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Postgresql strange behavior with non-ascii characters with triagram index present

I see some strange behavior when using either gin_trgm_ops or gist_trgm_ops indexes. There seems to be quite a difference in plans when using say ILIKE or ~ and search for ascii phrases vs multi-byte ...
Pawel Zieminski's user avatar
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Composite multicolumn index for geopoint range and numeric range query

I am building an app where the server needs to select rows based on some criteria/filters. One of them is the location of the user and the radius at which the user want's to see posts and other ...
Najib's user avatar
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Queries using GIN index on f_unaccent() seem slow?

I have almost 20M rows in one table that contains product, including their names. I wish to search fulltext and fast by the name so I created this index: CREATE INDEX ...
Michal's user avatar
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Index method for very few updates and many inserts

I am using Postgresql 9.1 with *pg_trgm* extension. I need to create an index on a text-based field. I do not need full-text searches, I use ILIKE queries to make my searches. I will use pg_trgm but ...
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