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Change in datatype?

I have a table on which rows are inserted on hourly basis. The row contains id, installation, product_id and hit_allowed. all of them were mediumint in the beginning. but few days back id reached it ...
vinny's user avatar
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3 answers

How to get all non deleted messages from one user

I have two tables one for messages called default_messages and the other for recipients called default_recipient. This is how SQL for those table looks like: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `...
ReynierPM's user avatar
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4 votes
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MySQL UPDATE to replace text in LONGTEXT field

I have a WordPress table wp_posts and I'd like to run an UPDATE that will replace a url from my old domain to my new domain. For example, let's say that one record in the field post_content has the ...
KodeFor.Me's user avatar
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how do I limit the characters in selected row and con-cat with '...'

I have a query which return a column named comment. I want to limit the number of characters returned by select statement to 50 and if the comment row contain more than 50 characters, I want to append ...
vinny's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I configure MySQL '5.1.49-1ubuntu8' to show multibyte characters?

I am using MySQL version 5.1.49 and I have now enabled UTF8 character encoding. The default character-set for MySQL is latin1. How can I change it show UTF8 characters? Even when I query a table ...
vaibhav's user avatar
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