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2 answers

Many-to-many: select an entity by matching relationship

I have a many to many relationship implemented: CREATE TABLE public.message ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(40) UNIQUE NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE public.package( id BIGSERIAL ...
Александр's user avatar
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Postgres trigger to update records of several parent tables based on values of a many-to-many join table referencing those parent table records

I have a PostgreSQL 15 join table schema.m2mjointable to link records of several parent tables (schema.table_a, schema.table_b, ...) with other records of those same parent tables: id ref_table ...
s.k's user avatar
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Alerting system relationships and STI in PostgreSQL

I'm no expert in DBMS and trying to build up an alerting system that can attach itself to many tables, so I figured asking the question would help my architecture. The thing that may confuse me a ...
Laurent's user avatar
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Possible options for SQL and NoSQL combination for social media data

I have searched this forum for an answer but could not find anything relevant. We are designing database schemas for a social media app with posts, groups, users and chats etc and it looks like we ...
dksr's user avatar
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2 answers

Design many-to-many join table with additional column

I have product and documentation tables and want to hava a many-to-many relationship between them with an additional condition. The tables look like this: create table product ( id bigserial primary ...
abobov's user avatar
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Ensuring that a combination of records in a many to many relationship is unique

We want to enforce that a combination of an entity is unique in a join table. Suppose we have the following many to many relationship between widgets and combinations widgets ------- widget_id w1 ...
jellycola's user avatar
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Many to Many triangle between three tables

I am having three entities: Student, Group, Class. All of them have many-to-many relationship: One student can attend many classes, and many classes may be assigned to one user. One student can be a ...
Yolomiys's user avatar
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Multiple tables for many-to-many mappings or one table with multiple columns?

I'm using Postgres 14 and I have a tags table with a many-to-many relationship with other entities such as posts, comments, pages, etc. I've currently been representing these with tables like ...
mowwwalker's user avatar
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Filter table lookup by array value, but returning groupby unfiltered

I have multiple lookup tables and each need to be filtered by an array of values: select array_agg( as properties, from items left join ( select, ...
LittleFoxyFox's user avatar
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Many-to-many relationship vs one-to-many relationships

Recently I read an article about building a tag table for better seraching post by tags. The author suggested using one-to-many relationship with post table -> tag table with tag as text[] type. ...
cozycoder's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Single foreign key for referencing one of multiple tables

Currently I have a schema that looks like this: create table person( id uuid primary key default gen_random_uuid() not null, ); create table car( id uuid primary key default gen_random_uuid() ...
filipot's user avatar
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newbie question - how to list people who has not email address related to him/her? [closed]

Sorry for my newbie question: I would like to list all people even those who has no email address in case of using many-to-many relation with superclass-sublclass inheritance. Please see SQL Fiddle: ...
kszemes's user avatar
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What is the proper way to validate that a many-to-many relationship will not surpass a certain limit?

In a Postgres DB, I have a relationship as follows: A Group table has a column userEntranceLimits. A UserEntrance table has a column userId and a column groupId. The count of a UserEntrance's ...
Léo Vital's user avatar
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Many-To-Many Relation by storing comma-separated ids in a column? [duplicate]

Is it OK to sometimes instead of making a join table for a many-to-many relation, store the ids of entity A in a column of entity B? It would look something like this: // A id | name --------- 10 | ...
Mateusz Sowiński's user avatar
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Filling a database (from a temporary database) with a Many to Many relation

I have a temporary table that I fill in using a CSV file. CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_products( product_marketplace_name varchar, product_link varchar, product_name varchar, ...
bma's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Recursivly get a Tree Via self joined table

Using other questions here and Postgresql documentation I've managed to build a many-to-many self joined table. However adding a WHERE clause is giving me trouble. Problem: A Category can have many ...
dustytrash's user avatar
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How to perform schema migration from array to many-to-many to lookup table?

I currently am storing values in a column of type array like follows (this is just an example): CREATE TABLE blog_posts( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, blog_title TEXT, tags TEXT[] ); With the ...
ben_frankly's user avatar
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What is the proper way to relate many to many?

I am building out a shipping app and database. Each shipment has three parties to it, shipper, receiver, and notification party and they all have the same attributes. I want to keep the attributes in ...
Nick Seferos's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Query "all of" across many-to-many relation

Imagine a setup of three tables, User, Group, and UserGroup, where UserGroup consists of simple a foreign key to each of User and Group tables. User ---- id name Group ----- id name UserGroup ------...
Eldamir's user avatar
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Unique sets of IDs from table

I want to represent mixture of arbitrary numbers of chemicals. Since the relationship between chemicals and mixtures here is many-to-many, I thought I'd implement it like this (simplified): CREATE ...
Tom O'Connell's user avatar
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How to fetch those records who appears in many records in many to many relationship in PostgreSQL?

I have the following three tables: create table users(id int primary key, name varchar); create table groups(id int primary key, name varchar); create table user_groups(uid int references users(id),...
Abdul Raheem Ghani's user avatar
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Better way to select a matching subset of rows?

DB Fiddle link. I have a many to many table like this: CREATE TABLE house_to_cats ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, house_id INTEGER, cat_id INTEGER ); -- house with cats 1 and 2: too small INSERT INTO ...
ldrg's user avatar
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2 answers

How to prevent deadlocks in many-to-many insert/update trigger function?

I'm having a problem with deadlocks on a many-to-many insert and am pretty far out of my league at this point. I have a tweet table that receives thousands of records per second. One of the columns ...
GollyJer's user avatar
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A question about foreign keys and many to many relationships

My question is mostly conceptual in nature. I have a database schema that involves a many-to-many relationship between a School table and Student table. This seems sensible to me, given that a school ...
M.Templeman's user avatar
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Efficiently return two aggregated arrays from a m:n table

I have a table for a many-to-many relationship over a users table to represent a follow relationship between users: CREATE TABLE users ( id text PRIMARY KEY, username text NOT NULL ); CREATE ...
Russell Ormes's user avatar
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Using JSONB Column or Another Table to Save Relationsips

I tried to search here thoroughly but did not find any answers. I have a PostgreSQL database, which has two main tables: documents users These two tables have different relations. A user can: ...
Hamid Sajjadi's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Get members of a given group from N:M relationship

I have this N:M relationship: CREATE TABLE auth_user ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, username character varying(150) NOT NULL UNIQUE ); CREATE TABLE auth_group ( id integer NOT NULL ...
guettli's user avatar
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Select Items that has one item but not the other

I have three tables: Table1: ID Name 1 Item1 2 Item2 3 Item3 Table2: ID Name Type 1 Logistics One 2 Human Resource Two 3 Finance ...
Sayad Xiarkakh's user avatar
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Multiple many-to-many database relations

SO told me to ask here, so this is just copy-pasted from over there We're making a database of anime. Every anime can be listed as having been made by an arbitrary number of studios, and every studio ...
Kahr Kunne's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Mutually exclusive many-to-many relationships

I have a table containers that can have a many-to-many relationships to several tables, let's say those are plants, animals and bacteria. Each container can contain an arbitrary number of plants, ...
Mad Scientist's user avatar
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Selecting union of results of dataset-producing function when applied element-wise to an array

This problem is somewhat an academic curiosity. I'm attempting to implement a SQL (i.e. not plpgSQL) function which takes an array of input data, transforms each entry to a set of zero or more rows ...
Mark K Cowan's user avatar
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Access articles from a table if user belongs to qualified group

The tables below are myuser & mygroup, where each user has membership to 1 or more groups via an M2M table membership. The articles are accessible by users if one of the condition is satisfied 1)...
Alexis's user avatar
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Getting duplicate results in many to many query

I have designed a bookstore app with these tables. There's a book with an M2M relation to author. Lastly, there's table reader which keeps track of which user has read the book i.e. an entry in the ...
Alexis's user avatar
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UPDATE n:m relation in view as array (operations)

Environment I came up with a view and trigger based solution to modify rows in multiple underlying tables in a Postgres 9.5.3 database. This works reasonable using Qt's model view programming. The ...
maxik's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

Build JSON object from one-to-many relationship data in a single query?

I have a PostgreSQL 9.5.3 DB with tables like this: container id: uuid (pk) ... other data thing id: uuid (pk) ... other data container_thing container_id: uuid (fk) ...
antsyawn's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to make unique check without creating heavy index in postgres

I need to implement unique check for INSERT and UPDATE operations, but I would prefer to avoid creating heavy unique index (which is approx 12Gb now) on my table. Now I have unique partial index and ...
ramusus's user avatar
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Postgres: Arrays instead of intermediate tables for many-to-many relations

I have a PostgreSQL 9.3.7 database scheme representing a directed graph of vertices and edges with some many-to-many relations. I'm only ever interested in getting all vertices that a given vertex ...
sudo's user avatar
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