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Purely in performance terms, how do CONTAINS([MyCol], 'foo') and [MyCol] LIKE '%foo%' compare?

Consider CONTAINS([MyCol], 'foo') and [MyCol] LIKE '%foo%'. Assume the best possible indexes on [MyCol], whatever those may be (at minimum, we need a unique key and a full-text index). I know that the ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

Query to find values based on a like and a not like

I have a column in a table: ID - this column can have a value of '123456' but can also have value '123456x'. I need to return all the numbers where there is an 'x' and the same number but without an '...
Daniel Blake's user avatar
-2 votes
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I want to assign a character value to a field that contains numbers without using CAST or CONVERT so as to avoid cardinality estimate warnings

I'm looking at something like SELECT CASE WHEN MyField LIKE [0-9] THEN 'xyz' WHEN MyField LIKE [10-99] THEN 'abc' WHEN MyField LIKE [100-999] THEN 'def' WHEN MyField LIKE [1000-9999] THEN 'ghi' ELSE [...
Eyespi20's user avatar
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Find rows with given coordinates nested in a JSON column

I have a table public.polygon_versions in my PostgreSQL 14.7 database: CREATE TABLE public.polygon_versions ( id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('polygon_versions_id_seq'::regclass), entity_id ...
Taras's user avatar
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How can I query using like on json field in PostgreSQL?

I've set up the following DB Fiddle: How should I make a correct SQL query to use like on geo_json field of json type to get table records with string matching coordinates ...
Taras's user avatar
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5 votes
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SQL server Cardinality Estimation for LIKE query

I have this statistics histogram vector for my non-clustered index made on LastName column of a table named AspNetUsers. If I run a query as SELECT * FROM dbo.AspNetUsers WHERE LastName = 'Baker' it ...
Dhanuka Jayasinghe's user avatar
5 votes
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Use square brackets on extended events filter

I want create an extended events session and use the like_i_sql_unicode_string operator to filter the phrase [demo], with the square brackets. I've started with: CREATE EVENT SESSION [demo] ON SERVER ...
Jorge Bugal's user avatar
5 votes
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Records greater than epoch timestamp using only LIKE operator

I have the following query so far and unfortunately, I cannot use regexp or greater than operators, I can only use the LIKE keyword. The whole column is in a json string, I can't use json_value or ...
Elite298's user avatar
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LIKE query with leading wildcards in large MySQL production database

According to insights in Amazon RDS the following query in a large MySQL production database is causing high loads ( ~ 50.000.000 entries): SELECT * FROM entities WHERE status='ready' AND user_id='...
Blackbam's user avatar
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Query hierarchical file permissions

I have a table representing some files with their paths and another table with file sharings by user and files. Below is Table files, simplified. Example: I have a directory A (path /A) containing ...
Olivier's user avatar
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Postgresql: ILIKE query with % as search term

I have a JDBC query that performs an ILIKE operation. select project_name from project_table where project_name ILIKE '%test%'; The above returns all the results matching (wildcarded) the term test. ...
underachiever's user avatar
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Only SELECT rows from table when two rows from the same table fulfill the condition as a whole under the same ID

Title is a bit weird, but I am not quite sure how to formulate this problem quite right. Maybe this is why I cannot find the solution...? I am currently crawling through a SQLite database which has ...
Nirusu's user avatar
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How can I improve the performance of where clause with LIKE %abc?

I had below select statement that turned out very slow (41s) SELECT DISTINCT a.Doc_Resource_ID ,a.Parent_ID ,a.Logical_Path ,a.lvl ,CAST(SUBSTRING(a.Security_Level, 21, ...
HChau Le's user avatar
1 vote
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Postgresql (11.9) LIKE query not using text_ops index

I've seen related questions but I think this should be working and isn't. I have a text_ops function based index on column to do LIKE searches, but it only picks up the index with an equals: CREATE ...
nfdavenport's user avatar
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like in exist() xml mssql

By following question: See if XML element exists at any level in document with a specific value Is there a possible solution to implement like clause within exist? For example I have similar structure ...
Fatdrfrog's user avatar
-2 votes
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SQL QUESTION_Case When + LIKE % [closed]

I get an error but I don´t understand why. Does this make sense in SQL? I need the column ValidNaming to be filled with False/True if the customer (or field CommonLastName) has an invalid name. Why ...
Marina Olaechea's user avatar
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Return results with several LIKE and NOT LIKE requirements

I am trying to create a query that selects only a set of values, but excludes other ones. The column I am selecting it's called "Participants" and the values therein are not a single text ...
Geo_explorer's user avatar
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Search by first and last name of the Instructor

I have the below tables in the MySQL database create table course_class ( id varchar(36) not null primary key, class_code varchar(255) not null, ...
Swapnil's user avatar
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Find partial match with textsearch query

I have the following query that I did hard looking on this site: SELECT * FROM renns WHERE ( to_tsvector('english', coalesce(numar_admin, '')) || to_tsvector('english', coalesce(...
CoderCoder42's user avatar
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How to filter a character followed by numbers string pattern in PostgreSQL?

Back in SQL Server, I use the command below to get the matching string pattern of #1234 from the column called Number SELECT [m].[Number] FROM [Boats] AS [m] WHERE [m].[Number] LIKE N'[#][0-9][0-9][0-...
hunterex's user avatar
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SQL Server 2017: OR and LIKE Interaction

I am using SQL Server 2017 (i.e. v14). I could use one of the following equivalent criteria in a query: x IN ('104','504','554') (x='104' OR x='504' OR x='554') (x='104' OR x Like '5[05]4') If I use ...
Hopkins's user avatar
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Count numbers in scientific notation (E-notation)

I'm trying to check if a part number field has scientific notation values and came up with this simple solution: SELECT count(*) as overall, count(*) filter (where partnumber ilike '%E+%') as ...
Matias's user avatar
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Postgres HAVING ilike any wildcard in array_agg

I need a filter where the input value is similar to any value in an aggregate, using ilike and wildcards. My attempt at a query so far is: SELECT,, array_agg( FROM product p LEFT ...
koi's user avatar
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Mysql, Getting all rows in which field ends in a specific character, and another field exists that is the same but doesn't end in that character

I need to get all rows which end in a specific character, P for example, but in which a similar key sans the P exists. I have no idea how to approach this one in MySQL. This is very small example, my ...
J. M. Becker's user avatar
-1 votes
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Comparing the result of a subquery with LIKE

I need to find all the movies that have all of its actors' names to start with an A and have a 60.000.000 or more of gross. I have this but is not working SELECT title, imdb_score FROM Movie AS m ...
david's user avatar
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Case insensitive LIKE in DB2

Is there a way to do a LIKE operation in DB2 against a varchar column in a case insensitive way, without changing the underlying column definition? Or is there a workaround like SELECT * FROM mytable ...
user101289's user avatar
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MySQL LIKE IN with Input Parameter of stored procedure Comma Separated Values

I am creating a stored procedure to search user's Towns. From the User Interface user will select multiple towns that will be sent to the stored procedure. Sample input of the towns parameter for the ...
Hamza Khanzada's user avatar
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Find rows in a single table where values in a certain column are near-duplicates

I have a Postgres 11 table on RDS containing a column email; some of the values in this column [and only that column] are clearly de facto duplicates but differ in case, i.e., different capitalization,...
Mister October's user avatar
3 votes
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SQL query with Like operator with Leading Wildcards

I have a query as follows: select top (30000) * from table1 where licenseplate like '%as43bv%' I have an index on licenseplate but the query will not hit the index due to leading wildcard. Since ...
SQL_NoExpert's user avatar
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Closing bracket ']' in LIKE wildcard

I have a query that looks a bit like this: SELECT * FROM Stuff WHERE name LIKE '[a\]]%' My goal is to match all names starting with a or ] (closed bracket). However, this seems to match everything ...
Svízel přítula's user avatar
-2 votes
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Should I use the LIKE predicate or fetch all rows and process them on the client?

I am optimizing my application, while this task, I find one query which is fetching data from database using like . and database rows are around 10000. So is this a good way to use like in query or I ...
Dupinder Singh's user avatar
6 votes
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Counting occurrence of words in table is slow

Consider these simplified tables: CREATE TABLE dbo.words ( id bigint NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1), word varchar(32) NOT NULL, hits int NULL ) CREATE TABLE dbo.items ( id bigint NOT NULL ...
palloquin's user avatar
4 votes
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T-SQL LIKE Predicate failed to match with whitespace in XML converted varchar

Recently I attempt to search for a particular pattern by converting XML data into varchar(max) although I'm aware it's not the best practice and found out it's not working as expected:- Setup ...
Zephyr's user avatar
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Planning and Optimizing the table structure InnoDB MySql

I am planning to have an InnoDB MySql table with tens of millions of rows. Each row represents a record that can belong to AT LEAST one of 200+ categories. Most of the records will belong to 2 or ...
Acidon's user avatar
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How to search id from one table in another table's nvarchar column

I have 2 tables table1 ( id int, name nvarchar) table2 ( pid int, parameters nvarchar) parameters in table2 contains in nvarchar format, like "some text 12345 some text", where 12345 is ...
igelr's user avatar
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Can a Postgres LIKE statement return an exact match?

I'm trying to search a Postgres table using LIKE and %, but the query is not returning results. The column local_username will contains values formatted like: [email protected] OR username@domain....
jpl42's user avatar
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SSRS - select where parameter and fixed value

So there is a lot of stuff about using SSRS parameters to select multiple values but nothing about using both a parameter and a fixed value using the in select statement. So what I'm trying to do is ...
Exostrike's user avatar
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21 votes
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How to do a case-insensitive LIKE in a case-sensitive database?

My vendor requires the data warehouse database to be case sensitive, but I need to do case-insensitive queries against it. In a case-sensitive database, how would you write this to be case-...
James's user avatar
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What is the implicit ordering of a LIKE condition?

I would like to know how the LIKE operator is classified, I have a query where I have a number of chained LIKE statements. How are the results from the following prioritized when they're returned? ...
Lucy's user avatar
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Join tables based on variable value contained in column

I have two tables with dates as the primary column to join. But, I also need to join based on the value from one column that is partially contained in a column from the other table. Table 1: date, ...
Steve L's user avatar
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Slow query performance when searching for a particular value, but fast with a different value on the same column

I have a SQL Server 2017 select statement that is executed by the front end application. The query has three joins and UNION. Each join statement has a clause where NAME LIKE '%ibm%'. When I change %...
Data Engineer's user avatar
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Just 4 Table Join query takes too much time and some time fail to execute

I am working on getting candidate detail from mysql database and for that i have created one query. Is my query structure is wrong? Here is the query: SELECT `candidate`.`id`, `candidate`.`email`,...
always-a-learner's user avatar
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Postgres collate example in select?

I would like to comprehend the different behavior of like and =. Sadly, I can not reproduce the following simple example thus that both queries return a different result: SELECT 'ä' LIKE 'ae' COLLATE ...
Stefan K.'s user avatar
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ERROR: operator does not exist: text[] ~~ text

We have an easy syntax that allows us to look into an array for a single scalar, SELECT 'foo' = ANY(ARRAY['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); We can use the same method to match with LIKE SELECT 'foobar' LIKE ...
Evan Carroll's user avatar
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Using LIKE to search case insensitive over language specific characters (PostgreSQL)

Using a PostgreSQL database (Collation C, Encoding UTF8) we store data from various languages. This means we also get the special characters for free (e.g. Å, å, ...) Within an application we now ...
Boezie's user avatar
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Return results that contain or do not contain punctuation

Is there a way within MySQL to return results using a LIKE statement that contain or do not contain punctuation characters such as apostrophes and hyphens? For example if I have one of the following ...
nullReference's user avatar
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SQL regex PostgreSQL

Let's consider a table like that: id | name 1 | This is a test sentence 2 | is a sentence TeST 3 | This a IS test sentence 4 | iS a tEst sentence tHis 5 | This a test sentence is How ...
Roots's user avatar
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Search for the root words using root words with prefixes or suffixes

Is it possible to search the word "FILL" saved in the SQLite database using the words "REFILL" or "FILLED"? Not just these words specifically but you get the idea of searching the root word using the ...
Niel Lat's user avatar
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Postgressql text search: pg_trgm index with order by going very slowly

I have a really slow query(~30 seconds) on a large text search DB that I could really use some help with. I'm searching for ordered text, in a long file path string. So the path could be: folder1/cat ...
dessalines's user avatar
13 votes
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Overcome LIKE character length limitation

By reading this LIKE character length limitation here, it looks like I can't send a text longer than ~4000 characters in a LIKE clause. I'm trying to fetch the query plan from query plan cache for a ...
Dan Dinu's user avatar
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