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Questions tagged [normalization]

Normalization is the process of organizing columns into tables within a relational database in such a way as to minimize redundancy and avoid insertion, update and deletion anomalies.

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Database model for multi-channel notification system

We're currently redesigning the way our application sends out notifications to users (so far, it has been mainly calls at various places in the code, directly sending mails to the user) to a system ...
Daniel's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Customer Address Design Probelm

I'm designing a database for E-commercial. So the Customer have many address also 1 address also has many customers owned so I have another CustomerAddress table (many-to-many relation). Here detail : ...
John's user avatar
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Create a category column or a table for each category?

Which is better? Table: Words Columns: ID, Word, ParentWordID, CatID Table: Categories Columns: CatID, Category Or: Table: Words Columns: ID, Word Table: Categories Columns: CatID, Categories ...
simpatico's user avatar
-1 votes
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Should we repeat multilevel dependency reference columns to avoid multiple joins breaking the normal forms for better performance

In general I know repeating information in tables are not considered a good database design But I have a question for following particular design for multi level parent child relationship ...
Pawan Nogariya's user avatar
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3NF normalized table design

I am struggling with how to normalize a database where there is multiple addresses pr. user. The situation is that a user can have both a regular address and a delivery address. When a user make an ...
Soma Juice's user avatar
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Why do these examples not in 5NF exhibit update problems?

The tables below (Fig 17.20) were extracted from the book 'An Introduction to Database Systems' by C. S. Date, v. 1 -Longman Higher Education (1985) 4th edition. I don't understand the need for ...
Kelvin Aurélio's user avatar
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Handling two different types of relationships between same two tables

I'm working on a database where I have two tables where there can be different types of relationships between them, and I'm struggling with the best way to handle it because all the options I seem to ...
anjama's user avatar
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Why is the following decomposition into 2NF wrong?

Consider the relation R(A, B, C, D, E), with the functional dependencies being {BE->A, D->E}. What is R's decomposition in 2NF? The answer is R1(D, E); R2(B, E, A); R3(B, C, D) I've derived that ...
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Database design, one to one relation split into multiple tables

Let's assume we have following database: Or in pseudo sql format (all columns are not null): create table road ( id int PK ) create table item_on_road ( id int PK road_id int FK ...
ZiiMakc's user avatar
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what violates the first normalization rule

I was convinced that what violated the first normation rule was having a multivalued column. id name friends 1 'john' 'Maycon, Gabriel' That has multiple names in the same column. Compound ...
Diego Alves's user avatar
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Correct (as in normalized) way to express a relationship between 3 tables with complex(?) constraints?

I'll be using Postgres for the examples, but feel free to show examples in other databases if needed. The simplified schema: create table factory ( id serial primary key, detail text not null ); ...
Cidos's user avatar
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How to map question to chapters in a examination system?

I am going to create an multiple choice based examination system. I am new to database design and want your help to answer a few questions. How to model questions and questions category? Context: ...
lorem1213's user avatar
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Which is the best way to model different types of people and relationships in a database?

I have a scenario where I have two tables, person_natural and person_legal. Case 1: I have employees, farmers, customers, and suppliers. Should I have an enum in each table (person_natural or ...
Pedro Vitor's user avatar
-1 votes
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What normalization rules flattening one-to-many violate?

I'm trying to better understand NF in a theoretical sense. The data I have feels wrong but I'm not sure if/how it violates normalization Example table: product inc_charger inc_cable inc_headphones A ...
kiler129's user avatar
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Design for massive dimensional table to improve query time? Can it be partitioned horizontally?

I've never had this issue before -- but inheriting a big data project. There is a dimensional table "account" or "user" that contains every dimensions known to mankind. Or let's ...
user45867's user avatar
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Database design - normalisation query

I am a teacher and am querying a solution given by our examination board. The question is shown below and I'd like to ask for help in understanding why my solution would not be acceptable. Here's the ...
Tiny's user avatar
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Design and normalization issue : type of FK depends of an other field

I have a CapitalIncrease table, which contains a list of available payment methods. For each payment method, I need to put some data (SepaDocument OR Iban OR Crypto). Here is a mermaidjs graphic of ...
Valentin's user avatar
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Are functional depencies with boolean conditions a thing?

Suppose we have a relation R(A, B, C) with the FD A -> B. Let's say that, for two tuples t and u in R, if both t[C] and u[C] satisfy a boolean condition - say less than a constant C - then t[B] = u[...
Antônio Gabriel Zeni Landim's user avatar
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Best practices for heavily coded data in a relational database and lookup tables

I'm working on converting a legacy system into a more modern web application and I keep finding myself tripping over normalizing the data. The dataset is quite large; about 30 tables with around 15 ...
Kenny Read's user avatar
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Normalisation with an Underlying Hierarchy

I'm designing a new database schema, and every time I do, I like to check my assumptions on normalisation. Something I haven't been able to find a definitive answer for here or by searching the web is ...
Vocoder's user avatar
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3NF Decomposition and NP-Completeness

I have a question about the computational complexity of the algorithm that allows us to decompose a schema into 3NF. My book says that the decisional problem of telling if a schema complies with the ...
lorenzo_moni's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why is it a bad idea to have multiple values in a column in a relational database?

One problem I've found is slow database queries. If I had a table that had a column titled customer and another column titled grocery_items that contained multiple grocery items, then a simple query ...
Ixion Chowdhury's user avatar
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Overkill or good application of normalization to create parent table just to associate a collection of children

I have a situation where I need to keep a group of detail rows together but where the "parent" has no additional attributes and the "children" have no purpose on their own. I ...
CaseyR's user avatar
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Functional Dependencies and Armstrong notation fundementals [duplicate]

if AB -> C and B -> A does that mean B -> C? B -> B is trivial and if we do composition with B->A, it becomes (B-> BA), then by transitivity does that mean B->C? but if B -> C ...
Jonathan Kho's user avatar
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Correct entity relationship diagram representation of a normalized table with a NOT NULL foreign key

Intro Hi everyone, this is mainly a classification/theoretical question on the topic of inheritance and normalization techniques in database design and their appropriate representation in entity ...
papshmeare's user avatar
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Why is the relation in 3NF?

A relation is in 3NF (Third Normal Form) if it is in 2NF (Second Normal Form) and all the FDs (functional dependencies) in the relation are in the form X -> Y, where X is a superkey (a set of ...
zeeshanseikh's user avatar
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Help - Database design

We are implementing the new requirement in our current web application. If we discuss the database design for the new requirement, it appears to be more complex. Requirement - We have two webforms; ...
Rahul Hendawe's user avatar
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Foreign Keys As Composite Primary key

Can two non-key attributes of the same table be the composite primary key of another table?? In relation R(BCFGH) following set of FDs hold: B -> CFH CH -> G Since CH -> G is transitive ...
Munazza Iman's user avatar
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For selling items in a game, should the shop and item tables be merged?

I'm developing a game that uses a Postgres database. In the game players can have many different items, and each player can have multiples of an item (example: 200 apples). My item table currently ...
Ryan Peschel's user avatar
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Any benefit in replacing a varchar for an index in the main table?

I'm 'inherithing' the job of a database admin for a very small team (3-4 people) and while I know how to execute SQL queries relatively well and understand the basics of programming efficiency , I ...
JMenezes's user avatar
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How do I handle an INSERT to 2 tables within a transaction?

I have 3 tables in a Postgres DB: UserType -> ID, creation, delete, update, name User -> ID, creation, deleted, update, user_type_id Employee -> ID, creation, deleted, update, user_id (fk) ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Do "range" data types in PostgreSQL correspond to First Normal Form?

I have a task for my university project to confirm that the database I made is in Third Normal Form. I decided to use the "daterange" data type for one of the columns in my database, which ...
Losdrew's user avatar
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Is a "static" FK bad design? [duplicate]

I have a table table1 where records can have different status. If status=10 I need to store more information. In order to keep the db normalised I'm storing the extra information in a separate table, ...
Michael's user avatar
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Many to many relationship when join table takes two same entities and an additional one

as of right now I'm trying to design a database which contains data involving football matches. I have two tables: Match & Football Team both containing various attributes. These are connected via ...
pear's user avatar
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One-to-One? or One-to-Zero-or-One?

Scenario: I am being asked to create an HR training tracker for employees of a business. in this database I am using two tables: EMPLOYEE(EMPLID, LastName, FirstName, PrimaryEmail) with EMPLID as the ...
Nathan Willett's user avatar
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can two tables have same primary key and at the same time this primary key is a foreign key for one of them?

I have a table user id (PK) email username password status user_role profile_image created_at and another table: healthdata id (PK) age gender height goal weight ...
om1999's user avatar
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Is it normal to have 300 queries to display a single page? [closed]

The total number of queries is: Q1 * Q2 * Q3, it might be 25 * 3 * 4 = 300, or maybe even more. all of these is for a single user displaying a single page! Should I duplicate the data and store them ...
Alsaraha's user avatar
-1 votes
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Help with tables normalization for delivery system

i have a task to design a SQL database to represent a "delivery". I've been able to solve most of the needs, however i have doubts with one relationship: A delivery has an origin and a ...
Gammel's user avatar
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Why aren't normal forms defined more simply?

I believe that 2nd and 3rd normal form definitions could obviously be specified with less complexity, but they're not. The definition found in textbooks is something like this: 2NF: No partial FD ...
Mehrin's user avatar
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Set into multiple rows [duplicate]

I have the following data SQL> SELECT id, relatedIdInASet from tab; +----+------------------+ | id | relatedIdInASet | +----+------------------+ | 1 | [12,34,56] | | 2 | [11,12,22,34] |...
Nir's user avatar
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A clarification about data normalization

I've been a software developer for 8+ years now and I think I have a pretty good grasp of the concepts but as an entirely self-taught developer, I have some unfortunate gaps in proper terminology. ...
Patrik Šimunič's user avatar
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Normalizing an old database

I have a need to normalize an old PostgreSQL database, and I have an idea on how to do it which I would like to hear your opinions about. The aspect that needs to be fixed is this: We have a consumer ...
Magnus's user avatar
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How to design to avoid duplicate Foreign keys

I wasn't really sure how to title this question. I have three tables User, Photo and Album. A user has many Photo objects and many Album objects. However, after a User has added a given photo they may ...
Adam Strike's user avatar
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Is there a dependency preserving, lossless BCNF decomposition for this relational schema?

R(A,B,C) where {AB -> C , C -> A}. The candidate keys are {A,B} and {C,B}. This is in 3NF but not BCNF because of {C->A} . Now it seems like this can't even be split into a lossless BCNF, let ...
user2277550's user avatar
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Normalize to 1NF and 2NF, also 3NF (if possible)

I have a sample table with the dataset unnormalized, So I need to make it normalize in 1NF and 2NF and answer 5 different questions from those tables. Part of my dataset: (unnormalized) category |item ...
A l w a y s S u n n y's user avatar
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Separate table to store long string identifiers

In my postgres DB, have an assets and a sales table. The current owner of an asset is identified by an Ethereum address with 42 characters, e.g. 0x81238432CE9b51Fbc2b59AFD74Ba8D09863B8B00. A sale has ...
aimfeld's user avatar
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How to model data which sometimes (but not always) has a subsection?

I'm trying to help my wife create a schema for a project of hers, and I'm somewhat stumped by some of her data and how to model it. She has a bunch of "standards" that go in to a database. ...
Dave's user avatar
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Should a counter column with frequent update be stored in a separate table?

I have a MySQL/MariaDB database where posts are stored. Each post has some statistical counters such as the number of times the post has been viewed for the current day, the total number of views, ...
kataba's user avatar
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Create an index for fields within an array of composite type

My question is a follow-up to the question answered here: Considering a table with an array column of a composite type, is it possible with PostgreSQL to ...
Climax's user avatar
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Table normalization of given table

I've got a table and I'm supposed to figure out why it breaks with 1NF, 2NF and/or 3NF. I know the differences between these three, but I'm bad at telling what attributes are primary keys and what is ...
Ole-Johan's user avatar

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