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3 answers

How to apply outer limit offset and filters in the subquery to avoid grouping over the complete table used in subquery in Postgresql

I have legacy tables similar to the following: employee ------------------------------------ | employee_id | name ------------------------------------ | 1 | David | 2 ...
nimeshkiranverma's user avatar
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How to use GROUP BY in an efficient way without losing attributes? [closed]

I am working with PostgreSQL. My idea is to group players who appear more than 3 times in table-a. table-a = <player_id, year_world, c, d, e> With the first subquery I get player_id and the ...
Braian Coronel's user avatar
-1 votes
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Replace Subquery with JOIN - MYSQL

Can you please suggest how i can replace subquery in fetching select columns to improve the performance of query : SELECT AS patAppIdSA, sa.rte_id AS patRTEId, sa.case_type_id AS ...
Shilpa Garg's user avatar
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Joining two tables by the nearest match

General problem: I want to do a left join on two huge tables, but there is no matching key - I want to join the left table with the "nearest" row in the right table. In this example I want to join ...
tobixen's user avatar
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How to improve my mysql query execution performance

I have a main table named prog as below: CREATE TABLE `prog` ( `prog_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `prog_insert_date` varchar(16) COLLATE utf8_persian_ci NOT NULL, `prog_edit_date` varchar(...
Mohammad Hasan Bakhtiarifar's user avatar
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JOIN with the last id

I want to select a record from one table (customers table) and join only with the last from other related table (sales table). I know two ways of doing it, but I don't know which one have better ...
PhoneixS's user avatar
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Delete using join or using sub-query?

I need to delete rows from a table based on what is present in a temporary table. For me, both of these statements work : DELETE from main_table where `id` in (select `deletable_id` from ...
gaganbm's user avatar
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UPDATE a column by COUNT of another table

It might be a naive question, but what is the difference of these two queries and which is preferred? UPDATE table1, (SELECT id,COUNT(*) idcount FROM table2 GROUP BY id) AS B SET table1.Freq = B....
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Using OFFSET in a large table by a simple sub-query

The slow performance for using OFFSET in large table has been widely discussed in various blogs, and the most efficient way is to use an INNER JOIN as SELECT * FROM table INNER JOIN ( SELECT id FROM ...
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Minimizing Page Fetches

I have a complicated database structure and am trying to use it to retrieve Records based on multiple selection criteria from several tables. As a general rule, is it better to attempt to use ...
g.d.d.c's user avatar
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mySQL query optimisation — multiple joins or select … where not in (select distinct…)?

Background I have a Drupal install accessing a large users database (~200k rows) and my "People finder" functionality needs to access all those rows (in a random order). I don't seem to be able to ...
Owen Blacker's user avatar