EDIT: See further developments below. I have an InnoDB table with the following schema: CREATE TABLE `data` ( `id` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `app_id` CHAR(27) NULL DEFAULT NULL,...
Duru Can Celasun's user avatar
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How to speed up GroupAggregate I have a query against a TimescaleDB 1.7 hypertable on Postgresql 12. Lots of joins to other table. When I do the grouping it seems to take a lot of time, I switched ...
Sylvain's user avatar
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Under what circumstances would these 3 queries return different number of results?

Hello I have the following question: Query 1: SELECT,     (     SELECT SUM(cb.invoice_amount) AS sum     FROM payment_lines cb     WHERE cb.batch_id =     ) AS batch_total_invoice_amount ...
Georgieva's user avatar
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Considering the following two (equivalent) SQL statements. Why do their execution plan differ (especially in performance) that much? I'm using Postgres 11.9 in this example. select from person ...
Nibor's user avatar
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See content of temporary Table in Oracles' EXPLAIN

I'm executing a Query in Oracle SQL Developer and eventually call SELECT * FROM TABLE ( dbms_xplan.display ); to get an impression what Oracle just did. There's a column Name in the output that ...
Bernhard Döbler's user avatar
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Analyzing performance of an insert int postgres

I have a statement which is inserting a bunch of rows (doesn't really matter what or where for this question) into a Postgres DB and it isn't as fast as I'd like. I can run an explain query to see ...
Richard Wheeldon's user avatar
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Extreme slow query for a simple indexed selection - Why? [duplicate]

i have a table in my database that is described as follows: -- Table: public.devicemeasurement_mqtt -- DROP TABLE public.devicemeasurement_mqtt; CREATE TABLE public.devicemeasurement_mqtt ( ...
VirtApp's user avatar
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What is Oracle's Window Buffer Operator?

Oracle database's explain plan sometimes includes Window (Buffer). What does this operator do? Here is the SQL. The primary keys are RECORD_DATE, TYPE and KEY. select source.RECORD_DATE, ...
Nathan's user avatar
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MongoDB Explain plan - elapsed time breakdown for executionStats

I have run an explain plan for a query, and am a bit confused with the timings of each stage, and how they aggregate to the total elapsed time. Following command was run to generate the statistics, ...
Rash-DBA's user avatar
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Why does performing a query on a second environment, it takes forever to run, and scans hundreds of millions of rows?

I have a query, it is fairly big, but not THAT big. One the baseline environment, it runs in less than 1/3 of a second. When we moved the database to RDS in Amazon, it takes 10-15 minutes to run. I ...
Barry Chapman's user avatar
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Different operations in different databases

So I have just executed EXPLAIN PLAN FOR on the same query in two databases that I've been told are identical in every regard except for slight variations in data amount. And the result of it seems ...
munHunger's user avatar
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Optimization Technique For Update Query in MySQL 5.1.73-log

I am trying to optimize an update query on InnoDB table in MySQL 5.1.73-log. As per my understanding we can not use EXPLAIN on update query for 5.1 version. So what will be the alternate course of ...
Chandan's user avatar
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postgres auto_explain : setting log_min_duration doesn't start

postgres 8.4.20 With these settings, the daemon starts : postgresql.conf shared_preload_libraries = 'auto_explain' With these settings, the daemon doesn't start : postgresql.conf ...
Massimo's user avatar
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MySQL deadlocking because update using full table scan

I have these jobs that run in parallel that call a series of queries on my DB. They're batched so each job is associated with a group of "bar" objects. So in the example below, temp1 is just a ...
user910210's user avatar
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Postgresql Explain Analyze - help: actual time in loops

I'm trying to interpret an Explain Analyze, but I did not understand this: According to the Postgresql documentation at: " the loops ...
Neto's user avatar
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A MySQL EXPLAIN number of rows discrepancy

MySQL 5.5.49-log More questions on the query in Why does it use temporary? (MySQL) (the query is the same but the question is different): I have the following table (filled with many rows): CREATE ...
porton's user avatar
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Should I stop an awfully inefficient MySQL DELETE statement?

I'm running the following statement on MySQL 5.5 in a 1GB 1CPU SSD virtual machine from Linode: DELETE table FROM ( SELECT MAX(id) id, field FROM table GROUP BY field ) temp_table INNER ...
e18r's user avatar
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Explain partitions

What does the possible keys, reference and rows indicate in explain partitions? I have used partitions on the table and I executing the explain partitions with a query: select count(...
reshu's user avatar
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How to optimize search restricted by boolean column?

I want to optimize a query1 of the form SELECT yid, xid FROM x WHERE is_principal; Here, is_principal is a non-null boolean column of x. If I run EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN on this query, the output I get ...
kjo's user avatar
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Oracle sql developer tree shaped represantation of Explain_Plan

I want to ask what exactly happens to the following Explain_Plan table : It firsts Joins the two tables Products & Order_Items then the output is joined with Orders and then with the Customers.Am ...
Phil_Charly's user avatar
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Mysql: Large Query with subqueries optimization

Any query optimization gurus in the house?? Anyway, I am trying to attack this on two fronts, one being to code a way around it but secondly, I'm thinking some real optimization might help in the ...
Ross Rankin's user avatar
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How to profile the PostgreSQL query planner diagnose what is causing it to take up large amounts of memory and time

I'm fighting with a specific "generated" query (the SQL is generated from a proprietary system, and I won't be able to share it or the execution plan here), and running into simply massive memory ...
Klathmon's user avatar
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View the final query executed by PostgreSQL Function

I have a PostgreSQL function with Language plpgsql. Since the EXPLAIN ANALYZE VERBOSE for my function executed like this: EXPLAIN ANALYZE VERBOSE SELECT foo() doesn't seem to log any valuable ...
Ayusman's user avatar
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Why is this Postgres query so slow?

I'm trying to debug the slow query below but I'm struggling to understand why it is slow. I can see that both plan and subplan do an index scan, including an "Index only scan" for the ...
laurent's user avatar
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Complex `where` dramatically affects query performance

There are much more complex queries running on these tables that are much faster but this one takes 90+ seconds to run. What am I doing wrong here? How can this be improved? SELECT ...
I wrestled a bear once.'s user avatar
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On which fields to index? Fields queried (WHERE) or fields returned (SELECT)

I have a large MySQL database table (~1 million rows and growing) on an AWS RDS Medium instance: mysql> describe clients; +-----------------+---------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+...
dotancohen's user avatar
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