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What is causing my ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)?

I'm using brew install mysql/brew install mariadb, and cannot find a way around the following error: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) Here are the ...
It's WPTom's user avatar
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MySQL and MariaDB on same macOS via brew

How do I install mariadb on my macOS Mojave via homebrew without destroying my MySQL 8 setup ? Error: Cannot install mariadb because conflicting formulae are installed. mysql: because mariadb, ...
anjanesh's user avatar
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Brew Upgrade Mysql: sdi_delete failed: Record Doesn't exist: tablespace_id: 1 Key: 1 4049

I ran the following commands from the cli in MacOS Monterey V 12.4: brew update brew upgrade Upon doing so, MySQL was upgraded from 8.0.30 to 8.0.31. MySQL was running in the background during the ...
Derrick's user avatar
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MySQL Plugin "mysql_old_password" not loaded

In an attempt to fix another issue I had, I ran the commands below (as per mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET plugin = 'mysql_old_password' mysql&...
The Royal Guardian's user avatar
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mysql on Mac Monterey not working regardless what I do

I am running a Mac on Monterey v 12.4 with an M1 Max. I tried to install mysql on my Mac but I never get it to work regardless what I do. The first thing I tried to do is: $ brew install mysql Then I ...
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3 votes
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Server quit without updating PID file when trying to start MySQL server?

So I created my .bash_profile, opened it in a text editor and added: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin and then I saved it. Next, I tried running sudo /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server ...
nickcoding's user avatar