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Questions tagged [hierarchy]

For issues relating to arranging items into ordered levels.

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Oracle hierarchical query: aggregate over each node's descendants, give results in tree pre-order

Given hierarchical data, for each item I need to get the sum of a column over the sub-tree rooted at the item, and I need the results in pre-order. Example: for the data employee_id | manager_id | ...
laurt's user avatar
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How make recursive json on mysql

my table looks like CREATE TABLE `test_comments` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `parent_id` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `test_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `user_id` int(...
valeron's user avatar
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How to get the hierarchy of particular employee using JPA spring boot?

I am trying to find a way to get the employee hierarchy in an organization using JPA and Spring boot. The problem is similar to the following link Similar Data Model If A reports to B and B reports ...
dadajaki's user avatar
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Design for a child to have a single parent `A` OR `B` with FK cascade constraint?

I'm assuming this is not possible with PK and FK... Let's say I have tables A, B, and C. A and B are "parents", and B and C are "children" A is the root B can be the child of either A or B C ...
xtratic's user avatar
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Scalable way to manage aggregated statistics over time in hierarchy?

I'm using a closure table (Postgres through Django) to roll up stats through a hierarchical tree. When a node that is 10 layers deep has a value that increases, each parent's sum total of that value ...
Evan H's user avatar
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What's the best way to represent an event from a system in a chat?

Conversations -------------- id Messages -------------- id conversation_id user_id reply_to_id content created_at I was looking at this question and I had a question: How to build a table for a ...
Strawberry's user avatar
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Nested set model in higher dimensions

The nested set structure is well-known and involves using left and right values to denote the relative heirarchy of nodes on one axis. Is there a generalization of this structure to higher dimensions?...
J. Pao's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Parent/Child Relationship Table Design - What's The Best Practice?

I have a single table for storing 'Tasks'. A task can be a parent and/or a child. I use the 'ParentID' as the FK referencing the PK on the same table. It is NULLABLE, so if it is NULL it does not have ...
Kevin's user avatar
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1 answer

Correct way to join row in parent table to row in one of several children tables

I have a parent table product, and several children tables like phone, tablet, smartwatch etc. The parent and children have 1-1 relationship. This means that for every row in parent table, there will ...
Abdul Wasae's user avatar
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How to add foreign key in a table where column value can come from two different tables?

I have three tables create table main_comments ( id serial primary key, comment text not null ); create table sub_comments ( id serial primary key, main_id integer not null, comment ...
gaurav's user avatar
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Get all descendants from 3 hierarchical tables

I have the following tables within a database: +-------------+ +-------------+-------------+ +---------------------------+ | project1 | | project2 + | project3 ...
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Bypass truncated data type error in `CREATE TABLE AS`

I am attempting to recreate the code from this excellent tutorial in MariaDB 10.2 to try and build nested sets from an existing adjacency list. (The goal being to ingest changes to the adjacency list ...
Noah Goodrich's user avatar
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Nullable, dependent attributes

I'm designing a database for students. Computer science students here in Switzerland can decide between different specializations, e.g. application development, system engineering etc. There are ...
Ophidian's user avatar
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Condition in WHERE vs condition in CONNECT BY

Can anyone explain to me the difference between the following two queries? Even though they seem the same the results are different. select concept.concept_id, concept.PARENT_ID from ...
giannis christofakis's user avatar
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How to store hierarchical dimension for timeseries data

I have a requirement to store data about a load of Searches. Each time someone searches we want to record it for analyzing later on. As part of the search the user can select one or more Categories ...
Martin Brown's user avatar
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Select top-most folder in a hierarchy by given criteria in MySQL

I'm using MySQL (5.7.20) to store a folder hierarchy. Each folder is stored together with all direct and indirect parents including the distance. As an example, the following folders A +- B + C ...
Jan Gassen's user avatar
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Procedure for tree view [duplicate]

I trying to fetch data form database which is have 3 column unique_id, parent_id & node_name, but this query (Given in below) is return only two rows. Condition: every parent has two child. DROP ...
Atish's user avatar
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Parent Child Relation in same Table

I have a table storing parent/child records as such: +-------+------------+---------+---------+------------+-----------+ |custid | custname | deptid | company |parentcustid| enrolled | +=======+==...
obautista's user avatar
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Design: Postgres, Parent to Child / Child to Parent / Child to Child | JSONB

I am very new to database design. I am hoping for suggestion or solutions for a feature I am working. Note: We are majorly using JSONB type in Postgres Feature: I have a orders table which would ...
Sathish's user avatar
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Is a Self-defining Table of Domains Normalized?

I don't really know the official name of what I've made but it can't be the first time this has been made, so apologizes up front for not knowing every term. My question, is a table as outlined below ...
UpTide's user avatar
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Why does Oracle yield multiple levels per row in this hierarchical query?

I'm trying to reproduce the first simple example from this tutorial. However, I don't understand why I get so many rows back. I would expect that 1 reports to 2 only at level 1 and not at level 2 as ...
akkarin's user avatar
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How to organize binary tree in database? [closed]

Here is the situation, I need to organize some users like an binary tree to explain organization workflow, but organization can change. Here is how its look like: 1 / \ 2 ...
Raphael Schubert's user avatar
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Auto-update hierarchyid of multiple records in INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger

I am working with an INSTEAD OF UPDATE trigger, where I have to calculate / re-calculate the hierarchyid of a row based on another column value. Thus far, I have it working. The problem that I run ...
Chris Braybrook's user avatar
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Recursive Seller Account with Balance

I need to build a database for managing Short Messaging Service (SMS). In this I have 2 types of users Reseller Must have starting SMS balance for example: 1,000 - credit table He can sell ...
Manjesh V's user avatar
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2 answers

Get Nested/Hierarchical Data from SQL Table

I have a table relationship between 'Tag' and 'Task'. It is M:M. The relationship is mapped in the table 'TagTaskMapping'. The TagAssignment table stores the relationship between a Tag and a date. So ...
K09's user avatar
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While Loop - Parent/Child Tree

I'm trying to recursively loop through and return all child_id's that have the root element of 9. The structure: ->9 ->->8 ->->->17 ->->22 ->->->11 Parent Child ...
Jordan Davis's user avatar
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How to retrieve all the rows where primary key value found in the other column in the row in MySql

Following is MySql Table in the snapshot: column sno could be found in the other rows in column p_sno. i.e. sno = 5 linked through p_sno = 5 with sno = 6 (two rows) sno = 8 linked through ...
Abdul Rahman's user avatar
5 votes
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Find missing folders paths in split hierarchies

I have a table which contains folders' paths. This table contains four columns: DirID - The folder's ID. BaseDirID - The ID of the first folder in the hierarchy. So all the folders (paths) from the ...
Nuriel Zrubavely's user avatar
3 votes
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How to flatten and pivot a normalised hierarchy table

I have an OrgChart table that looks something like this: PositionCode PositionName ParentCode Level AA0001 CEO 0 AA0002 CFO AA0001 1 AA0003 ...
James Gale's user avatar
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Social network comments and posts model in PostgreSQL 9.6

I'm trying to figure out a data structure for migrating from MongoDB to PostgreSQL. Within my posts table in Postgres, I have a JSONB[] array holding comments for the post. The thing is that each ...
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Create parent node and parent id [closed]

I have a table which contains id, nodeid, nodevalue, and nodelevel columns. Now I want to create new temp column ParentnodeId. I tried using CTE but not getting the correct result. Id Nodeid ...
mjak's user avatar
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Unflatten hierarchical data in SQL Server

I have some tables in the staging area of a data warehouse that I'm filling with data from some flat, comma-delimited text extracts from another system. When the data comes in the hierarchy of parents ...
mendosi's user avatar
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Which postgres design for a nested resource that can link to the same type of resource

I have this kind of data that I need to store in postgres (ruby object). #<InitRes:0x007f8ec3734c78 @kind="RestrictionsSchema", @restrictions= [#<ParsedRes:0x007f8ec60ed218 @...
Mio's user avatar
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Joining recursive table in PostgreSQL

Situation I have two simple tables, one called "node_relations" and one called "node_information". The table "node_relations" represents a simple parent-child hierarchy, having only two columns "id" ...
M.Ermatinger's user avatar
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SQL relationship for nested groups

I'm working on a creating a database schema for a legacy app that currently saves its data to XML files. I'm having trouble representing this relationship: Task Group 1 contains |-- Simple Task 1 |--...
A_B's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Can I get a tree-structure from a self-referenced (hierarchical) table?

Given a hierarchical table like this: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[btree] ( id INT PRIMARY KEY , parent_id INT REFERENCES [dbo].[btree] ([id]) , name NVARCHAR(20) ); I would like to obtain the whole tree ...
McNets's user avatar
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SQL select for a specific node all subnodes

I'm using mySQL on phpMyAdmin, my table is | code | name | parent | |------|------|--------| | 10 |node10| 5 | | 5 |node05| 2 | where 5 is the parent of 10 (which is also a node), I ...
devhicham's user avatar
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Join mysql tables to find siblings and get their notifications

i have two mysql tabes one for company and one for notifications. Company +-----------------------+ | ID |parentID|vaue | |1 |0 |22020 | |2 |1 |23423 | |3 |2 |22222 ...
Max Ahmed's user avatar
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How to get last level of a hierarchical list, group by some field

Given the schema: create table containers ( id int primary key, name text, product_id int, lot int, qty int, parent_id int); create table orders_items ( id int, ...
McNets's user avatar
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Build an Oracle query to get parent and child records

Table structure as below col1| col2 | col3| 1 | empty|empty| 2 | 1 | Xyz | 3 | 1 | abc | 4 | 2 | abc | Note Col2 is deciding parent record for child record. Looking to get result ...
Anjali Mishra's user avatar
3 votes
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MySQL parent / child table not showing parent entries

I have a table in which categories are listed, and each product can belong to a parent category or not. There is only one level of possible depth. CREATE TABLE `categories` ( `id` int(10) unsigned ...
user32421's user avatar
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Shared 'directories' using closure tables

As part of an application I'm working on, users need to be able to store files in directories, and share certain directories for collaboration. After doing some initial research, I decided to ...
NRaf's user avatar
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Oracle 11g hierarchical queries with limit, offset and order by to achieve pagination on the root level

I'm using Oracle 11g (unfortunately not 12c, i.e. OFFSET n ROWS FETCH NEXT m ROWS ONLY is not available) and I'm trying to achieve pagination on a hierarchical query. The aim is to sort the root ...
Joern's user avatar
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How to detect a circular reference in a hierarchy table?

I have table like this: CREATE TABLE MyTable ( Id INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ParentId INT NOT NULL ); ALTER TABLE MyTable ADD FOREIGN KEY (ParentId) REFERENCES MyTable(Id); select * from ...
Ashwani's user avatar
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Best way to implement Hierarchical data in SQL Server with multiple parents

How can I implement Hierarchical data where a child has two or more parents? Something like this Parent ID Child ID 1 2 1 3 3,2 4 4,1 5
Sebastián A's user avatar
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The efficiency of an hierarchical table and query

I have this hierarchical table that will end up containing 5 or 600 unique names, many of which will be assigned to multiple parents, such as "Hunt" below... +-------------+----------------------+----...
glenn nall's user avatar
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Hierarchical Storage and Query

I am editing and providing new info to this question because i've found what I need, just have a couple of questions about efficiency. Now, I have this table: category -------------------------- ...
glenn nall's user avatar
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Getting count of all children and if any child contains user id in nested hierarchy

I am trying to create a newsfeed for posts and comments. The user should see: 1. A latest post in liked group or by a followed user 2. A post with the latest comment (n-th level) in liked group or ...
gentrobot's user avatar
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How to correctly create a table that has multiple columns self reference another row?

EmpNo |Designation | ReportsTo | Room 10 | Director | NULL | 1 20 | Senior Manager | 10 | 2 30 | Typist | 20 | (THIS GUY REFERS TO empno 10 room) 40 | ...
Lachlan Brown's user avatar
9 votes
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Hierarchical permissions in a table stored hierarchy

Assuming the following database structure (modifiable if need be) ... I am looking for a nice way to determine the "effective permissions" for a given user on a given page in a way that ...
War's user avatar
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