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Questions tagged [mariadb-10.5]

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mariadb: why does altering a table column from unsigned to signed int (or the reverse) require the COPY algorithm?

I have database table with a tens of millions of records. For some reason the auto increment id column is a signed int and I tried to change it to an unsigned int. Goes without saying but I checked ...
jtopt's user avatar
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Migrating mariaDB database to new server and new mariaDB version, and with raw innoDB partitions

I have a linux server running mariaDB-5.5; the tables are all (I think) innoDB tables and the data are stored on a raw partition; actually on two raw partitions because some years ago at the last ...
Phil Evans's user avatar
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Mariadb, installed via brew, does not run on startup

I have installed MariaDB via brew and each time I restart my computer I need to start it manually by brew services start [email protected] Also I cannot find mariadb listed in the "Login Items" ...
Leptoceratops's user avatar
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ERROR InnoDB: MySQL-8.0 tablespace in ./ibdata1

I am currently unable to restart [what I thought was] a previously working version of mariadb. Rocky Linux 8.6 server crashed during yum update and became unbootable. I installed Rocky Linux 9.3 and ...
jlm's user avatar
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Optimize MariaDB for Drupal 10 to handle more users [closed]

I have problems with my Drupal 10/MariaDB 10.5/PHP 8.1 website when they are 20 users simultaniously. The website goes down and the response time is really big (up to 30seconds sometimes) because php-...
mt.i.1's user avatar
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Does MariaDB-Galera cluster have error tolerance function on sst_user credential?

We have done the testing and confirmed the following system behavior of MariaDB-Galera clustering: The first-time bootstrap always needs to get everything correct, including the sst_user credentials ...
Mike's user avatar
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io.debezium.DebeziumException: Client requested master to start replication from impossible position

I am using Kafka and Debezium to connect to a MariaDB I have a problem where in the event the MariaDB loses power and shutsdown abruptly, on restart Debezium is no longer able to connect I have this ...
RedRum69's user avatar
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Inconsistent result when running same query on slightly distinct MariaDB versions

I'm investigating the difference in the results given by the same SQL query on two servers running slightly different versions of MariaDB (10.5 and 10.11). Test query is: SELECT a.Name FROM Artist a ...
joanq's user avatar
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Mariadb not using indexes post upgrade to 10.5.23 from 10.2

We upgraded our MariaDB server from 10.2 to 10.5.23 and have found a significant CPU spike after this and almost most of the queries landing in the slow query logs. On investigation, we found that ...
rajasaur's user avatar
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Odd Query Error in Mariadb

This query works without an error (I am running this query in HeidiSQL and 10.5.22-MariaDB) SELECT concat(d.fname, ' ', d.Lname) AS Name, d.EMail, d1.Number FROM orders d LEFT OUTER ...
JohnBell's user avatar
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Slow CREATE TABLE AS followed by SELECT (other solutions haven't worked)

I have a problem which is similar to Slow CREATE table from subquery using SELECT .. INNER JOIN but the solutions provided there have not made any difference for me. I'm using MariaDB 15.1 and have ...
Andy's user avatar
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Unique key allows duplicates

I have a database of members of an organization. The data is really messy - the leader had a catastrophic medical issue, so I'm trying to make a sensible database out of Claris Filemaker Pro. I'm ...
J. Gwinner's user avatar
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SOLVED - Mariadb replication Master Slave fail with error code 1595

I've a strange problem. A Mariadb replication start failing since this morning. Until today everything works fine from month. This is my scenario: I've a server in a DC which is the master, and a ...
Paolo Daniele's user avatar
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How to fix performance issue with row_number and multiple schema?

After receiving answer to How can I get a valid rank counter?, I adapted to my own system. But now, I have a performance issue. All of my requests are very fast (less than 0.0005s for most of them), ...
Elikill58's user avatar
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How can I get a valid rank counter?

I'm making a raking system. I want get the line in one request. Here is a DB fiddle of my complete example: In the example, the UUID used is ...
Elikill58's user avatar
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Adding system versioning to an existing MariaDB table with partitioning by system time

I have an existing MariaDB table that I want to keep a history of changes to using the built-in system versioning functionality. I'm using MariaDB 10.5 but I have also tested everything in this ...
pwaring's user avatar
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Mariadb upgrade problem

I upgraded mariadb on a Centos 7 box from 5.5 to 10.5 and after updating the tables, mariadb will no longer start. In /var/log/messages, I'm getting the following errors. Any help would be much ...
zoof's user avatar
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Why is MariaDB innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT so much slower than fsync for SELECT count(*) as count? [closed]

I have a MariaDB 10.5.18 server with 64 GB of RAM running on an enterprise grade SSD. I'm using a fairly generic my.cnf to try to figure out why innodb_flush_method O_DIRECT is so much slower than ...
Deefo22's user avatar
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What can produce slow down of mariadb

Our Mariadb database (1To) encounter slow down during some minutes but we don't find the root cause : there no CPU or IO overhead but locks OS dans lot of process taking time on sending data and ...
Mr_Thorynque's user avatar
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Changing root and user passwords in MariaDB 10.5?

We have a few MariaDB servers (MariaDB 10.5, running on Debian 11/bullseye) where we need to change the passwords for the DB root user and for other user accounts in the DB system (by which I mean ...
dave559's user avatar
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mariadbd 10.5.18 seems to stop working

I've got a three node galera cluster (mariadb 10.5.18, ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS) with a haproxy as loadbalancer in front of it. Normally, there are up to 80 tcp based connection from a java application, ...
Mrk's user avatar
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Ensure value is in list when inserting / updating

is it possible to ensure that a value is in a list of values defined in another table? For instance by using a check constraint? I was thinking about a construct like this: CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE `...
Markus's user avatar
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fixing GTID based multi source replication error on selected source

I can't find or think of a solution when ever i encounter db replication errors on affected source and repositioning the GTID in the replica. What i do is retrieve from (four) masters gtid postion (...
wagop's user avatar
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Forcing InnoDB to build the secondary index

When INSERTing, InnoDB defers the building of secondary indexes. For example, CREATE TABLE item_creators ( item_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, creator_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, INDEX(creator_id), ...
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speeding up JOIN by LIKE or REGEXP

I have two tables of CREATE TABLE titles ( title_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, title varchar(255), INDEX(title), PRIMARY KEY(title_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE ...
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faster INSERT INTO InnoDB table with composite PRIMARY KEY

I have a simple tag_map CREATE TABLE tag_map ( article_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, tag_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, INDEX(tag_id), PRIMARY KEY(article_id,tag_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB The table is quite ...
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Finding sub-groups by relationships within groups

In this example, two tables define the groups and the relationship of persons within each group CREATE TABLE groups ( group_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, person_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, INDEX(...
Googlebot's user avatar
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What transaction isolation level prevents MariaDB from locking tables during a join?

I am using MariaDB 10.5.12. My query will join the tbl_cus table to a previous view, creating a new view. I am using MySQL Workbench with auto-commit enabled. During testing, the app connected to the ...
Joachim Rives's user avatar
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How do you check if two tags exists in a tag_map GROUP By article_id?

In a fairly simple tag_map, CREATE TABLE tag_map ( article_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, tag_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, INDEX(tag_id), PRIMARY KEY(article_id,tag_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; How can I ...
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wrong index in composite PRIMARY KEY in MyISAM

I use MyISAM for processing tables, as it is much faster to read large data from MyISAM as compared with InnoDB for JOINs. I create map tables for bulk INSERT, CREATE TABLE tag_map ( article_id int(11)...
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Find records with join matching all join IDs

Suppose to have the following database setup: Users ( id int primary key, name varchar(255) ) OrgUnits ( id int primary key, name varchar(255) ) Users_OrgUnits ( user_id int, orgunit_id ...
Matteo Tassinari's user avatar
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Deleting rows from a tag_map if parent tag exists

I have a simple tag_map CREATE TABLE tag_map ( article_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, tag_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, INDEX(tag_id), PRIMARY KEY(article_id,tag_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB There is a table ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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Mariadb 10.5 FORCE INDEX can't be used with the PRIMARY key?

In a InnoDB table I can use any index with the FORCE INDEX or USE INDEX except for the PRIMARY one. (This is on RDS, if that matters) ERROR 1176 (42000): Key 'id' doesn't exist in table 'mytable' ...
Roman Susi's user avatar
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Finding gaps between the values of a column in MySQL

At a table of movie actors, CREATE TABLE ArtistMap ( ArtistID int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, MovieID int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, Year year, INDEX(MovieID), INDEX(Year), PRIMARY KEY(ArtistID,MovieID) ) ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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Why is there a big gap in the actual Table space? (calculated vs information_schema vs file size)

I have a InnoDB table with the following columns: BIGINT -> 8 bytes BIGINT -> 8 bytes ENUM(0,1) -> 1 byte MEDIUMINT -> 3 bytes INT -> 4 bytes = 24 bytes per row It contains 10454004 ...
Nuno's user avatar
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MariaDb performance issue

Using mysqltuner, we are facing performance issue with application using this db. We have physical memory of 128 GB. But this db is set to 16 GB. How can increase the memory and performance of this db....
fox2k1's user avatar
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how to perform inner join on two table where i'am able to retrieve all data?

I need help with a MySQL query. bar_opening_details has closing & opening stock bar_recvd_details has received the stock When I receive purchased stock, I insert it into bar_recvd_details. Next, ...
gopal's user avatar
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MariaDB Maxscale caching not working

I have setup Maxscale (v6.2) and have connected to the Galera Cluster (3 nodes - MariaDB 10.5). I am trying to use the cache filter but it seems to not work. I have enabled general log for all the ...
Suraj's user avatar
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Replication from multiple masters to one slave

I have 2 Raspberry PI's and each run a MariaDB 10.3 server. Each has the same databases: vennens scheduler On the slave I've configured the 50-server.conf file with follow contents: master_pi1....
Stijn Leenknegt's user avatar
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Faster JOIN using LIKE

I have a simple tag table as CREATE TABLE Tags ( TagID int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, Tag varchar(255), ParentID int(11) unsigned, Parent enum('Yes', 'No'), UNIQUE INDEX(Tag), INDEX(...
Googlebot's user avatar
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Filter out rows which the text on that current row is contained in the text of the following row

I wonder if it's possible, in a SELECT, to filter out rows which the text on that current row is contained in the text of the following row. For example, image we log "searches" performed by ...
Nuno's user avatar
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Why does an integer comparison result in no temporary index in MariaDB?

I am running a query on a table (transaction_items, c. 12 million rows) that has a many-to-many relationship with another table, and I wish to group transaction_items by this relationship. To do this, ...
568ml's user avatar
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Subquery not using Index, even if forcing

Using MariaDB 10.5.12 on CentOS 7 If it makes any difference, my "optimizer_use_condition_selectivity" = 1 If I run: EXPLAIN SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ips WHERE ip="" This query ...
Nuno's user avatar
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Disabling Aria INSERT log in MariaDB [closed]

When I bulk INSERT into an Aria table, it creates a copy of the INSERT in a series of log files (aria_log.%). It can lead to full disk and crash of MySQL. As I understand, Aria keeps a redo log for ...
Googlebot's user avatar
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Improving JOIN with sub-query

I capture Users who comment on the Articles of other Users, as INSERT IGNORE INTO AuthorCommentators (AuthorID,CommentatorID,Freq) SELECT AuthorID,CommentatorID,C FROM (SELECT b.UserID ...
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Speeding up SELECT FROM a large table

I have a large table (500M rows with ibd size of 1.5TB) CREATE TABLE t1 ( ID int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, ChildID int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, Number smallint(5) unsigned, Title varchar(255)...
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Monitoring MySQL/innoDB post-process

I did INSERT INTO SELECT of a huge table (1TB). When the process is finished, MySQL/InnoDB still does post-processing (creating updating secondary indices, etc.) for hours. Since these are internal ...
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Tuning innoDB for a write-intensive machine

I have MariaDB 10.5 on my desktop with multiple disks (SSD and HDD) for write-intensive projects. Writing to a single table is fast and the percentage of dirty pages remains close to zero with 1000-...
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Suddenly, started getting "ERROR 2026 (HY000): Unknown SSL error"

MariaDB instance has been running well for ages, and suddenly, starting about 30 minutes ago, my apps get this error trying to connect: # mysql ERROR 2026 (HY000): Unknown SSL error My certs have ...
Nuno's user avatar
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How do you JOIN two tables as a combination of LEFT and RIGHT JOINs?

This is probably a stupid question. In two tables of CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, col1 int(11) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t2 ( id int(11) ...
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