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Questions tagged [inheritance]

For questions about extending a base object's features into a derived object.

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0 votes
1 answer

Postgres permissions on table create not propagated

we are working with a postgres database V13. We're facing a problem that previously permissions were just inherited/created when a new table was created. It is not working anymore, when I create a new ...
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1 answer

Can Postgres inherited tables overlap

Is it possible to have single row in a parent table be visible in more than one inherited (child) table? Perhaps by inserting a row directly into the master table and then "making it visible" in one ...
1 vote
1 answer

Django Multi Table Inheritance and Preserving Child and Child History

Place can have many different one to one fields, that’s why it can have bookstore, restaurant, and hardware store. But can the same place be both a bookstore and a restaurant at the same time? Now if ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How to INSERT a new record into 2 tables with FKEY inheritance?

Inheritance has been setup with FKEY instead of INHERITS due to FKEY limitation. My question: How to INSERT a new record into bonds table? CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS instruments ( id SERIAL, ...
0 votes
1 answer

When using class inheritance, can all PKs of the derived tables exist as PKs of the base table?

Brief questions When class inheritance is used, the child table inherits the key from the parent, right? Thus, you INSERT INTO the parent and then the child? This indicates that the PK of the child ...
1 vote
2 answers

Oracle MV requires object type to be defined as FINAL?

I want to create an Oracle 18c materialized view (MV) on a table that has a user-defined datatype called ST_GEOMETRY: The MV would do a COMPLETE refresh on a schedule — on a local table. Some info ...
7 votes
2 answers

Polymorphic Association - is it bad?

In the following schema: Collections Upvotes Reports Upvotes Reviews Upvotes I'm tempted to have a single Upvotes table with a single "entityId" column that stores either the CollectionId, ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to correctly deal with IDENTITY fields on parent/child tables when using inheritance in PostgreSQL

I have a rather simple question when playing with a PG 15.1 database. I've tried to set up a simple inheritance case: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cities CASCADE; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cities ( id INT ...
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0 answers

Postgresql Inheritance : Parent can be in two Child and c

In postgres sql inheritance: Parent: Person Child : Professor Child : Student Student can be a Professor How to manage insert with solo parent ?
0 votes
1 answer

Move row of a table to an inherited table in PostgreSQL

I have tables created as such: BEGIN; CREATE TABLE tag ( id SERIAL, name VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE NOT NULL, description VARCHAR(511) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY(id) )...
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1 answer

Alerting system relationships and STI in PostgreSQL

I'm no expert in DBMS and trying to build up an alerting system that can attach itself to many tables, so I figured asking the question would help my architecture. The thing that may confuse me a ...
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1 answer

Inheritance and foreign keys in Postgres

This is about using inheritance and foreign keys in Postgresql databases. Consider the following simplistic example whose structure is based on what I am building at the moment (but the specifics were ...
2 votes
1 answer

Postgres natively partitioned tables - adding extra child columns

With Postgres native partitioning, can you add extra columns to a partition of the base table? Like: CREATE TABLE item ( tenant_id bigint NOT NULL, item_id bigint NOT NULL, kind text NOT ...
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1 answer

Correct entity relationship diagram representation of a normalized table with a NOT NULL foreign key

Intro Hi everyone, this is mainly a classification/theoretical question on the topic of inheritance and normalization techniques in database design and their appropriate representation in entity ...
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1 answer

table inheritance: TPH, TPT and single table vs taxonomies

according to this post and many others web resources, you can do table inheritance with Table Per Hierarchy Inheritance, Table Per Type Inheritance or Single table (single table for all sub classes). ...
2 votes
1 answer

Preserving foreign key properties when using Class Table Inheritance (or alternatives)

Imagine I have a table events, which outdoor_events and indoor_events inherit from. I have activities then outdoor_activities and indoor_activities. Assume it makes sense for outdoor and indoor to be ...
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1 answer

Make all users within group role inherit permissions

I have a group role that consists of around 1,000 users. Those users do not inherit group role permissions, and I would like to make them all inherit them instead. What would be the way to do it ...
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1 answer

partitioning with inheritance

Reference:,5.11.3.%C2%[…]20Using%20Inheritance,-While%20the%20built I was trying partitioning with ...
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1 answer

Designing an extensible authentication system

I need to design an authentication system, where different type of authentication schemes may exist. At the end, I should assign a passphrase (access token) to the user. I have several authentication ...
5 votes
2 answers

Best practise for polymorphic associations in MySQL

I have a MySQL database with 3 tables holding the main classes of data: companies (company_id) persons (person_id, company_id) loans (loan_id, company_id) Both a 'loan' and a 'person' belong ...
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2 answers

Why does selecting an attribute of an Oracle object require an alias?

My GIS software has an Oracle 18c object type called ST_GEOMETRY. The object type has attributes: The attributes of the spatial type represent the following information: Entity: The type of ...
7 votes
2 answers

How to drop inheritance?

I am new to PostgreSQL. The situation I have is someone created a child table inherits from the parent table. And dropped the child table. But the parent table still has the "down arrow" sign on it. ...
7 votes
1 answer

PostgreSQL and table inheritance

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this, so please feel free to tell me if it is off-topic or there is a better place to post. I am working on a fantasy sports based project, and the number ...
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0 answers

How to implement concrete table inheritance pattern in MySQL?

I want to know how to implement classes in MySQL that represent a subset of another class type, with the purpose of having subclasses inherit fields from the parent class. Described by Martin Fowler ...
7 votes
2 answers

Query parent table and get child tables columns

I have two tables, one inherits the other: CREATE TABLE parent ( col1 INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE child ( col2 INTEGER ) INHERITS( parent ); // Insert some data INSERT INTO parent( col1 ) ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can I query my "subtype" tables?

I am trying to model inheritance in my database. The purpose of the database is to use it to emulate a directory structure in a desktop GUI. The directory structure is made up of nodes, which can ...
1 vote
1 answer

Class Table Inheritance combined with running searches and paging

Assume we have tables similar to the following: CREATE TABLE Base ( ID int, Type varchar(20), Col1 varchar(255), Col2 varchar(255), AddedAt datetime2 ); CREATE TABLE Sub1 ( ...
8 votes
2 answers

Partial unique constraint spanning multiple tables in postgres

To enforce partial uniqueness in postgres, it is a well known workaround to create a partial unique index instead of an explicit constraint, like so: CREATE TABLE possession ( possession_id serial ...
1 vote
2 answers

Deleting rows from child table without deleting from parent [closed]

I have 2 tables, connected with inheritance. I want to delete some rows from the child table. The deletion part works but it deletes rows from the parent as well: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ...
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1 answer

Mapping and Inserting Values into a Specialized table

For a system i'm designing,i have one parent entity,Computer Computer(computer_id,computer_processor,computer_hddrive,computer_memory); A computer can be of two types,Desktop and Laptop,each having ...
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1 answer

Modeling Table-Per-Type in PostgreSQL

I have read the following post How do you effectively model inheritance in a database? about inheritance in databases. Unfortunately I could not find anything in the PostgreSQL books from Packt. And ...
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0 answers

Poor performance in a SELECT using Inheritance

I will detail my problem in good detail. I have a marketplace application so I make a decision to make a multitenant per schema approach. I like this approach because of the isolation of data, but I'm ...
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1 answer

Postgres role does not inherit permissions from its member role

I want to group my postgres database permissions to set of roles and then assign users to these parent roles to manage all permissions from a central place. I created a role called admins and granted ...
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1 answer

Inheritence and Primary Key Constraints

I am currently trying to see how the object oriented features come in play in Postgres. During a few tests I noticed that when you insert in or delete from inheriting tables that those changes also ...
1 vote
1 answer

Improve PostgreSQL SELECT performance in a parent table (inheritance)

I have a PostgreSQL 9.2 database where each account has a schema, like below: My_Database |-> Schemas |-> AccountA |-> AccountB |-> AccountC |-> AccountD |-> ...
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1 answer

PostgreSQL 10.6: Alter parent table will block ALL children?

I want to add a column to near 74.000 child tables. These tables continually have insertions and reads from all the services in the company, in almost realtime. If I add a column to the parent table, ...
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0 answers

I have multiple different objects which share most attributes, but vary on a few, what methods could I use to model them?

I have a few different items which mostly share the same attributes, but then have a few extra/less. In OOP they could be modeled well with inheritance, but postgres' inheritance is limiting and doesn'...
1 vote
1 answer

Can I improve the way pg_dump exports inherited tables?

Given a postgresql 12 database with some table inheritance, and the child table adds no additional columns: CREATE TABLE parent ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name text NOT NULL ); ...
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1 answer

Table Partitioning Using Inheritance and Triggers

I am trying to do table partitioning in PostgreSQL using inheritance and triggers but the problem that have occured to me is that the data does not move from the parent table to the children tables I ...
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1 answer

Pass information to another table with the same inherit

Suppose the following scenario ... I have two tables (A, B) that inherit from a Z table, the SGBD is postgresql, these tables do not have an additional column, my question is how to pass a row from ...
8 votes
1 answer

What is the purpose of "Schema Owner"?

If I create a new schema and set the schema owner to another schema, for example dbo, what is the meaning of that in regards to my new schema? Does my new schema inherit the same permissions from it'...
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1 answer

PostgreSQL Trigger to override insert on table with inheritance

We have a table documents that is partitioned by time into child tables like documents_2019_01, documents_2019_02. We do this using a BEFORE trigger on the parent documents table to insert into the ...
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1 answer

Progressive child tables scan in PostgreSQL?

We have append-only events table where events from different devices are being collected. We use PostgreSQL 9.6 and pg_partman to split the table into monthly partitions. Data is partitioned using ...
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2 answers

DB model strategy to override field value

We have to store some dynamic configuration in JSON format in DB. There would be some default configuration, and it can be overriden per account. Can someone help me with the strategy to store such ...
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1 answer

make exist table as inherit

i try to create parent table for exists table, by next algorithm: -- CREATE TABLE CREATE TABLE t1 (id serial PRIMARY KEY); CREATE TABLE foreign_t1 (id serial, t1_id integer REFERENCES t1 (id)); -- ...
1 vote
2 answers

Views that inherit a table and syntax in PostgreSQL

I am getting a syntax error but don't understand what is wrong. I am using a reference here. This is my sql-snippet: CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW stipa_test.stipa_view AS ( SELECT * FROM ... ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to drop inheritance from the parent table (top down)?

Our system uses inheritance on two levels: master child_level_1 child_level_2 child_level_2 child_level_2 child_level_1 child_level_2 child_level_2 child_level_1 child_level_2 The idea was to ...
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1 answer

Altering a parent table in Postgresql 8.4 breaks child table defaults

The problem: In Postgresql, if table temp_person_two inherits fromtemp_person, default column values on the child table are ignored if the parent table is altered. How to replicate: First, create ...
11 votes
2 answers

Conceptual ERD Multi-table many to many, or possibly recursive?

I'm creating a conceptual diagram [yes, I know I've included attributes and keys - but this is just for me to consolidate what I'm doing whilst learning] -- so please treat it as Conceptual with the ...
5 votes
1 answer

Transfer row from 'parent' to 'child' without creating duplicate and without knowing all 'parent' columns

I want to set up a database with different schemas that correspond to different data-entry systems. There needs to be a “master” (administration) schema with a “parties” table, and multiple other ...