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Use quoted schema in an insert statement executed thorough PreparedStatement in Java

I created an unquoted table my_table under a quoted schema "Quoted_User". When executing the statement INSERT INTO "Quoted_User".my_table (custom_id) VALUES (DEFAULT) using the Intellij Oracle ...
Mattia Moretta's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

executing SQL query with temp tables using 1.6jdk

I created a batch to run a query that has temp tables as the below example IF OBJECT_ID ('tempdb..#TEMP1') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #TEMP1 select * into #TEMP1 from cutomer IF OBJECT_ID ('tempdb..#...
user2074325's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

PostgreSQL: PreparedStatement to execute set schema command

I need to execute in a Java application a SET schema ? statement, where the placeholder is replaced by a value provided at runtime by the caller. I assumed I could use PreparedStatement to overcome ...
JeanValjean's user avatar
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Syntax error using preparedstatements with postgresql

I have a Java application connecting to a PostgreSQL database. Using straightforward code like: ps = con.prepareStatement(sql); if (dataTypes != null && dataTypes.size() >...
alpert's user avatar
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In MySQL why is the first batch executed through client-side prepared statement slower?

I have around a million lines to be inserted into a MySQL (InnoDB) database, so to speed things up I turned to batch/multi-line insert. To be specific, I connect to the database (I'm using Java, so it'...
yongtw123's user avatar
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