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Does the relationship between teams and matches have a many-to-many cardinality ratio?

Diagram I created the following diagram: Considerations So I will create two tables, one called Match and the other one called Teams. In Match there will be data about two teams, Away and Home. Let ...
Son Nguyen's user avatar
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How to design a database for my entity-relationship diagram about Projects, Tasks and Developers

I'm new to database and my entity-relationship diagram is as follows: According to that I designed my SQL-DDL database statements as shown below: CREATE TABLE Developer ( DeveloperID int NOT ...
Gamma's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Modeling a scenario in which each Music Artist is either a Group or a Solo Performer

I have to design an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) for a business context that involves the delineation of music artists, as I will detail below. Scenario description An Artist has a Name, and ...
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