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Questions tagged [impala]

Questions related to Apache Impala SQL Query Engine.

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Calculate (n) workdays from a given date, using a calendar table

As shown on below image, I have two tables; Customer : with about 4 million records; and 3 columns [Customer] : Customer ID [Date] : Creation date [Num_Days] : Number of working days to calculate ...
LEOPOLDO's user avatar
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Get Join Keys dynamically from a table

SQL/Impala I have a scenario where I need to join my input file with a mapping table which has map columns and derived columns. The join keys are dynamic and need to taken from a dynamic metadata ...
Nitin Shelke's user avatar
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Retrieving orders that only contain certain product IDS

I am trying to retrieve a list of transaction IDS that only contain at least 5 product IDS, the baskets could have many more product IDS but it must contain these 5 also. My table looks something ...
RustyRyan's user avatar
2 votes
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how to insert data into extra columns of target avro table when source table is having less no of columns compared to target using hive or impala?

Suppose I am having a source Avro table having 10 columns and my target Avro table is having 12 columns, while inserting data into the target table I need to add null values to the extra 2 columns. ...
user109612's user avatar
1 vote
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Splitting a table into two tables randomly with 50-50 percent of records in impala

I have a table having n number of records in impala. I need to find out how can I divide that table into two equal halves with 50 - 50 percent of records in each.
user97537's user avatar