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How to import MySQL RAW Database files without connection error

unfortunately I did not create a 'dump' file with the backup (Data Export) process on MySQL Workbench 8.0.26. When I copy the old database files to the new Data directory, the server fails to start ...
life777eternal's user avatar
0 votes
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import db and users from mysql 5

There's a working Mysql 5 database that I want to import into a MariaDB on another machine, including tables, data, users and privileges. Is There a pretty simple way to do that? I'm not so expert in ...
Remigio's user avatar
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What is a good mechanism to get production database data into other environments along with de identifying it

I am sure this is a solved problem and many people would have a great process already in place. How do I easily get data in my production server to other environments like staging and testing. We ...
George Joseph's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

TablePlus exporting without error but can not import it back

Exporting a table with 22,245 rows using TablePlus, after which TablePlus tells me "Export completed successfully". If I create a new database and try to import the file I just exported, I ...
Matt Welander's user avatar
1 vote
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How to export MySQL in a format accepted by DigitalOcean database clusters?

I am struggling with importing my databases to Digital Ocean database clusters. They have a setting that requires the primary key to be defined in the CREATE TABLE statement, but all my tools (...
Matt Welander's user avatar
1 vote
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Incorrect values after export xml from DB for table bigint(20)

This below is part of my script code for export data from table to xml. query: $query = "SELECT, p.slug, p.sku, p.price, p.vat_rate, p.stock, p.brand, p.ean, p.gender, pd.title, pd....
Marcin Wierzycki's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Saving output from INNER JOIN into a new table in MySQL

So I have a query in MySQL with an INNER JOIN which goes as follows: SELECT * FROM `distributors` INNER JOIN `manufacturers` WHERE distributors.manufacturer_id = manufacturers.manufacturer_id How do ...
Syed M. Sannan's user avatar
0 votes
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Exporting FoxPro DBF Files

I am attempting to export data stored by a client's Visual FoxPro database to be used in a MySQL context. The data given is a folder of .dbf, .cdx, and .tbk files, as well as a few .dct, .dcx, and ....
Eli's user avatar
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How do I bulk export data from an RDBMS without killing performance?

I'm building an app that lets the user export their data. When they click the Export button, we need to do a SELECT * WHERE user_id =, save it to a CSV file, and download it. There may be hundreds of ...
Kartick Vaddadi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Out of disk space while dropping columns from a mysql table

So, my setup is a little weird. I've got a laptop with 250 GB of memory and a table with roughly 100 million rows (InnoDB), which occupies around 130 GB of memory. The thing is, this table includes ...
Simullacra's user avatar
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How to move/copy a CSV file saved in /var/lib/mysql-files without root on a shared hosting server

I'm working with a server that I'm helping someone with to extract data from their database. The database server is no a shared hosting plan as is very very slow to run queries. Query that takes 3 ...
TheRealChx101's user avatar
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2 answers

MySQL Dump only views, triggers, events and procedures

how are you? I need to generate a file with all triggers, events, procedures from a server's databases and tried the two commands below mysqldump -u root -p --all-databases --host= --no-data ...
alexandredelcol's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Export and import a table without a specific column

I'm trying to export a table with an Auto Increment rowid column and then import it in another server. Considering that the column is primary key and can't accept duplicate keys if i import rows after ...
Pooya Estakhri's user avatar
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Force double quotes in phpMyAdmin export dump

I have a varchar column in my table but when I export it in phpMyAdmin (4.6.6deb5ubuntu0.5), the values are quoted with single quotes. How do I force double quotes? I don't see a setting. CREATE TABLE ...
WoodrowShigeru's user avatar
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1 answer

MySQL: carriage-return in query breaks my import

I use simple echo "select * from tab" | mysql --batch --quick --skip-column-names .... > /tmp/file from mysql to get data. Then, import to postgres using \copy tab FROM /tmp/file ...
Nir's user avatar
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2 answers

mysqlimport imports NULL values unwantedly as int 0

I would like to understand how to create a decent back-up file by using mysql and mysqlimport. I know that I can use mysqldump and mysql, but I'm learning to use the combination: mysql and mysqlimport....
Julian's user avatar
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1 answer

Use data from Mysql to ElasticSearch with Logstash

I'm using logstash for use my mysql database in ElasticSearch My conf is the next. input { jdbc { jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:mysql://[ip]:3306/nextline_dev" jdbc_user =&...
BlueSeph's user avatar
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1 answer

Copy Table from one MySQL server to another

Is there a way to copy or export a large table from MySQL server to postgres without affecting servers performance. I mean the table is very large and using mysqldump or any select query has bad ...
Tornike's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

MySQL user export PASSWORD is showing up as <secret>

I am trying to export all users from old MySQL server to new. All the methods that I tried shows the PASSWORD as <secret> pt-show-grants phpMyAdmin 4.8.1
pulser1983's user avatar
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Is there any scenario where a exported (.sql) database dump could be bigger in size, than the database itself?

I'm a developer in a local company, and I'm currently working on a project which involves migrating a website to my company's server, from some other hosting provider. For some reason this other ...
user avatar
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2 answers

Filesystem copying inactive DBs on active MySQL server

My question is related to this question and answer: Copying datadir directory enough for backing up a database with InnoDB tables? I want to use a filesystem copy on a whole DB without shutting down ...
Omn's user avatar
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3 votes
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Partial copy of huge database

I have started working in a project which has a big database, around 300GB. For security reasons I can not access database from my local web app. So I need to copy last 100,000 from each table. To ...
Eduardo's user avatar
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Storing the last updated date of a row in a different table

I need to do a daily export of all of the new rows or updated rows from a legacy database into the new database. The problem I am running into is that not all of the tables on the legacy database ...
Charlie Brumbaugh's user avatar
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MySQL Import & Replace via CSV

I have a MySQL database table named items with 10,000+ records. Of these records, I would like to export only records where item_isbn IS NULL. SELECT * FROM Items WHERE item_isbn IS NULL produces a ...
jonboy's user avatar
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Any program / command to see a preview of .sql dump file?

If I have [multiple] .sql dump files, is there a command or tool that would allow me to see a preview of the file ? e.g: db-preview backup.sql tables (40) ---------- - users (1200) -...
adrianTNT's user avatar
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1 answer

Dump MySQL table to csv file (utf8mb4_unicode_ci)

I have MySQL table with columns (character-set: utf8, collation: utf8mb4_unicode_ci) to be exported to a .csv file. mysqldump -u *** -p -t -T/tmp/ dbname tablename --default-character-set=utf8mb4 ...
user117624's user avatar
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How to transform results of a select statement formatted as XML?

When I run the command mysql EvePlanataryExpenses --xml -uuser -p -e "SELECT sTransactionDateTime, SUM(sQuantity * sPrice) as 'profit' FROM sell GROUP BY sMonth;" |sed '/^\s*$/d' I get the following ...
Cristian Matthias Ambæk's user avatar
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mysql export with partial data

How do I export the structure of a mysql database I have, keeping the structure for all the tables but only exporting the data for some of the tables? After exporting how do I import it into another ...
epeleg's user avatar
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MySQL dump only has SET commands, no data

I've done an export of a Wordpress database. The MySQL file that was exported only contains the Host, Database name, server version and SET commands. Pastebin: Another ...
Ruairi's user avatar
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I'm seeing inconsisntecies in table data after exporting from one server and importing to another, why is this?

I'm quite new to the process of importing/exporting databases. I'm using Maria DB, and HeidiSQL to run queries, etc. I exported an entire database from our dev server, and loaded it into our live ...
mal's user avatar
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How to export views and import it in other DB?

I am trying to export the database and everything is fine but I am not able to export the VIEWS. Is it possible to export the views from sql queries and import it?
Joomler's user avatar
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How to fix invalid length in all tables of MS SQL Server 2008 (R2) database

Task is simple: I want to export all SQL Server database tables using SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2 to MySQL (or any other format that MySQL can take, e.g Excel, CSV). I have tried the ...
Damilola Olowookere's user avatar
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How to import a single table in Windows environment

I am running Windows 7 with xampp. I can easily import a database with the following command: mysql -u user -p database < backup.sql The problem is that I have a database around 8.5 GB, which ...
user1680093's user avatar
7 votes
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Nothing to do, no schemas or tables selected on export

I'm using MySql Workbench 6.3.6, on Windows 10, which has all updates. I have previously been able to get a data dump from this database. Now I can't get any from any of the schemas I have open in ...
user avatar
40 votes
4 answers

mysqldump vs mysqlpump

I just heard about mysqlpump - it looks like it was released with MySQL 5.7, however MySQL 5.7 still includes mysqldump. They're both backup programs, but could anyone summarize the main differences? ...
Ryan Foley's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Best way to export excel table into MySQL db

I'm trying to export an Excel table which contains about 400 records of HR stuff (e.g. name, surname, age, job, ecc.) into a MySQL db. I'm actually using mysql for excel and started reading a db book,...
bomba's user avatar
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Sending a database dump

Quite new to db admin here and I have a quick question. I am collaborating with another colleague off site and they would like me to send them a dump of our (1.5GB sql db) database via email as they ...
jonboy's user avatar
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How to export an Access database and import to MySQL?

I am working on a Java project that sources data from an MS Access database, but I want to use MySQL because I have found it to be very easy to manage. How can I export an Access database that has ...
user70245's user avatar
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How can I append new data from a particular mySQL table to an excel spreadsheet?

We have a database trigger that automatically adds new clients to a table when they first contact the server, it takes a number of unique identifiers that the client provides on first contact and ...
mal's user avatar
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MySQL Exporting a query to text file via Cron Job

I'm in the beginning stages of hacking together code that syncs two completely different pieces of software/webware. I'm looking for a way to run a SQL query and output the results to a text file. I'd ...
T. Thomas's user avatar
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How to export image filenames from Wordpress database?

I have a Wordpress install that's using about 10,000 images. I'd like to export all filenames used in Wordpress to a file, filenames.log filenames.log would look like this: car.jpg boat.jpg milf.jpg ...
location's user avatar
2 votes
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Exported CSV from MySQL doesn't appear in specified directory

I'm trying to figure out the syntax to export the results of a MySQL query to the desktop as a CSV file via SSH. Here's what I'm trying: SELECT * INTO OUTFILE 'C:\Users\Jim Smith\Desktop\zyzyz.csv' ...
Garrett's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How can I export just the structure of a MySQL database?

I use Ubuntu 14.10 and PhpMyAdmin. I have a 'big' MySQL database, the size is 900MB. I need just the structure of this database, to use it on my local machine. How can I export the structure only?
nikolr8's user avatar
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8 votes
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Mysqldump from production database, every morning

Our Db is about 2GB in size. We run a scheduled job at 3am every morning, when traffic is pretty low, where we export the whole db and sftp it off site. Is it bad practice to do this on a production ...
Adergaard's user avatar
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Creating a MySQL db from an Informix database

There is an existing database that was created in Informix. I would like to export it and then import it into MySQL. I tried to export it using dbschema and it created the dbase.sql file and several ...
Torey's user avatar
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mysql dump a table to remote host [closed]

i want to dump a table from localhost host (with public ip), here is the command so far, the command will be run on localhost mysqldump --opt --host localhost --user=username --password=password ...
hkguile's user avatar
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How can I normalize this database?

I've got legacy ecommerce database, which is awfully designed and I need to move all products from it to new solution. But I stuck with how product properties stored. So it basically has tens of ...
evgeniuz's user avatar
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I can't import my database into mysql

I have a website based on drupal and I tried to export its database via both Backup wizard and phpmyadmin. the database was exported but I can't import it on my localhost database.this the error ...
M a m a D's user avatar
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MySQL - Export two columns from large table without causing a lock

I am a sysadmin who doesn't do a ton of dba stuff. For a project, I have access to a production server--which I am not the sysadmin for--with an enormous 40,000,000 row >10 GB MySQL InnoDB table. I ...
aaron's user avatar
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Using Workbench to export. Views no longer work

I'm using Workbench 5.2 from my production DB machine (Ubuntu Linux). I've been trying to export. First try.. I had the entire schema selected including all tables and views in the right hand window....
Matt Winer's user avatar