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Questions tagged [mysql-proxy]

MySQL Proxy : Open-source project for MySQL query manipulation and redirection.

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2 votes
1 answer

Distribute records on different MySQL databases - MySQL Proxy alternative

My scenario is the following: Right now I am using one big MySQL database with multiple tables to store user data. Many tables contain auto increment columns. I would like to split this into 2 or ...
1 vote
1 answer

Maxscale read write split and route filter

I have trouble to forward all SELECT requests to the slave in a MySQL master-slave architecture. I'm using maxscale's read-write router, which does its job except for all statements using ...
0 votes
0 answers

MySQL-Proxy works with HeidiSQL but not with DBeaver nor Workbench

For data analytical applications, our current development environment relies on a MySQL-Proxy (version 0.8) to connect to the MySQL data source. And the MySQL's version is 5.7.43-47-log. We noticed ...
1 vote
1 answer

MySQL Proxy no longer working noticed when backend MySQL at version 5.7.43-47-log

When developing data analytical applications, the workstation needs to use MySQL-Proxy (version 0.8) to connect to the MySQL data source. This method has been working fine for years, however, we ...
0 votes
1 answer

mysql/mariadb replication with proxy

I have a standard master-slave replication for MariaDB to sync one database (master) to multiple slaves. One of the slaves lives behind a proxy, so I need to proxy the replication request to the proxy ...
1 vote
1 answer

Forcing a LIMIT to MySQL Queries using ProxySQL, QueryRewrite, or some other method

I have a system that end users will need to query but they are not guaranteed to be well versed in query writing. We wanted to ensure every SELECT statement ends with a LIMIT 100000. I have thought ...
2 votes
2 answers

MySQL proxy to replication configuration

Is there any solution (say a proxy) that makes MySQL replication cluster behave like one database towards developers? Developers then won't need to worry about using master to write and slaves to read ...
3 votes
1 answer

Cache query that is not stored in QueryCache

One of our customers has an online-shop running xt-commerce 4.2. This version of the e-commerce-software has a very expensive query for the category-tree. The query adds about 3 seconds delay and is ...
3 votes
2 answers

What's the latest on MySQL Proxy?

Does somebody here know the latest state of the development of MySQL Proxy? Most materials I found on web are outdated.
3 votes
1 answer

MySQL proxy and SHOW PROCESSLIST query time

I have MySQL replication currently occurring between two masters bidirectionally, one in a data center locally, another over at Amazon EC2. Everything seems to function normally replication wise, no ...