Questions tagged [mongo-repair]

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Standalone Mongodb suddenly failed and I'm unable to recover. Backups are also corrupt

Running on FreeBSD/ZFS for several months, users reported trouble. At this point I'm out of options so any help is apreciated. The database backs a Node.js based authoring tool with a couple of users, ...
smurfing's user avatar
7 votes
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Restore mongoDB by --repair and WiredTiger

We accidentally deleted the directory rm -rf /data/db which was our MongoDB path, and thanks to extundelete, we recovered it and got the directory /data/db. Here are our files in the directory, and ...
国贵棠's user avatar
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Recover a mongo database deleted by rm

My developer accidentally lost our database by a bash script, which turned out to run rm -rf /* (see this thread). Thanks to extundelete, he just recovered the /data/db/ folder: However, he could not ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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How to Recover Mongodb database

I have transferred my mongodb database to a new computer and am having trouble opening the database. I don't get any errors, it just won't show the 'finance' database. Here is the response when I say ...
BobtheMagicMoose's user avatar
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How to restore Mongo DB tar.gz archive

Using the Mongo DB Atlas cloud service (MongoDB Version: 3.4.16), the below backup archive of a MongDB was generated: Cluster0-shard-0-1531635127-5b4b0df33b34b92b0f50a045.tar.gz In this file I can ...
Migul's user avatar
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How to repair mongodb collection when index is corrupt?

Mongo version: 2.6 I think one or more of my MongoDB index is corrupt which is not letting me delete the corrupt collection or make a backup with mongodump Below is the error i get when i try to ...
sherpaurgen's user avatar
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Could we recover Mongo records from the data files only without namespace files?

I am missing a namespace file from the Mongo db path. I only have data files with number extensions (e.g. report.4,report.5). Is there any way to recover the mongodb dump from the data files?
Bimal Tamang's user avatar
8 votes
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How to match a WiredTiger index file to its corresponding collection

I have a mongodb database with about 2 billion records, shared between 20 or so collections. Each of these collections has an index on it, based on a single key (other than _id). I have an index file ...
JonLuca's user avatar
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6 answers

Mongodb exception: connect failed

Here's the environment: Linux(x64): 16.04 MongoDB: 3.2.15 Error: root@system-test:~# mongo MongoDB shell version: 3.2.15 connecting to: test 2017-07-25T07:31:28.528+0000 W NETWORK [thread1] Failed ...
Siddhartha Chowdhury's user avatar
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Mongodb error after db repair command

I was working with MongoDB using Pymongo Libraries. Suddenly MongoDB stopped. I restarted it. After a while it stopped again. So I searched and tried the following repair command: mongod --dbpath f:...
Jaffer Wilson's user avatar
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cleaning up failed repair db: path: /var/lib/docker/wesfgr/repair/_tmp_repairDatabase_0

We run MongoDB 3.0.6 with MMAP in Docker container (single node). The filesystem was full and I did a repair with other path. 2016-10-03T08:58:51.186+0200 I INDEX [initandlisten] building ...
Sybil's user avatar
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MongoDB cannot be started after moving the server

I had a happy MongoDB 3.0.5 installed on a VM on a Windows 2012R2 Server, for light use. I moved the VM to a new physical server without any major changes, and to my surprise it cannot be started; and ...
Iravanchi's user avatar
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mongodb compact does nothing - no entry in mongodb.log and nothing in db.currentOp()

We have space problems. The actual data size is only 5 GB, but disk size is 15 GB because of deleted documents. MongoDB (3.0.6) runs in docker container where we can't extend volume. # tail -f mongod....
Sybil's user avatar
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mongod crashes with “Invariant failure getExtent( a )->xprev.isNull()” message

I am trying to start a mongodb server with the database, that is located on portable drive. I know barely nothing about the internals of this particular database. There are 647 database.N files, 2G ...
Aleksei Matiushkin's user avatar
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Process to reclaim free space from mongodb ,replication is there

We are facing space pressure on production server so we are planning to reclaim space from prod instance.replication is there ,can anyone help me to know complete process in sequence to reclaim ...
sudhir's user avatar
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how to convert mongodb(2.4.10) startup2 to primary

I have standalone bitnami mongodb(2.4.10). The output of rs.status() command is below : rs.status() { "set" : "test", "date" : ISODate("2015-11-13T08:07:41Z"), "myState" : 5, "members"...
singh's user avatar
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JSON to BSON in mongoDB

I have a little bit confusion how the json data internally organized (physical storage structure for dynamic schema objects) db.some_collection.insert({x:1,y:4,z:34}) db.some_collection.insert({p:1,q:...
Mani Challa's user avatar
2 votes
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Mongo Storage Engine from mmap to wiredTiger

We have a mongo(v3.0.3) database->collections which is in mmap storage engine. We are trying to change it to wiredtiger we tried the process below.But we still see the same old storage engine http:/...
user3392695's user avatar
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MongoDB MMS replica set fails to restart

I have a MMS replica set deployed with 3 instances. It was working fine until I shut it down this morning in order to do some changes and restarted it. From logs, it feels that there was an unclean ...
User97's user avatar
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MongoDB document delete and fragmentation

I've a MongoDB collection that works like a queue: new documents are insert and old documents (after 60days) are removed. I can see a rapid grown of the datafile size, too rapid. I can be reasonable ...
Andrea Girardi's user avatar
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Why does MongoDB extend FileSize if it is already 5x larger than DataSize

I recently had to assign more diskspace to my MongoDB 2.4.8 instance. This instance continually receives transactions, makes some updates and then deletes them after 3 months. I would therefore expect ...
Karl Ivar Dahl's user avatar
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Mongo repairDatabase procedure

I need to run a repairDatabase in mongo in order to reclaim some os disk space. Can anyone provide feedback on the following procedure: let me know if its correct, if I'm missing anything, if the ...
user2694306's user avatar
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MongoDB replica index filled hard drive stuck in fatal

I have a 3 server replica set deployed by Googles 1 Click Deploy functionality, the problem is I created an index on a particularly large collection (100,000,000 documents) and it consumed the whole ...
Dave Mackintosh's user avatar
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Repair database on Replica in sharded set up

I am using mongo sharding in my DB. The scenario I am facing is that I have deleted some of my collections in my DB. But as to reclaim the space I need to run repair option which i can not run using ...
viren's user avatar
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3 votes
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How much free space do I need for mongoDB? and how to reclaim lost space?

I ran out of disk space on my mongo database. I saw it and dropped some collections (120 out of 1700 i had). And ran db.compact(...) thinking it would release free space. well, that was a stupid idea. ...
xcorat's user avatar
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Mongo repair database "ERROR: error: exception cloning object in local.system.replset "

I'm trying to repair a mongo database and am running into the following error early on: Wed Jul 24 16:55:21 [initandlisten] ERROR: error: exception cloning object in local.system.replset E11000 ...
atxdba's user avatar
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