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Get difference in values of second table from IDs in two columns of first table?

Given these two tables: Table1 id1 id2 224 2341 5234 9394 6243 2342 ⋮ ⋮ Table2 id value 224 2 2341 52 2342 24 5234 23 6243 242 9394 99 ⋮ ⋮ I would like to create this table: Table3 id1 ...
Geremia's user avatar
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MySQL Tennis Ladder View Creation Question

I am creating a Tennis Ladder VIEW using MySQL and wish to do the following: Properly create a view that includes: All player's names These player names will come from the table: User - using the ...
Reno Kendo's user avatar
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MySQL query: Detect different rows between two tables and show differences in result table

I have two tables in a MySQL database. Table1 a_id 1 3 4 5 6 Table2 b_id 1 2 3 I would like to spot the missing row from Table1 a_id 2, and missing rows from Table2 b_id 4,5,6, which should be shown ...
klor's user avatar
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How do I SELECT elements using WHERE with another table's record values in WHERE statement?

Problem summary Today part of my app crashed, but nothing else stopped with it. I need to find the first and last tracked message ids for each channel during the downtime. I log unix timestamps ...
jayc331's user avatar
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Improving JOIN with sub-query

I capture Users who comment on the Articles of other Users, as INSERT IGNORE INTO AuthorCommentators (AuthorID,CommentatorID,Freq) SELECT AuthorID,CommentatorID,C FROM (SELECT b.UserID ...
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How to UPDATE faster with GROUP BY?

I have a typical article and tag_map tables, CREATE TABLE `articles` ( `ID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, `Tags` tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, `Title` varchar(512) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`...
Googlebot's user avatar
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How to JOIN a table with itself while using a sub-query?

I JOIN a table to itself as SELECT t1.TagID AS TagID1 ,t2.TagID AS TagID2 ,COUNT(1) FROM TagMap AS t1 JOIN TagMap AS t2 ON t1.ArticleID = t2.ArticleID AND t1.TagID <> t2.TagID GROUP BY ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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I'm having trouble generating a list of downloadable items (data from three tables) with a column showing most recent download time for each

I am using the following query to generate a comprehensive download log with data from multiple tables (reduced to three for this example): SELECT wp_download_log.ID ,wp_download_log....
user2461674's user avatar
0 votes
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Inherit INNER JOIN fields in MySql SELECT QUERY

I want to know how I can join one field of an INNER JOIN table in a SELECT QUERY. Here's what i got so far: In this query my result would be NameA, NameB and idC, but i want to join tableA and tableC ...
Chris's user avatar
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Assistance with MySQL query

I have following tables Tags id | tag_name | slug | 1 | tag1 |tag1 2 | tag1 |tag1 products id | proudct_name 1|product1 2|product2 product_tags id | product_id | tag_id 1|1||1 2|1|2 3|2|1 i ...
scott's user avatar
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Why last table don't using index for joining?

By the help of others members i get an Query idea for my previous problem. But after writing this, the EXPLAIN showing that my last table do't using index for join but the joining ROW is PRIMARY KEY, ...
Rhidoy's user avatar
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Why Output is wrong after doing the left join as subquery

I have TWO QUERY which work perfect, but when i join those two query as LEFT JOIN the output become wrong. So what is the problem.? Query 1: select Batsman.innings_no, bowler, sum(...
Rhidoy's user avatar
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Comparing count of 2 tables, is this the correct way?

I'm building a survey system where A client that has many users A user can have multiple surveys. I have a table users and a table survey_completions, I'm wondering if this is the correct (or best) ...
Miguel Stevens's user avatar
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How to optimize UPDATE with a nested SELECT subquery?

I wrote a complicated UPDATE query, and it works, but it looks menacing. Here's what I'm trying to do: In each topic user 'Bob123' posted anonymously. When you post anonymously in a topic, you get ...
Thrash Tech's user avatar
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Which query execution will be faster

In the following queries, which query execution will be faster. When I tried executing them in SQLWorkbench, each time query execution time is varying. Also, can you guys suggest some better tools ...
Venkatesh_CTA's user avatar
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How to join 3 tables in MySQL

I’m looking at 3 tables here with: 1 called Users containing a UserID. UserID is linked by a foreign key to UserID in a table called Orders. Within Orders there’s a PassengerID linked by a foreign ...
Peel1234's user avatar
-2 votes
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Subquery and subselection for Count/Number doesnt work

for example, for company (3) and his partners, I need the number of events with payouts. But i get only the number for one partner, im my example i have i have 3 tables (t_company, t_partner, t_event,...
B.Irneos's user avatar
-1 votes
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Replace Subquery with JOIN - MYSQL

Can you please suggest how i can replace subquery in fetching select columns to improve the performance of query : SELECT AS patAppIdSA, sa.rte_id AS patRTEId, sa.case_type_id AS ...
Shilpa Garg's user avatar
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3 answers

MYSQL Update data based on top 10 records of each user

I have a table users and other table user_scores. In user_scores, I save daily score of every user based on a algorithm. Now I want to calculate AVG user_score by only considering latest 10 records of ...
Jatin Seth's user avatar
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Joining two tables by the nearest match

General problem: I want to do a left join on two huge tables, but there is no matching key - I want to join the left table with the "nearest" row in the right table. In this example I want to join ...
tobixen's user avatar
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Possible to rewrite this query as a join?

I'm fairly certain it's possible to rewrite this as a join query but I'm just not sure how to approach it: SELECT events.*, (SELECT MAX(updated_at) FROM events e WHERE e.user_id =...
Aydin Hassan's user avatar
2 votes
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Filtering subquery results with group by

I have a join that works but seems hacky because it orders the subquery and uses group by to filter everything but the top subquery result. Without doing so, the cartesian product of s and ...
AndrewE's user avatar
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Select one row from n number table; Join / Union table with looping

I have a list table. locations_list id | location | table ---------------------- 1 | Location 1 | location_1 2 | Location 2 | location_2 3 | Location 3 | location_3 location_1 ...
Abel Jojo's user avatar
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Joining subqueries with GROUP is slow

Can anyone help me with the following query? SELECT voc.username AS Medewerker, voc.bestvastonbep_count AS Doorgezet, IFNULL(cc.call_count, 0) AS Telefoongesprekken, voc.bestvastonbep_count / ...
Dalendrion's user avatar
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I have an 1:m association. symbols table has many rows in company_key_statistics table. company_key_statistics has column createdAt which is timestamp indicating when row has been created. I need to ...
Aren Hovsepyan's user avatar
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Finding posts with exactly set of tags per user

I'm trying to determine the best way to find all posts that have an exact match with a list of user tags. For example, user has tag IDs: 1,5,9, and 11, while post has tag IDs 1, 5 and 9, thus this is ...
medntech's user avatar
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Getting Available Date/Times For Attendees And Avoid Conflict

+------------+ +---------------+ +--------------+ | attendees | | attendee_times| | meeting_times| +------------+ +---------------+ +--------------+ | attendee_id| | at_id | | ...
Angry Spartan's user avatar
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MYSQL Multiple Join Query to Display Unique Column Values in One Field for Single Record

I am joining together three tables in order to display the names of recommended providers for a property. First I join my properties (alias p) table to the properties_recommended_providers table ...
phizzy's user avatar
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How to improve my mysql query execution performance

I have a main table named prog as below: CREATE TABLE `prog` ( `prog_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `prog_insert_date` varchar(16) COLLATE utf8_persian_ci NOT NULL, `prog_edit_date` varchar(...
Mohammad Hasan Bakhtiarifar's user avatar
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Mysql query to get count result and group by

I've got three tables with different records for users, User username | realname | date evn-az-3ju john 11/2012 03:09:40 p.m. jwyvm_rdyt steve 12/2012 ...
user3588408's user avatar
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JOIN with the last id

I want to select a record from one table (customers table) and join only with the last from other related table (sales table). I know two ways of doing it, but I don't know which one have better ...
PhoneixS's user avatar
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Multiple subqueries in columns with joins to return multiple rows

I have a table which stores id(primary key) of users and not their names (Names are stored in another master table) and also the the department id of user and not the name of the departments and there ...
Rohan's user avatar
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how do I use a value from the select in a joined subquery?

I'm trying to avoid a stored procedure or bringing it into code but they may be my only alternatives. Here's my sql. Does anyone know any SQL voodoo that could make this happen without a stored ...
jbrahy's user avatar
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Optimise MySQL SELECT with LEFT JOIN subquery

I have a query which combines a LEFT JOIN and subquery. The dataset is quite big and the time to execute the statement is over 70 seconds. SELECT s.siblings, FROM `list` l ...
xylar's user avatar
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7 votes
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Subquery can't find column from superquery's join

I'm running into some trouble with SQL: Basically I'm trying to get a result set back that contains a sum of ALL questions asked to employees (grouped by company) and also add the "onetime_items" ...
Florian Humblot's user avatar
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Join query returning 0 rows - impossible where

My query is performed from a php web request using a PDO prepared statement. My desired output is to list the top 10 brands which have the same transaction id as the 'selected' brand :brand by order ...
Adam Copley's user avatar
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Return 2 columns from MySQL subquery?

I'm new in MySQL programing and I have one problem. I created this query: SELECT *, topics.createdate AS TopicCreateDate, (SELECT (SELECT username FROM users ...
Miljan Ilic's user avatar
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MYSQL join on subquery optimization

This is a distilled version of the query that I am trying to run: SELECT * FROM table1 t1 INNER JOIN (SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE foo = 'bar') t2 ON =; The above query is incredibly slow ...
pathikrit's user avatar
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Join subquery by year and month

I want to collect data from differed tables grouped by year and month. I'm using subquery for each sub data. Using mysql. SELECT YEAR(td.db_date) AS stat_year, job.total_jobs FROM ...
Max Paprikas's user avatar
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Multiple COUNT fields, GROUP BY

I'm trying to group two columns in my MySQL database and show counts for them respectively (as separate columns). Is there a way of doing this or do I have to join two sub-queries? I'm aware of WITH ...
Fredrik Erlandsson's user avatar
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Select highest id of each type in mysql

I am creating a database that keeps track of backups on our various servers. The query that I am using actually seems to work for the most part. The only issue is that it isn't getting the highest ids....
johmann's user avatar
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Update row value with a sub-select join

I am trying to update 1 column in all rows in a table to have an appropriate count value. Sadly, the SELECT query I am using won't let me join on a field in update table. The query looks like this (...
shiznatix's user avatar
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Why conditioning before and after join, gets different results?

I want to left join two tables and then return some of the records. My first query was: SELECT * FROM card LEFT OUTER JOIN user_card ON = user_card.card_id WHERE card.package_id =14 AND ( ...
RRostami's user avatar
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Subquery optimization

I was reading through this article - I am working with an existing design. What I want is to be able to select ...
web-nomad's user avatar
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MYSQL query to find records between two date range

I am working in a web application using PHP and MySQL. I have two tables Employee employee_id email_id 3 [email protected] 4 [email protected] 5 agent2@...
Bikram Pahi's user avatar
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Subquery or multiple left joins, or both?

I have two tables, for simplicity table1, with id as Primary key, and a field name, and table2 with the same. Each table has quite a few records, but during a complicated form process, the user is ...
Zaehlas's user avatar
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How are derived table implemented in MySQL

When MySQL makes a derived table as a result of SELECT (SELECT ...) etc or SELECT * FROM a JOIN (SELECT * from B) etc or SELECT * FROM (SELECT ...) Are these derived temporary tables created in-...
Cratylus's user avatar
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"All joins can be rewritten to sub queries", is this statement true?

I wonder if there any case that a join can not be converted to a sub-query. BTW: I am not discussing advantages and disadvantage of using sub-query or using join.
zx_wing's user avatar
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UPDATE a column by COUNT of another table

It might be a naive question, but what is the difference of these two queries and which is preferred? UPDATE table1, (SELECT id,COUNT(*) idcount FROM table2 GROUP BY id) AS B SET table1.Freq = B....
Googlebot's user avatar
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Using OFFSET in a large table by a simple sub-query

The slow performance for using OFFSET in large table has been widely discussed in various blogs, and the most efficient way is to use an INNER JOIN as SELECT * FROM table INNER JOIN ( SELECT id FROM ...
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